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Messages - tortoul

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Hide Boots
« on: February 05, 2018, 09:45:01 pm »
Does anyone have it?
I got
Irish Sword
Wisby Gloves
Irish Sword
Mongolian Lamellar Vest

do not hesitate to contact me)

2 exchanges, please
thank you!

Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Nomad Vest
« on: January 28, 2018, 09:34:21 pm »
Looking for+3 Nomad Vest

Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Composite Bow
« on: January 26, 2018, 08:31:36 am »
btw, there is another guy reading our chat
he already offers LM + 133k) It's becoming kinda auction)
So I add 150k
I guess no matter with whom you exchange you gonna get profit from this deal))

Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Composite Bow
« on: January 26, 2018, 08:14:44 am »
Hey, Cassi!
any decision?

Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Composite Bow
« on: January 25, 2018, 03:41:21 pm »
Right here waiting
An offer of  Mighty Long Maul + 123456 gold for Masterwork Composite Bow is at the marketplace.
I guess someone named _vincent reads our chat here, as he placed an offer as well. Don't make the wrong  trade  :wink:

Buy / Re: Looking for +3 Composite Bow
« on: January 25, 2018, 02:36:21 pm »
I can:

add 111k to Long Maul
decrease demands for additional gold to 55k for Leather Gloves
add 55k to Saracen Lamellar Cuirass

Also I can trade  Great Long Axe, but I love it too much to give it away without at least 55k compensation)

What say you?

Buy / Looking for +3 Hide Boots
« on: January 25, 2018, 08:21:30 am »
Does anyone have it?
I got
Irish Sword
Wisby Gloves
Irish Sword
Mongolian Lamellar Vest

do not hesitate to contact me)


It's a real issue for people that still play.

You can lose your banner completely, or if you buy another banner you are forced to wear the currently uploaded image or go back to using one of the default banners (and waste the slot you just purchased).

Fixing the issue requires input from one of the devs, but they are launching their own game into Steam Early Access in August so I do not expect them to have a ton of spare time to work on this free mod I'm afraid.

Considering this is not an issue that actively prevents people from playing cRPG if they want to (though it harms some of the enjoyment), I would not recommend expecting or waiting for a quick fix to this. Instead, plan as if this is going to be an ongoing issue and either purchase a banner you like the look of on 'auction' or start wearing one of the standard banners in game if you have your own clan.

Equally, if this suits you it is always possible to join an existing clan that has a banner you like the look of, as long as they always win the auction for that slot you wont lose it.
thanx, clear and disappointing

If you buy the same bannerslot, you won't lose your banner, it only happens when you try to update.
that bacame clear to me when the bannen that i have bougt didn't change. that has been not a problem before. and what now?
for example if if i buy Merc banner slot i will have Merc banner for 60 days, adn what Merks are to do? does that mean that they lost their banner too?

Hi once more.
11 days left till our banner expires, but there is still no improvement (for yesterday). is it gonna be fixed? and have our gold gone without a trace?

it may sound a little greedy, but would you mind giving us back those days, that we couldnt have our banner, pls?
i i mean, it would be just if banner time starts at 60 days again, when the problem is fixed

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Can't update launcher
« on: March 29, 2016, 09:49:22 pm »
When the window pops up, go for update, then when it fails press NO and it will start normally :)
everyone gets that error!/msg1216478/#msg1216478
i expirience the same prolem
after i press NO c-rpg starts to update, but it finishes with themessage "c-rpg was not installed" all the time
what to do?

Buy / Re: Lordly Red Steppe Helmet
« on: July 15, 2015, 05:50:53 am »
Steppe helmet required

Sell/Trade / MW Kreigmesser I Trade
« on: April 19, 2015, 12:51:32 pm »
Offers, which i want you to add some gold:
Military Scythe
Red Tassel Spear
Quarter Staff

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