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Topics - Balton

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Less than 10 defenders showed up, which resulted in flags being capped almost instantaneously.

This is a sign that neutral fiefs failing to pay should be a top priority hotfix. It's only going down-hill from this point, pretty soon less than 5 people will show.

These endeavors are turning Strategus into a mockery.

Buy / Buying +3 Mail Boots for 1.2mil
« on: October 30, 2011, 10:42:49 am »
Looking for +3 Mail Boots, offering 1,200,000 gold.

Sell/Trade / Selling loom point 500k available right now
« on: October 11, 2011, 04:23:41 pm »
Available right now for 500k, I have 27str.

Won't be up for long.

Closed Requests / Unban Balton, a victim of biased moderation
« on: October 02, 2011, 09:14:06 am »
I received a 5 day ban on account of three infractions, this is my defense on the matter, as the previous thread was closed only two hours after a moderator asked me to justify my actions, during which time I was away from home.

The first, I was sitting on the roof, when a teammate came up to me and started punching me, I started punching back, we were having a fun time, fist fighting each other. If you find her in-game, she will vouch that the tk was a mutual & harmless event (this is the only action for which I can understand being banned for, but a five day ban for boxing a friend is ridiculous).

The second, I tked a friend that I was stuck with outside the boundaries of the map. We got propelled there by a dead ladder, and managed to survive the fall. However, we got stuck inside a small hole (one you can fall into, but cannot climb out of). We spent the rest of the round trying to get out, to no avail. The time came around when we were the last two alive, so we decided to set one another free. Due to me being a strength build, I killed him first, and immediately went to spectator after. Again, if you find him in-game and ask him about the incident, I am positive he will vouch for me.

The third, leeching. There is only one case of me "leeching", and that was when I became stuck with my friend.

Do these actions warrant a five day ban? Maybe a one day ban at most, but even that would be a harsh penalty, as no one was griefed by these actions (one can even go so far as to say that unintentional teamkills grief people more than these two kills). The fact of the matter is, both tks were of mutual consent. Such tks occur on the server on a daily basis between clan-mates (clan-mates killing each other from fist fights, and at end of rounds (my first and second incident, respectively)), but no bans are ever given out for such actions (maybe a warning, or perhaps a kick at most).

Special shout out & my thanks to Bear, who tried to fight against the oppressive fascism by which an immature moderator rules. A moderator who has attempted to grief and harass me many times, both in-game and the forums, especially before he was given the power of moderation. Now, that moderator just gives me unjust overly lengthy bans instead.

Unban Balton, 2011. Remove the moderator rights from Sequel as well, for he clearly only banned out of a personal vendetta. As previously stated, clan-mates & friends killing each other at the end of rounds is often seen, yet Sequel never bans people when this happens in his presence, especially not for five days (biased moderation to the extreme).

Quote from: Braeden
Reason: Crimes against language, pre-emptive prevention of chat spam

Unban will come when acceptable, on topic essay written regarding the Rights of an Online Community, 500 words.

Dispute may be taken up in the Admin Abooze forum.

I have been banned for three days already, for literally nothing. The reason even states "pre-emptive", meaning I have not broken any rules.

I know a lot of people might hate me and some might find this to be funny, but an admin is clearly abusing the ban system. It's funny for some of you now, but when you get banned like this for no reason, you will no longer be laughing.

So could I get a top admin or developer to unban me?


I pm'd Fasader about it, he said I am unbanned, but I am still banned, maybe it's because Braeden banned me on all of my characters?

Reason: Crimes against language, pre-emptive prevention of chat spam

Unban will come when acceptable, on topic essay written regarding the Rights of an Online Community, 500 words.

Dispute may be taken up in the Admin Abooze forum.

I have been banned for three days already, for literally nothing. The reason even states "pre-emptive", meaning I have not broken any rules.

I know a lot of people might hate me and some might find this to be funny, but an admin is clearly abusing the ban system. It's funny for some of you now, but when you get banned like this for no reason, you will no longer be laughing.

So could I get a top admin or developer to unban me?

