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Messages - Lorenzo_of_Iberia

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Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: December 17, 2012, 12:09:58 pm »
I left and therefore everyone assumed over did :P

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: November 04, 2012, 09:48:10 pm »
My nomad friends,

I had some great times with so many of you. You guys truly were the most fun to play with and I thoroughly enjoyed the past year and a half. I am however a bit tired of crpg and am playing my cavalry character less and less. For this reason I am going to leave the Great Khans. I will try not to aim too much for you lads on the rare occasion I play ;)


P.S. I demand a civil war :P

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 30, 2012, 09:25:28 pm »
Adios Dark, we had a good run :P

Bows and swords got nerfed and i don't see too many archers and gs users exept bjord and gtx (who always whine) to bich arrond.

Horses were nerfed
Lance angle loss
now loss of couch

I think there are other nerfs but lancers have been nerfed again and again :P I have rarely been couched off the spawn because I actually spawn and check behind me when I hear hooves :P Hoplite / xbow / ninja build, all of them i don't get couched because I am attentive. But you know ha / horse xbow and horses throwers were at risk from high damage lance attacks. I am a horse thrower and from now on will thoroughly enjoy running around, safe in the knowledge that i can survive a couple of heavy lances ;) expect lots more mobile ranged classes from now on!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: How to discourage no-risk playstyles?
« on: October 25, 2012, 01:29:07 pm »
I've been playing HA for a while now

Who the hell are you? :P

Game Balance Discussion / Re: How to discourage no-risk playstyles?
« on: October 23, 2012, 01:34:18 pm »
replying to Jankins here joker ;). But the whole idea that ha can eternally avoid you is rubbish. They run out of ammo eventually or get shot down. It is the same concept with kiting ranged tbh. If no cav is about then no one can catch him and he can kite eternally. There is no difference. With flags though this problem of delaying at the end is mostly not an issue atm. Most Ha I know charge into melee when presented with difficult odds but even if they don't, flags appear quick enough for it not to matter.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: How to discourage no-risk playstyles?
« on: October 23, 2012, 11:19:05 am »
Seriously, if you can't kill a HA or outlast him dont pick a fight with it. Cavalry cant kill pikemen, 1h swords struggle against horsemen, non shield players cant chase down an archer. HA are not invincible it is just that you are clearly not playing a class that has the ability to counter them unless they do something stupid. If you want to counter them so much go play ranged and shoot their horse (an easy target) or play hoplite and protect the rear of your team or just take a throwing weapon.

As I said I can testify to their ability to die because I do kill them and quite a lot. My standard xbow/ 1h / shield alt brings down their horses with consumate ease, they often just get killed on the ground a minute later (if that). If I can do that at lvl 22 they clearly are not invincible :P

Game Balance Discussion / Re: How to discourage no-risk playstyles?
« on: October 21, 2012, 01:32:55 pm »
TLDR version: HA is fing high risk you pillock.

Best TLDR version ever :P

To add my input. I have played most horse classes and also a lot of melee classes (by no means do I claim to be good at any of these). HA do minimal damage as it is, assuming they hit their target. Not many horse archers can fire well off horseback at full speed and so you will notice the HA / HX slow down to a walking pace to fire. This exposes them to lancers / other ranged (they stick out). All this to maybe do 1/3 of damage to an unarmoured peasant. Lets not also forget the horrendous upkeep for a HA, arrows, horse, bow.

Now I will list the classes I have played that when played well counter ha.

- Hoplite : seriously just hold that huscarl shield high and watch them try to get round you
- Any ranged : even a normal xbow unloomed is pretty devastating to an arabian (a common eu1 ha horse)
- Lancer : stupid lancers just charge after a ha chasing them for eternity. This rarely works and you end up with a dead horse. Keep your distance, take your moment and go for a single strike. If you miss, just run off towards your own team and retry later.
- any teamplayer : stick a pike being a shield and get that shield to know where you want protection from. No ha is gonna waste their time on that :P

This argument seems all very pointless anyway because if NA1 is anything like Eu1, very few maps allow HA to play at its full potential as an open field map appears ever full moon atm :P

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 07, 2012, 06:13:44 pm »
Shoot, I actually have a league blood bowl match at that time. its the only time my opponent can do. If someone else wants to try and organise a trainign session in my place then please do, otherwise we may have to delay this til next week :P

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 07, 2012, 02:58:17 pm »
i think ill rather go to strat battles

Its only optional anyways :P Is there a strat battle on then?

Meh we'll have half an hour to try some stuff tbh before the attack on drz :p

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [BALANCE] Javelins
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:55:12 pm »
On the subject of throwing axes, I really think they also could do with a buff. I have said that most of throwing is in dire need of an overhaul.

However throwing axes do cut damage, which makes them arguably better at killing. Here is why :

To kill an archer in light armour - 3 javelins, 2 throwing axes
To kill a peasant - 2 javelins (sometimes 3 I have found), 1 throwing axe (whenever i wear a robe on foot, a single throwing axe kills me)
To kill a horse - 5 fecking javelins in a courser (this is insane), 2-3 throwing axes I find will take a courser down.

Basically while javelins do pierce damage making them do more damage against armour, they are still pretty pathetic against armour as I have explained. Throwing axes do cut, so do jack shit against armour but against a lighter opponent they give a great return on damage.

I still think throwing axes are still under represented and need a change, but maybe not so much as javelins.

Faction Halls / Re: [GK] Great Khans - cav clan
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:48:59 pm »
Guys training tonight. 9pm CET. Yes Im gonna try and get us in on the fallen training :P

Good :D The number is building ;) You were a hoplite surhay? or a peltast ? :P

Right guys, I am gonna put some effort into rebuilding PL.

We need all kinds and alt characters are accepted. Just join the steam group and post here if you want to apply.

Your membership will require as little dedication / play time as you decide but remember that the more players we have, the bigger our force and the more spears in our ranks ;)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: [BALANCE] Javelins
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:48:10 pm »
Javelins are my thing, the other pierce throwing weapons never appealed. I'm asking for them to be reviewed because I think that they are not nearly worth the money atm. Simple as, just like the wakazashi isn't worth the gold to use :P

Plus I am not asking it to be better than jarids or throwing spears, just closer to them in competetiveness. If Javelins were better than them then I'd ask for a nerf :P

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