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Topics - okiN

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Blast from the past. 2006 strategy game making a bid for Steam. I've always been a fan of this series -- it's got a really interesting and deep system, loads of really cool factions that offer massive variety in how to play the game. I always liked the game world they made as well, with factions properly based on real-world cultures mixed with their respective myths and legends, rather than generic high fantasy. Don't let the somewhat lackluster video turn you off (the battles are NOT the main focus, just visual representations of events in the map game), this is a seriously intense hardcore TBS game. Go vote, people!

So you guys probably heard about their kickstarter ages back, doesn't seem to be a thread about it though. Here's one now, since they've released a bit of early gameplay video:

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So we all knew they weren't only are they working on Cyberpunk. Now they've released a trailer for Witcher 3 as well.

Apparently it'll be open-world this time instead of really plot-driven and linear in terms of locations. Might be cool.

Diplomacy / Nordmen Strat 4 Diplomacy
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:08:32 am »
We'll be starting neutral again, no alliances or grudges carried over from the previous round. Like always, our focus is simply on playing our own game and having a good time. However, we'll respond to any hostile actions with full force, and anyone who tries to gank us can count on having a ferocious enemy for the rest of the round, allying with whoever will put us in the best position to wipe them.

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General Off Topic / Dredd
« on: September 08, 2012, 01:55:47 pm »

Anyone seen this yet? When the trailers hit I didn't expect a whole lot, but I've been hearing good things and even the critics seem to like it. I'm slowly starting to get a little hyped, though I don't even have any idea when this is coming out in Finland.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Natural Selection 2
« on: September 07, 2012, 10:50:50 pm »

Up for pre-order on Steam now. Great game for tactics/teamwork, lots of fun and the two totally different teams make it extra interesting. Even if you never played the first one (NS was originally a Half-Life mod), you should definitely get it if you're into these kinds of games at all.

Anyone else been playing the beta?

I also have a free copy I can trade someone if you have any neat extra stuff on Steam:

General Off Topic / Anyone have any cool games to trade on Steam?
« on: September 07, 2012, 11:11:27 am »
As an extra thanks to all of you that have pre-ordered, we are also giving you a _free copy of NS2_! This gift copy will arrive on Steam soon and you will be able to give it to any friend you want to play with.

So it looks like I'll have an extra copy of when it launches. Anyone want to trade for it? I've played the beta and it's great fun.


If you haven't got it, get it! One of my all-time favourite games. This has previously been pretty hard to get your hands on, but gog is a great site, so it's the perfect time to buy.

Faction Halls / [Nord] The Nordmen (Invite only)
« on: July 10, 2012, 12:07:24 pm »

Who are the Nordmen?
This clan was born from a merger of the Varangians and the Sea Raiders, preserving the Nordic themes they both shared.

The Nordmen are an English-speaking EU clan and that uses the Nord_ tag. This is our banner:

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What's your angle?
We are a bunch of old schoolers who don't play much any more but still enjoy each others company, we're inactive at Strategus and only have a few members active at playing actual cRPG at any given time. If you are a friend of anyone in the clan feel free to join up but don't expect much activity unless you are playing other games. We're a community more than a clan.

Can I join?
We don't accept applications.
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You can find us at:
Teamspeak Details: (password: fu)
IRC channel: #nordmen @ QuakeNet
Clan forum:
Clan ladder:!?page=ladderinfoclandetail&id=54

All Nord members are free to do whatever in Strategus, there is no active Nord faction.
If you wish to talk to us join the #nordmen @ QuakeNet IRC channel.

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Sell/Trade / [SELL] okiN's Trading Post (Prices cut!)
« on: June 16, 2012, 11:20:44 am »
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A perfectly balanced one-hander, and my personal weapon. Only reason I'm selling this baby is that I managed to get two!

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Fast, good length, and massive cut damage. Forget greatswords, those poor bastards will never know what hit 'em!

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A fast and deadly polearm with a powerful, piercing overhead! This thing is lethal like nobody's business.

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The ideal weapon for peasant RP, it's also the best cheapo Strategus polearm! Time to prepare for next round's village rush!

Masterwork Nordic War Sword selling for 1.10 million gold

Masterwork War Cleaver selling for 1.10 million gold

Masterwork Battle Fork selling for 1.05 million gold

Elder's Scythe selling for 1 million gold

The offers are on the market.

I'm only interested in selling, don't make any offers for trades unless you're willing to pay extremely high amounts of extra gold.

Other / MOVED: Un-Ban request
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:02:53 am »

Money gone, offers on hold.

1700000 gold for Reinforced Rus Cavalry Boots
1100000 gold for Thick Rus Cavalry Boots
570000 gold for Heirloom Point (You will receive the same amount as when you put up a sell offer for 600k)
500000 gold for Sturdy Rus Cavalry Boots

I don't want any other items. I won't pay more either, so please don't try to haggle.

The offers are on the market. I'm also interested in selling and trading.

Sell/Trade / [SELL/TRADE] okiN's Trading Post (SOLD!)
« on: March 20, 2012, 04:15:47 pm »
Bow gone!

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A deadly blend of firing speed and long-range stopping power.

Strong Rus Bow and 100k for Heirloom Point
Strong Rus Bow and 50k for Sturdy Rus Cavalry Boots
Strong Rus Bow selling for 450k

The offers are on the market. I'm also interested in buying these things.

I might also trade for other items if you offer me cash on top, or straight trade for something particularly interesting. I won't accept less gold on the sale, so please don't try to haggle.

Buy / [BUY] Loom Point, Loomed Byrnie or Rus Cavalry Boots
« on: March 16, 2012, 01:14:53 pm »
Here are the deals I want to make. Please don't suggest any other items, I'm not interested.

1000000 gold for Reinforced Byrnie
1000000 gold for Thick Rus Cavalry Boots
600000 gold for Heirloom Point
500000 gold for Thick Byrnie
500000 gold for Sturdy Rus Cavalry Boots

The offers are all on the market.

This is the last chance to sell to me for full price, starting on the 6th the payments will be reduced due to market tax.

Sell/Trade / Selling loom point [Sold]
« on: March 15, 2012, 01:25:59 pm »
Base price: 700k. If I get multiple buyers, you can offer more to close the deal.

I can loom with 18 Strength, 6 Shield or 6 Power Throw.

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