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Messages - Le_Mikz

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Closed Requests / Re: Unban request which shouldnt happen
« on: November 15, 2013, 07:10:29 pm »
He's banned until he changes his mind about teamkilling. I already wrote it on the thread he opened after the ban.

 Oh finally man answers in here :D:D I sent you also personal msg weeks ago and you didnt reply... still.

 So its up to his mind? How cute :D This really Is kinden garden...

Closed Requests / Re: Unban request which shouldnt happen
« on: November 14, 2013, 10:56:42 am »
 He still cant play and also it says here "on his profile" that   "banned CRPG until cancelled"


 I know that unbanning isnt as nice as banning.. but... soon he have been banned for one month instead of 3 days...

Closed Requests / Unban request which shouldnt happen
« on: November 04, 2013, 12:36:18 am »

 OdiProfanum got banned for three days. Its been three weeks now.

 We have stuff going on in strategus and we need him.

 Admin "cmpxchg8b" didnt reply for message which I sent him three days ago... So this is last hope

Diplomacy / Re: The Kalmar Union (EU) Diplomacy
« on: October 26, 2013, 06:59:12 am »
I wish you good luck in this war Le Mikz, hope for alot of fun and good xp for all - have fun - I promise I will not do forum wars like the last war and we will try and keep the battletimes civil and at primetime


 Try little harder with "primetime"- part :) Or you shouldnt promise..

Diplomacy / Re: The Kalmar Union (EU) Diplomacy
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:29:18 pm »
Then he wouldn't have given you Wercheg, no? We attacked you cause of more lands and we all dislike you (Actually just speaking for myself). Just don't try to change to our side  :lol:

 Panos's ass have tasted sword already twice. On his post you can see his red ass now:

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 You have butthurt cause you went against wrong man Panos :)


 And we can always talk even we doesnt know things. Wercheg were bought from Greys. Not from Grandmom.

 They say that some people are just waste of air..

Diplomacy / Re: The Kalmar Union (EU) Diplomacy
« on: October 24, 2013, 12:14:44 pm »
I wish you good luck in this war Le Mikz, hope for alot of fun and good xp for all - have fun - I promise I will not do forum wars like the last war and we will try and keep the battletimes civil and at primetime


 You dont even try to explain anything... :D Cause there is no explanation.. not other than your personal feeling

 Yea cheers and have fun

Diplomacy / Re: The Kalmar Union (EU) Diplomacy
« on: October 24, 2013, 11:22:33 am »

 People have asked already manytimes why Kalmar Union attacked Conquerors in first place?

 They blame us for blackmailing on Yalibe battles description;

"The Kalmar Union
Dear Los Conquistadores, you simply cannot threat Panos and blackmail him 500,000 gold, that is something totally unacceptable and rude behaviour...."

 This was our answer for Panos's earlier "blackmailing" after he attacked Yalibe;

 "Panos: give me 500.000 c-rpg gold
 Panos: and ill cancel the attack"


 And here you can see Kalmar Union hiding in forest Before Panos got attacked; (thx panos for borrowing this image)


 Kalmar Union attacked Conquerors only cause its leaded by Grandmom (wolves ex-leader we had war with). Kalmar Union was neutral faction for us so far and Kalmar Unions players are neutral too.


 Fights are welcome and its good for people to know whats really going on. :)

 This is just the beginning

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The March of the Varangian Guard.
« on: October 22, 2013, 12:53:37 am »

 "Panos: give me 500.000 c-rpg gold
 Panos: and ill cancel the attack"

 Lol you are so funny man ::D More money for Greece people!? :D

 Panos ready for fight;;

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Suggestions Corner / Re: How to fix strat
« on: October 03, 2013, 09:01:28 pm »
Why not food and silver plateau depending on fiefs / size of armies ?

Atm we have pockets that can have a billion silver pieces inside, and men that can transport as many crates as they want (slow them down, but still inhuman strength).

If you had transport capacity for every resources wherever they are stored, you could not have a near infinite amount of them.

 Just make us able to make "sally out" battles, when knudarr has 22k troops, attacker "provokes" us to sally out. And we need to defend castle for example with 1500 troops (can put also 2k, up to owner). And in that "sally out" fight castle guys are defenders. So on this way strong attacker can bleed down defenders tickets.

 On this way we dont need to do other changes. Attacker can choose Siege/Raid/Sally out(or whatever)


Strategus Issues / Re: Night time not working
« on: October 03, 2013, 08:42:34 pm »
Use the strategus settings to enter the night time using your local time. The values displayed on the old strategus pages are UTC (=server time), not GMT+1. There might still be something wrong when the actual battle time is calculated, it is using the old code and i don't know if it is working as intended.

 And 2 days ago, we attacked Reindi Castle 6.30 pm in my time (GMT +2), there werent Any other eu battles/sieges, but still it got moved 1.5 hours forward.

 What reminds me, if fief owner has night time settings, does it affect then for sieges too ?

    This prolonged absence from crpg has brought an awakening, a divine realization if you will, that I am incomplete as a human being without my teammates.  They complete me as no one else can and the only way for me to show this great joy they give me is to show common courtesy.  It was only through a great man - a man who for many years called himself EyeBeatWomen - who obviously understands respect fro woman and teammates that I was able to remember my lessons from grade school: 1) Dont eat the crayons, 2) Don't eat the glue, 3) Dont stick scissors up your nose, 4) Don't eat electrical circuits, and of course 5) Don't kill your teammates.  Thank you so much for temporarily banning me, I have thoroughly learned my lesson and will return to respecting my teammates who I love and cherish in all their pixel glory.  Thank you man who beats women, you are obviously a great admin and I want to thank you for banning me and now unbanning me now that I ave learned my lesson.  Common courtesy is to show a willingness not to teamkill or teamhit teammates no matter how often they intentionally teamhit me while the admin watches, because of course Jesus (the in-game one) taught us to turn the other cheek and love our teammates and admins no matter how they behave.  I understand courtesy now thanks to my ban - it means to love my friends' pixels as if they were my own pixels, treat their pixels as i would have my own pixels be treated, rub and massage their pixels as i would like to have my own pixels rubbed and massaged.  Thank you for the ban and now I respectfully and with great courtesy ask the man who beats women to unban me for I am a reformed man.

I realized a greater part of courtesy is to follow the rules to the letter like good obedient choir boys obeying the priest's every command.  We must bend over to the will of chadz as we suck the enjoyment out of crpg and give repeated courtesy to our pixel teammates over and over again.  Courtesy should be given as often as possible for without courtesy would life even be worth living.  We must give our courtesy to as many different people as possible and share all that comes out from our courtesy.  Our courtesy should make others feel good all over themselves and want more and more courtesy from us.  Thank you.

 I vote for unban... :)

Strategus Issues / Re: Night time not working
« on: September 28, 2013, 01:10:35 pm »
 Yeea it wasnt meant that night time settings changes battle time :)

Other / Re: Unban request
« on: September 25, 2013, 01:11:25 pm »
I never said anything about admin chat xD I kicked you because you threw like 3 darts at a teammate on purpose. I kicked you (you can rejoin the server with no problem). But then you start calling me stupid. Well, I don't know why you're surprised.

 Surprised? Just wondered the length of ban but Switch told me answer for it :)


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