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ban muslim_the_mercenary


зашёл муслим на 1 сервер я его пнул он воткнул почти в голову дротик потом я в него кинул мет.тапор и потом в бою ещё раз не чаено.после появление на следущей раунд он меня тк.visitors can't see pics , please register or login

the real god emperor:
I really but really dont know but, goloverezik could made Muslim teamhit him , cuz he says something may be rude in Russian, and Muslim answers him, cuz Muslim kept playing, so he wasnt drunken and didnt teamkilled and ran. Just saying... Ujin can make a better decision ofc.

It's a shame people can't even translate his message via google because his grammar kinda sucks (even more than I suck in english  :D)
What he wrote in OP is:
"Muslim joined 1st server, I kicked him, he threw his dart right into my head, I threw a throwing axe back at him, then once more in battle by accident. After respawning in the next round he teamkilled me."

The chat:
Golovorezik: the second time was by accident, you nub
Muslim: stupidass
*th, th*
Muslim: dickhead

Await the mighty Ujin for he can speak the language.


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