Game Admin aBooze / Nomination: Braeden
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:36:39 am »
I am banned from EU1, yet again, this time for a different reason (another reason that is completely not legitimately viable, just like the last).

Reason: Crimes against language, pre-emptive prevention of chat spam

Unban will come when acceptable, on topic essay written regarding the Rights of an Online Community, 500 words.

Dispute may be taken up in the Admin Abooze forum.
Test case prepared. Lets see how this works.

He's clearly testing the waters, to see how much he can get away with.

First he has banned me, soon countless other innocent victims shall perish if he is not usurped from his corrupt throne of power.

Also, it is pathetic how he is making a mockery of the very rules that are meant to restrict his power. Clearly he is under the impression that he can break rules & do whatever else he pleases without consequence. I see this as a direct challenge to chadz' power, since this system was implanted by chadz himself.

Come, my brothers, let us gather up on this most holy of nights, and avenge our fallen comrades! For glory, for justice, for the sake of a fair system!

Game Admin aBooze / Nomination: [ptx]
« on: February 24, 2011, 12:52:06 pm »
So I am banned from EU1. Considering I was playing there about 20 hours ago with no problems, I can only assume it was because I flamed ptx on the forums.

Was it wrong of me to flame ptx? I suppose so, but it was only in retaliation to his flames.

Seems very immature to ban someone because they beat you at something that you started with them.

As I understand, I was banned for this:
And ptx, your low intelligence is detrimental to my mental health, but you don't see me complaining.

It was a reply to this:
The only time i have seen you ingame was in the first fallen tournament, where your spamming ass was the first i put down in one qualifying round.
And, no, only chadz can hand out DB bans. This isn't about opinions, this is about attitude. You are detrimental to this community, i bet a lot of people would want to see you gone, the rest not really caring.

As you can see, he calls me detrimental, I call him detrimental, bam I am banned. Seems like if I am banned, he deserves a ban as well.

Also, his statement is ironic, because he states that it isn't about opinions, but he fails to realize that what he perceives my effect on this community to be is an opinion, and then he acts outs on his opinion.

Closed Requests / Unban Balton, abooze abooze
« on: February 24, 2011, 12:49:41 pm »
So I am banned from EU1. Considering I was playing there about 20 hours ago with no problems, I can only assume it was because I flamed ptx on the forums.

Was it wrong of me to flame ptx? I suppose so, but it was only in retaliation to his flames.

Seems very immature to ban someone because they beat you at something that you started with them.

As I understand, I was banned for this:
And ptx, your low intelligence is detrimental to my mental health, but you don't see me complaining.

It was a reply to this:
The only time i have seen you ingame was in the first fallen tournament, where your spamming ass was the first i put down in one qualifying round.
And, no, only chadz can hand out DB bans. This isn't about opinions, this is about attitude. You are detrimental to this community, i bet a lot of people would want to see you gone, the rest not really caring.

As you can see, he calls me detrimental, I call him detrimental, bam I am banned. Seems like if I am banned, he deserves a ban as well.

Also, his statement is ironic, because he states that it isn't about opinions, but he fails to realize that what he perceives my effect on this community to be is an opinion, and then he acts outs on his opinion.

Faction Halls / [GoD] Gods of Death
« on: February 23, 2011, 12:21:27 pm »
Death Gods
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

The definition of a God (clan requirement):
A supernatural, typically immortal being with superior powers.

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Unban Essays / The Inevitable Rise of Greed and Grind in Online Games
« on: February 16, 2011, 06:14:10 am »
500 words, Topic: "the inevitable rise of greed and grind in online games"
Take your time.

Disclaimer: English is not my native language. Also, this sacred scripture is probably more than 500 words. Frankly, I could care less for requirements, as my tested typing speed is over 200 words a minute.

First, I’ll start off with an explanation for why I have decided to write this awe-inspiring tome of knowledge. I realized that chadz has made a request to hear my heavenly subjective opinion, and in return is willing to make changes to the game, as informed by a Godly being such as myself. Everyone reading this should envy me, for they do not possess a means to manipulate this grand opportunity.

