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Topics - EliteDragon

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Beginner's Help and Guides / [GUIDE] Character Name Changing
« on: January 30, 2011, 10:25:18 pm »

This guide is for old version of cRPG, don't use it any more (with 0.220 and up)


For those who have been asking on how to do it, and of course the beloved new players.


1) Create another character in-game and name it w/e you want to change your name to.
*NOTE: Don't delete your the character with the old name just in case you still want to be playing during the time the name change is PENDING.
2) Join a cRPG server with character that has the new name.
3) Navigate to your character creation page (
4) Scroll down until you notice "Change your name to:" w/ a drop-down box next to it.
*NOTE: For those with the cool-looking character creation page (EYE-CANDY), navigate to the "Settings" tab at the top.
5) Click the drop-down box and click on the name of the character you created for the name change and click the "Change your name to:" box.

The drop-down box changes to something along the lines of "name change pending". Once your name has been changed, you can no longer login with the old name and have to login with that new name from then on, or until you decide to change the name again.

**NOTE: Namechanges are only allowed for either fixing typos or adding / changing clantags. It should usually happen in 5-24 hours.
               Whining about it not being fast enough extends it to a week. It also costs 1000 gold to apply for a name change.

Suggestions Corner / ACTUAL Retiring?
« on: January 08, 2011, 08:07:35 pm »
Any of you wish that you wouldn't have to put generation tags next to your character names after retiring?

I suggest that when you retire, it doesn't just disable your retired character and keep him there, but actually remove him from the database and transfers everything to the new generation character. That way, original names can be re-used and so it also saves space in the database.

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