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Messages - Kafein

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General Off Topic / Re: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.
« on: August 02, 2016, 11:56:03 pm »
Making more money than a university student isn't exactly a great achievement, so I felt perfectly safe throwing that in your face. I'm comfortably middle class, apparently this means any sort of collective identity felt on my part for other french people is nothing more than superficial hypocrisy.

Then what does this collective identity even mean?

I'm liberal (in the european senseĆ  and completely in favour of trade, with protections to protect sensitive national industries, which are present in literally every major economy in the world for obvious reasons.
There's a giant gap between a collective identity and all out ethnic communism, which is basically national socialism. I know that's your immediate go to for anything that has even a hint of nationalist flavour, the ultimate slippery slide to fascism.

Hardly, I just see that your actual views are so edulcorated they share almost nothing with what you write in your fits of rage.
As for the reform of Islam being an obligation of the West and a fait accompli, I'll tell you same thing I tell you every time, it's a fucking pipe dream laced with arrogance and blind optimism.

Your reading comprehension skills need to improve.

General Off Topic / Re: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.
« on: August 02, 2016, 07:00:34 pm »
But Oberyn, how comes you claim to live a pretty comfortable life when all around you some of your countrymen live in poverty? Shouldn't you share your good fortune and make sure none of your fellow native Frenchmen suffer at the hands of foreigners and international finance? If you truly reject individualism, then you should seek to act for the collectivity.

General Off Topic / Re: LIVE YOUR MYTH IN FRANCE.
« on: August 01, 2016, 02:07:35 am »
Late to the party, I chuckled.

If you feel so hurt by a joke in bad taste, even though you have no actual link to the catastrophe, maybe you need to take a step back. Those of you calling for censorship, consider your reaction. Does it actually help anyone but yourself? Do you think the victims or anybody else cares about your virtue signaling or your clean conscience? Do we need to elevate every tragedy to a holy symbol under the false pretense that protecting victims from psychological harm is paramount?

Oh well, another night harvesting downvotes from herd animals.

General Off Topic / Re: France Priest slaughtered
« on: August 01, 2016, 01:46:09 am »
Its Rasfrenzy. Or, well, any other person with schizophrenia, basically.

It's Razfrenzy, himself apparently greatly influenced by 666's liberal use of white spaces and dots even though I don't think they ever read one another.

By the way, despite coincidental timing, I didn't die in the 07-14 attacks.

General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 12:50:19 am »
Driver probably wanted to catch pokemon

I haven't played since the patch. Doesn't it make it feel like D.Va plays like Reinhardt, with the defense matrix short CD toggle?

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 14, 2016, 01:22:23 am »
I would just move the capital offshore (and the jobs) if possible.

And that works because I'm a tiny nation-state on the world stage and can apply exactly zero pressure on either fiscal heavens and capital owners. Snap.

General Off Topic / Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« on: July 10, 2016, 03:28:45 pm »
Of course, it must have been a completely different oblivious bundle of sticks preaching globalist idealism and shitting on the unworthy, ungrateful demos whenever they dare to vote in their own interests as opposed to the interests of monied elites whose only allegiance is their fucking wallets.

Only allegiance is their fucking wallets? How is that an argument? Political elites are almost always deceitful and self-serving. Replacing one by another won't change the nature of politics. As for voting for their own interest, if you're talking about Brexit that is ultimately a very dubious claim. For their own worldview and aspirations, no doubt. Own interest, not so much.

I know, I know, so hard to believe that not everyone is a technocratic narcissist and that there are valid political values in collective identity

Beyond the obvious self-serving "they took our jobs" and the "they come to get welfare money", there is a core of tribalism in the alt vote, yes. What's your point?

your "misanthropy" (brainwashing) necessitates the belief that everyone is just as self-centered and apathetic as yourself.

That's a gross misunderstanding of what I'm saying though. We don't have the same life or the same personality. If my tribe had shown any more worth than the others I'd gladly join in on the fun. But fact of the matter is, dickheads and morons come in all shapes and colors, and there are a lot of them. Or rather, it is more important for a group to maintain social cohesion than to actually defend its members. What's the point of that?

It is the only valid perspective after all, I'm sure it warms the cockles of your heart to think happy thoughts about how superior you are to these dumb fools, while simultaneously telling them that the self-serving bullshit you spew is entirely for their benefit, if only they could accept it.

It is evident that the poor living in rich, socialist countries only stand to lose from immigration, as I referred to earlier. What I believe is we should strive for a society that rewards work and enterprise, not filing papers. Thus greatly reducing the  expenses from social programs. Immigration in 19th century USA didn't ruin the country, mostly because immigrants cost basically nothing to the state and lived in abject poverty. Fundamentally, I do not care about the genes of whoever my money is "redistributed" to, it is unjust either way.

Tell me again why I should take the political opinions of a fucking emo cunt that openly admits he loathes people seriously? You understand what politics means, yes? Your only allegiance is to your own fucking skin, and you want to pretend this is some sort of political virtue and universal truth. The idiocy is mindblowing.

Yet every policy that aims to reduce the amount of money being sucked by leeches in the name of solidarity is popular among a sizable electorate. The rich want to isolate themselves from the poor, and that goes at every scale.

General Off Topic / Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« on: July 10, 2016, 10:36:05 am »
I'm going to wager that Leshma's view on the matter, like mine, are mostly shaped by misanthropy. But yours on the other hand, are shaped by undiscriminating rage. We both despise this political atmosphere, but you claim I am responsible for it. Or maybe you confuse me and whatever group I'm supposed to represent, which really wouldn't be particularly surprising, considering what your ideology comes down to.

General Off Topic / Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« on: July 10, 2016, 02:06:14 am »
How ironic that you accuse everyone of this without even trying to figure out the nuances of our opinions.

General Off Topic / Re: Art
« on: July 09, 2016, 06:21:34 pm »
People tend to get mad a lot about the word "art". It doesn't carry much meaning. Most of the art I consume is for entertainment or historic curiosity, I have no use for a dick on a cross or a painted black square. But it doesn't bother me that people call these things art. The word used to refer to precise things, but that stopped being the case almost a century ago.

I have nearly 40 wins hovering around rank 50, exactly one of them saw actual use of voice chat. At this rank at least, some people are really terrible, and most only have a very abstract understanding of teamwork.

I've found to my surprise that even picking your most played character, strapping on your best sunglasses and being all-around better than your team doesnt help when you're the last one alive from your team at every push/defense wave...  :(

It's difficult to win alone, but here the aim is to make just enough of a difference.

In more practical terms I'd advise carries to play Soldier, Roadhog, Reaper, Pharah, Zarya and Tracer, generally in that order of preference depending on the map. Genji and Winston too, to a lesser extent.

General Off Topic / Re: Art
« on: July 09, 2016, 12:24:26 pm »
"Art for Art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for."
-George Sand

The key to success if you truly are better than your team (if you get multiple gold medals every game then you probably are) is to not sacrifice yourself for team comp. Pick a character that you can carry the team with, even if there's no support or no tank.

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