Now, on to the main topic: why c-rpg is so fucked up, how it has been ruined, and why it is too late (minus a sliver of hope that continues to faintly glow in a pit of unending despair) to undo the erroneous judgments which have occurred in the past. Also, a little disclaimer note should be added, and this point-in-time seems best. The Oracle of Delphi was considered to be able to communicate with the Gods, and thus had the ability to make divine judgment. Her place of residence was examined by French archaeologists, and they found her source of inspiration. She acquired her foresight via inhalation of fumes produced by natural chemical reactions in her lair. Basically, before she gave people advice, she would get so high that standing became difficult. I have adopted her methods for the purpose of this essay, although my drugs are not nearly as powerful. And so it begins…

chadz, you have fucked your game up. It all started on January 11th, when the retirement system was re-introduced without a set minimum time similar to what was seen in the previous system. There are currently people who are higher than gen 20, and retire every two days. They wear fully heirloomed gear, which gives them a major advantage over the other players. Of course, you implanted this system to reward time investment into your mod, because, this way, the more you play the greater advantage you gain over everyone else. These players wish to gain such an advantage for various reasons. Generally, the cause is not greed, but rather, an inferiority complex. People seek to gain unfair advantages over those who are better than them, which will in turn allow them to win. This is not what the game should be based on. Not having a life shouldn’t give people an unfair advantage over those who have superior skill. Thus, you should (although you probably won’t, as you are too lazy, lazy chadz!) remove the system which handicaps everyone who refuse to spend all their time playing the game.  I understand you are trying to mine a player base, but you really need to come up with a different method.

I also understand a different reason of why players would try to handicap (relatively) those around them. Such a reason is the only acceptable & morally just one. It is the fact that their opponents have an unfair advantage that they received on an inert basis. What could such an advantage possibly be, you might ask… Well, you see, the advantage is simple: it’s a ping difference. Clearly, a player with a lower ping has an advantage over a player with a higher ping. So, to conclude this point: Give heirlooms based on ping rather than time invested into the game. But in what manner could such a system possibly be implanted, you might ask. Well, you see, myself being a jack-of-all-trades, as well as a genius, I have already come up with the answer to your woes (now you may sleep soundly at night). The solution would be to apply heirloom bonuses on items at a tick which would occur once every x amount of seconds. X is a specified range of numbers, one of the numbers in this range will be chosen at random, and will define what the timer is for the next heirloom tick. The range of x could be anything, but the range 1-60 seems like a solid base to start with. Anyway, this bores me, I am sure you can figure out the rest without me holding your hand.

About a ladder system, your game desperately needs one. People are bored of your game and fuck around a lot. This means: Lamers, Tkers, Afkers, God-Knows-What else. An individual ladder system which is based on win ratio would greatly help reduce the number of these scum, whom are being encountered surprisingly often.

Now, amalgamate all of the ideas I have so gracefully blessed you with, chadz. Do not allow these words of wisdom to fall upon deaf ears, for it is your duty as a donkey (and a human being) to implant these magnificent suggestions into the game. If you do as I have said, fortune will fall upon you & your family, and your game shall bloom into a magnificent flower of prosperity. I have done my part. You, in return, must not disappoint the Gods.

To sum it all up: High gens with no life have a monopoly on c-rpg, the game is fucked.

Closed Requests / My character is gone
« on: February 15, 2011, 08:17:05 am »
I was multiboxing, but I was still topping the charts on both computers. Thought it was only not allowed if you leech? Restore me, thanks ^.^

Faction Halls / [LL] Lost Legion
« on: February 13, 2011, 06:04:20 am »

General Off Topic / Is there a way I can change my password?
« on: February 12, 2011, 06:14:35 pm »
Without entering my current? I forgot my current password. The only reason I am able to log in is because my browser remembers it. I don't have an email or security question registered with the account. Or am I better off just creating a new account (I don't want to lose all these hard-earned troll points!)? Thanks.

General Discussion / My items aren't appearing in-game for selection
« on: February 09, 2011, 01:23:54 am »
A large amount of my items aren't appearing in-game for selection. Did I reach the item limit? Do I have to sell off some equipment in order to be able to use my favorites again?

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