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Messages - Hubert

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cRPG Technical problems / Why can't i play crpg?
« on: January 07, 2015, 07:11:17 am »
Heres the screen of situation, I've tried to launch crpg and this is what shows..
I didn't do anything so i dont know why its happening.
I can only play crpg offline
Help please ;)

Unban Essays / Unban Essay 'how to control rage'
« on: August 14, 2014, 03:25:44 pm »
Hello, it is me again.
First of all I'd like to say sorry for thing I have done months ago. Reasons that I have been banned a 'while' ago was unmature behaviour and insulting Druzhina_mrVitovt and starting a ban poll without a reason.
I feel sorry about it, cause at that time, i didnt know how to control rage, i was mad, and for that I really feel sorry. We're all humans..
This mod, has a rules, and I broke them. I broke them not once, not twice, but many times. Many times with almost this same reason all the time.
Now, I do know how to control rage, I know there are better ways of behaviour.

I know also that flaming, spamming, insulting and all those stuff like that are bad. It took me a while to think about it.
I am not mad on admins for banning me, because they did the right thing. I'd like to explain why my behaviour in this game was so bad..
It was mostly because a tons of childrish rage inside me. Because I wanted to be the best no matter it takes, I didnt show respect to anyone.
And I didnt take care of rules... I do now.

Also, I do wanna say that the main reason I want to be unbanned is I love this mod, i made many friends in this mod and it was hard for me when i couldnt play with them..
Actually I want  promise you that If I get unbanned, i will never do anything against the rules. I wont break the law again, and for that, you've got my word.
For me, for my clan it was a shame, and I want to repair it all, I do really want to earn a last chance from you guys. I want to start from bottom.
It's all what I wanted to write about it, now it's up to you =)


Unban Essays / Unban essay ' how to control rage'
« on: June 09, 2014, 08:02:03 pm »
Okay, the thing that I was banned for was like four days ago. It happened only because i went full retard on a guy that I fought with.
Look, He killed me a few times, I was raging all the time on him . I just didnt got any arguments at that moment, i just was insulting this guy with no reason. unbelievable. Thats a bad behaviour at all. after all i've just clicked on the ban poll at EU_3, the ban wasnt accepted, but the guy took an screenshot. im not going to say that i am sorry or something, it was just a bad day for me, was so silly to play crpg with that rage i had that day..
But the thing is it just lame for my clan that they have such a guy like me that is only looking for a problems. It was mistake to do that ban poll, ofc a lot of people are insulting with each other on the servers, so in that case i will not say 'sorry' or something like that.
Its funny because i just totally can't loose, this guy killed me, i shouldnt.. i shouldnt even fight with him , i knew it he'll beat me in some seconds.

the reason i want to be unbanned is that i love the guys from Barabe, i want to play with them. What I am trying to say is this mod means for me almost nothing, cause its only a game, but this game is like the only one way to communicate and play with those guys.

look, im not first time here, making a new unban essay.. its not the first time.. but i can say that was the last time i did such a silly thing..
also a lot of people will read this essay, a lot of people can say that on the servers im being very unmature or something. I just cant control my rage, im trying to. In a normal life im a nice guy, but in this game i became a someone that is only looking for a problems, some kind of fighting with other people. I've been always trying to tell other people that im better in all things..

However, i will not write anymore here. If administration will say that ive got a chance to prove my wrong, that ive got a chance to repair things i have destroyed, it will make me happy, because it will be a challenge for me to change my self. If im not going to be unbanned i will leave this community. Because writing the same story (this same essay with same shit inside) twice here is just not in my style..

Im not hoping that u will unbann me, i hope your decision will be fair.

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:24:44 pm »
Exactly why I think this post :

Was sarcasm. And you didn't catch it.

yeh my fault lol im not good at jokes n' sarcasm man ;c

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:19:40 pm »
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no.. lol .. when gtx gets killed he always saying luck lag omg opened window i had no keyboard warband crash etc etc ...

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: September 01, 2013, 09:07:24 pm »
GTX best duelist. if he didnt have lags n shit he would rape native and crpg

STAB + SPAM ??? Okocha would eat him in 3 secs. Maybe I wouldn't beat him in cRPG but I remember when he was once on Nditions and fought with me. He really sucks on native ...

General Discussion / Re: why do native players hate crpg?
« on: August 31, 2013, 08:56:19 am »
Well Native is really boring cause all you have to do is play the same maps over and over again.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Merc_Armoured_Saint
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:54:00 am »
hope just not erzengel cause he is bad admin lol

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Merc_Armoured_Saint
« on: August 26, 2013, 09:39:38 am »
enjoy a break ;)

General Discussion / Re: Barabe vs Grey_Order duels
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:24:16 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Barabe vs Grey_Order duels
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:21:44 pm »
hey if you care so much I will +1 every  your posts here now k?

I lol'd .. i dont care about it i just remember there was full of Green not the Red :)

Global / Re: Leaving cRPG. wish to leave my char to another player
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:20:22 pm »
if you want to someone to take care of account u can PM me :)

im just curious what does that means :D ?

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General Discussion / Re: Barabe vs Grey_Order duels
« on: August 25, 2013, 11:13:37 pm »
and I want to know who the heck gave me so much infancy or whatever its called lol gf wp..
I smell total bullshit..

EDIT: Infamy :)

General Discussion / Re: Barabe vs Grey_Order duels
« on: August 25, 2013, 04:43:34 pm »
People took this thread seriously?  :lol:

hint: anyone can nominate anyone

It is like the Champion's of Europe when I had 4 votes and Okocha 9 :P really cant believe someone took it seriously ;C

General Discussion / Re: Hottest player in C-RPG
« on: August 25, 2013, 12:01:02 pm »
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it cant be you :D :D

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