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Topics - Duke

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Realism Discussion / Kicking and Manual Blocking at the same time.
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:59:42 am »
Yeah, I got owned by it.

On top of weapons never breaking (and I don't mean repairs), they can also stop blows while a guy stands on one leg.

GG..... gg

Suggestions Corner / Seasonal Weapon: Yuletide Log!
« on: December 07, 2011, 10:41:12 am »
I propose we whip up a quick seasonal weapon, the Flaming Yuletide Log!

It would be a blunt, 1H/2H weapon and on fire at the tip, sort of like a torch but much better.
It would be given, for free, to every player but unable to be sold or traded. Once Christmas / New Year is over, it is removed!

(OK, I know it is much too late to have this happen but Happy Holidays, just the same)

Suggestions Corner / Adding a 5th inventory box, still 4/4 slot limit.
« on: October 27, 2011, 05:25:41 pm »
The idea is adding a 5th inventory space but keeping the slot limit at 4.


To allow the equipping of a 0-slot weapon where you want to equip an extra quiver of ammo without foregoing a melee weapon.

Hammer (0-slots)
Shield (1 slot)
Bow/xbow (1 slot)
Quiver (1 slot)
Quiver (1 slot)


Peasant Knife (0-slots)
Bow/xbow (1 slot)
Quiver (1 slot)
Quiver (1 slot)
Quiver (1 slot)


Some of you may think this is an unnecessary 'buff' to pew-pewers but for players who are going to equip 3 quivers anyway... they may actually turn and fight now. Wouldn't you prefer that?

Suggestions Corner / Adding horses to DTV: Diminishing health as 'fuel'
« on: September 01, 2011, 08:14:01 pm »
My understanding from passing conversations is this:

Horses have been left out of DTV because they made the mode far too easy (I assume by kiting).  This is easy to believe if you've seen a player grab a horse during Nomad or Rohirric early enough in the wave where they can still grab all the aggro.

So my suggestion is this:

Allow horses but by their health drains as they are used, akin to fuel.
The exact rate of decay and the factors in the formula are up to chadz really, but here are some factors to consider:

HP drain is 100% linear, making the slower, more expensive horses always last longer (balanced by their cost)
HP drain is based on horse HP  minus its armor value (probably more balanced this way)
One or Both of the previous two ideas, with Riding ability further reducing HP consumption.

Suggestions Corner / Throwing weapon kill = spawn ammo x1
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:58:09 pm »
I can understand why spawning ammo embedded in a player's  model would be difficult, if not impossible, but I was hoping it's possible to spawn ammo upon a throwing kill. (on the spot of the kill, not auto-retrieve)

Spawning an entire satchel of ammo would obviously be OP, so I was thinking just make it ammo x1. In a way, this makes low ammo / high damage throwing weapons more appealing.  If you can guarantee a hit = death, you can keep the ammo going almost indefinitely (at least until it hits but fails to kill, i.e. a shield)

So, please vote, and leave feedback (such as if it's impossible to code, but only if you're a coder)

Suggestions Corner / Switching between alts (Select Class) in-game
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:32:35 am »
Pretty simple, and a cursory search did not reveal a topic for it:

Could we / should we be allowed to switch characters on the Select Class screen in-game?
It would need to reset Multipler and K/D ratio, but I see no reason why not, other than possible technical or security difficulties.
cRPG already recognizes alts by CD-key, so I see no reason why we should have to disconnect every time we want to change characters.

Suggestions Corner / Over-time dependent multipliers
« on: June 07, 2011, 11:24:24 am »
The following are my ideas, originally for Siege multiplier distributing:

For Siege:
If the flag is contested into Over-time, & Attackers lose:
Attacker -1 multiplier (NOT a full reset), Defender +1 multiplier
If the flag is contested into Over-time, & Attackers win:
Attackers +2 multiplier, Defender -2 multiplier (NOT a full reset)
If defenders win without over-time:
Attacker resets, Defender +3 multiplier
(The reason for +3 Defender, is because of -1 on Defenders 'winning' in Over-time)

If attackers win without over-time:
Attacker +3 multiplier, Defender resets


For Battle :
If your team wins in Over-time (the 2 flags)
+2 multiplier
If your team wins without Over-time
+3 multiplier
Losing in regulation
-3 multiplier (not full reset)
Losing in Over-time
Full reset

(This adaptation is to discourage delaying in Battle.)

