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Topics - Rainbow

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General Discussion / Considering playing again
« on: January 17, 2019, 05:18:40 pm »
It has been a minute since I have played CRPG.  Does anybody play NA anymore?  Perhaps I shall make an appearance.  :-).

General Discussion / free respecs
« on: November 18, 2015, 10:53:25 pm »
How do I access my free respecs?  Is it true that everybody gets a free respec each week?  If so, it doesn't allow me to utilize it.  I don't think I have ever used one of these free respecs. 

General Discussion / NA1 admins needed
« on: November 02, 2015, 06:10:43 pm »
I just want to say that the servers are starting to get rather unruly.  We have infinite bro-coding going on which typically doesn't bother me but the delays have been so strong lately.  TK's at beginning of rounds are becoming more and more frequent.  Agi builds running away non-stop or just hiding until flags are capped. 

I have been playing this mod for a long time and before it seemed like issues were the exception but now it is becoming the norm.

Can we please get different admins or a couple of additional ones who are active?  I rarely even see any on anymore. 

Suggestions Corner / roll exp
« on: October 22, 2015, 09:48:49 pm »
It would be nice if we could play a character we want to play but apply the XP gained to a different character or even a % of xp gained on a different character.  Once you hit a certain level, in a practical sense you will not be leveling up anymore.  It would be nice to put that on whatever character you want to play without actually playing it.  I want a few different characters all level 36 but hate waiting to respec to try different things.

General Discussion / Fun addition
« on: July 10, 2014, 01:54:09 am »
I haven't made a post in quite some time.  Most of you know me as Gigglebyte and some know me as Rainbow.  At any rate, I was thinking up a unique idea that I don't believe would be overly challenging to implement.

My favorite maps are ones where each team goes 3 and 3 before the final 7th round on that map.  It is a rather rare occurence in intself but events like this actually require some degree of strategy (opposed to hack and slash hoping you deal more damage than you take).  With this rare occurance, it would be nice if something special happened on the final round no matter what.

I think each team should have one member illuminate with a pillar of light that touches the clouds.  That player is randomized (or even the top scoring player of the round).  If he/she dies, the other team wins.  To stop potential delay, flags will still be a factor.  This type of game play will mandate strategy on each side for the 7th and final round. 

General Discussion / GiggleKnight vs Tanken RESULTS INSIDE
« on: April 26, 2013, 08:12:20 pm »
Oh yes we are doing an official challenge! 

Best out of 9 and the loser has to wear bitch tags for a week. 

I know none of you are Miss Cleo but who do you think will win?


It was a glorious battle but after hours and hours of going at it GiggleKnight is the victor!!!!

The final score was 5 wins vs 1 loss.  Let it be known across the lands of *whatever these lands are called* that GiggleKnight reigns supreme!  Tanken will now be known as Tanken_Bitch_of_Gigglebyte!!!!!

Suggestions Corner / Healers added
« on: April 23, 2013, 08:11:39 pm »
Add an item to game like Simple Bandages and Resurrection bandages.

Simple bandages heal yourself or other players.  1 slot per bandage and it scales off of healing skill.  Healing scales off of AGI.
Every one point you have in Healing skill will heal 2 hit points of damage.  You need 3 AGI for 1 point in healing.  The only reason I'm saying AGI instead of INT is because it would stop us from adding a whole new attribute.  It will lock down you and the person you are healing until the healing is completed or you get interrupted by getting attacked.  The cast time (or heal time) on this is 5 seconds.  Choose the times to heal VERY wisely because making a mistake could cost you both your lives. 

Resurrection bandages as the name entails will resurrect a fallen teammate.  These will take up two slots.  It will be based off of healing skill and every point you have in healing will equal 3 points of HP the fallen teammate spawns with.  Same rules from above apply.  It takes 3 AGI to get 1 point in healing.  The cast time on this *and again; once you start, you cannot stop* will be 20 seconds.  CHOOSE WHEN TO RESURECT WISELY because there is a HIGH chance someone will find you and kill you within 20 seconds.

I think what makes this idea unique is the fact you cannot move or stop yourself once healing or resurrecting.  It will also create a new unique way to play that isn't ground breaking. 

Let's spice things up guys!!!!

General Discussion / Throwing weps
« on: April 17, 2013, 11:07:37 pm »
WTF is up w/ the repair rate on throwing weps.  165 WPF in throwing and my throwing weps get repaired 90% of the rounds.  This has GOT TO BE a bug of sorts.  I talked to chucky tosser who has over 170 WPF and his gets repaired almost every round too.  That should NOT be the case.....

General Discussion / Video card assistance
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:35:40 pm »
I use windows 7 and I updated my video driver and now CRPG runs w/ FPS lag.  How do I go back to my old driver? 

I use a 260x NVidia graffix card if that helps.  Thanks! 

I know there are a lot of computer wizzes that can breeze through questions like this.

Sell/Trade / I NEED +3 THROWING LANCE!!!
« on: April 16, 2013, 01:28:35 am »
I am willing to trade a +3 elite scimitar, +3 Khergit Guard Armor chest piece, +3 Rus bow.  I have the trade up in the market place right now.  (NOTE YOU ONLY GET ONE OF THOSE ITEMS). 

Game Balance Discussion / Nerf 2H on horseback
« on: April 13, 2013, 09:31:02 pm »
Holy shit it is OP as shit.  It 1 shots almost anybody and it can certainly 1 shot anybody given certain circumstances.  It has crazy reach and does insane damage w/ the ghost swing.  There is a reason you are seeing more and more and more of it.  It is time for it to be nerfed into the ground.

Also bumping damage was reduced but speed damage was increased and the result was more damage for getting bumped on horseback.  It is nutty how much some of these bumps are actually doing now.  Thank you for getting to the bottom of my text wall!  Peace be with all of you!

General Discussion / Are servers down right now
« on: March 03, 2013, 08:26:45 pm »
I can't see the server list.  Not sure if the servers or down or is there something I should do to get the servers to pop up?

NA (Official) / NA1
« on: February 03, 2013, 08:19:01 pm »
Just log in.  Siege equipment being built by many people for hours.  Not going to post screen shots or post names but if you log in you will see.

Suggestions Corner / Points for winning / losing duels
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:28:53 am »
What a neat concept indeed; however, I am not a fan.  I know it is a big e-peen thing which is of little consequence to me.  I would like it if there were an option to disable this feature so I cannot get points nor lose points and a tag be created when I activate this so others know. 

I remember back in the day when I would duel somebody and get knocked down, they would let me get back up to finisht he duel.  I have yet to be knocked down with this new system where I don't get beat to death on the ground which takes the fun out of it.  Also, I just duel to improve and I don't like how a lot of people won't even duel me now because I will take their points.  Even I have had reservations about dueling certain people because I might lose points.  I do not like this at all and I would like to know if we could consider an option to remove this feature as an option per character and create a banner or tag of sorts so everybody in duel server knows it is safe to duel you without fear of losing points!  Thank you very much!

Suggestions Corner / Fauchard buff
« on: January 21, 2013, 09:36:26 pm »
I'm not sure how but make it happen!!! I am going to make this wep popular!!!

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