Now tied in with these suggestions, altering base payout:
Needs lowering: I suggest payout be +650exp and 35g (instead of 1000exp and 50g) but the multiplier could go up to x10

(Ideas have been modified since first posting, but you should be able to change your vote)

Suggestions Corner / Chinese repeating crossbow
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:27:12 pm »

My Suggestion (approx. values)
At least three different types/models

Cost: 20k-35k

3-bolt clips
(because currently 12-count steel and 15-count regular are both divisible by 3)

30-50 cut damage (not pierce)
(keep in mind there is no PD or PT to boost this)

Speed rating (reload)

Missile speed



Slot requirements:
2 slots for the weakest, 3 slots for the strongest. Middle: ???
1 slot: weakest repeater
2 slot: middle repeater
3 slot: strongest repeater

Difficulty requirement(s):

General Discussion / NA Siege voteban abuse
« on: May 13, 2011, 06:32:15 am »
4 voteban polls in the last 10 minutes or so, 3 passing. It snowballed after the first one and I don't think any of them deserved it.

I don't know where to post this, sorry, but if there's an admin for this server around please hop on.

Suggestions Corner / Ideas for introducing Cha/Int into c-RPG
« on: February 26, 2011, 02:18:45 pm »
I mean for this to be a collaborative thread, so please post your own ideas in addition to feedback on mine.  I am assuming Int and Cha would start at 3, like Str and Agi, but they could always be lowered to 0 if needed.


Would have a specialty line of medium armor & weapons that factor Str & Cha into the requirement.  So if there's a 'Leader Armor' with Req 15, then Str + Cha must = 15+.  You could have a Str of 9 and Cha 6, for example.  Ideally these items would be slightly weaker / more expensive than a normal Str 15 item, but close enough in quality to make Cha builds viable.

Note: You could still use these weapons with 0 Cha (for non-Cha users, but the extra gold cost would make it frivolous)

Leadership skill (Charisma)
Allow a permanent 'buff aura' around the character, such as +2.5% damage/armor/shield bonus per Leadership level.   The aura applies to yourself as well.  I am talking about one aura boosting all 3, but it could be broken down to specific boosts if needed. If nothing else, breaking them down would allow more 'Leaders' per team.
Same-type Auras do not stack, however. (takes the highest friendly aura).  Too many 'leaders' on a team would generally be a bad thing.

If the buff were done separately, there would be different Banners that must be bought and equipped into a slot.  I suppose this could give a person reason to buy & equip three different banners, lol....

At any rate, Leadership skill level would be the Req for equipping these items.

Trade skill (Charisma)
Lowers repair costs 5% per level (not purchase cost).  Arguably 10% per level. Might need to re-dub it "Repair skill" for this reason.  I think lowered purchase cost would be too exploitable, i.e. roll a high Trade character, buy all the expensive stuff, then retire...

I had a thought in the Gold Sink thread about Masons/Carpenters being able to repair structures. Most useful on Siege defense naturally, it could still be applied to ladders and siege walls in other situations. Intelligence and Engineering could be adapted to that idea:,1758.msg39897.html#msg39897

I am unsure if Intelligence should give 1 extra skill point like in Native, but I think it should.  On one hand, Int would have no benefit towards better weapons or armor on its own, but it could have some very useful skills. (Namely Healing.) Please discuss.

Engineering skill (Intelligence)
Req for purchasing greater hp ladders/siege walls/etc. Could also erect the items faster per level.

Healing (First-Aid) skill (Intelligence)
Restores non-lethal damage by 7.5% per level, via aura. Applies to yourself and teammates.  Meaning damage received is applied first, the skill will not save you from 1-shot kills. If you/your teammate survive the hit, you get 7.5% back (per Healing level).  Again, this aura does not stack with other Healing auras, but it does stack with a Leadership aura. I would round number .5 or higher up to the nearest whole number, like normal math rounding.

This will not save you from massive falling damage, and it only applies if you are in an ally Healing Aura at the time of the injury, it cannot be healed afterward.


You take 40 damage, but you survive.  You, or a nearby teammate, had lv 3 Healing so that's 22.5% hp restored (9 hp).

Or you take 5 damage and live, and you/ally has lv 3 healing: you get 1.125 hp back, rounded down to 1 hp.

I came to 7.5% per level because 5% seemed too weak, and 10% was OP.  (At 10%, anyone with lv 10 Healing would completely heal any non-lethal damage...) Keep in mind, to have this skill you'd have to defer stat points to Intelligence AND skill points to Healing.

Furthermore, you could require a medic banner or medical kit that takes up 1 slot and has its own costs and repairs, to further commit the player who wants to fill this role.

Path-finding skill (Intelligence)
I don't know what % boosts Athletics give, so it's hard to say what boost this should be... I would say 1 Path-find is weaker than 1 Athletics, but combined it could make for an interesting ninja group. I would say require it have a Banner buff too, or at least require 1 slot equipped (such as a 'Map' item)

Perhaps it could also lower any walking/falling noise you & nearby allies make. Debatable whether it should lower all sounds you make, such as drawing weapons. (Would be the 'ninja' skill)


I'm not going to aggressively push any of these ideas, I just like to think of things.  I do think c-RPG would be more interesting with more stat-trees, however.  I tried to take cues from the Native skills.

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