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Topics - UnholyRolyPoly

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General Discussion / Please help the Family of Officer BJ Deen
« on: May 12, 2015, 02:33:47 am »

I haven't played in a long time.  But this is the only other "online community" in which I know people.  My real name is Collin Daley.  I'm a painter from Hattiesburg Ms.  I am very close to the father of Officer BJ Deen who was murdered last Saturday night.  I was with the family Sunday.  I met BJ's wife and children.  He has a thirteen year old daughter and a boy too young to understand that his father is gone. 

This morning I began calling local painters.  I've got over a dozen people who are willing to volunteer their time to repaint Mrs. Deens home.  The local Paint store has offered to supply materials at cost.  Her father told me they were in rough shape financially.  He said their home was in need of repair.  There is nothing anyone can do to replace the loss of her husband.  But in my own field... with people I know... this is something I can do to help them.  When she wakes up in the morning she will make coffee in a freshly painted kitchen.  When her kids play outside they'll do it in front of a nice professionally painted home.  You would be amazed at what a paint job can do to improve people's mood. 

Some of you know me.  Some don't.  If you can give then I would greatly appreciate it.  If not then please share this on facebook and get the word out.  Any excess money will be given directly to Mrs. Deen.  I'm sure she'll need it. 

Thank you and god bless. 

Mercenary Recruitment / Help BC defend at 4 AM (Paying Mercs)
« on: August 07, 2014, 02:50:35 pm »
Frisia attacked us at 4 AM.  We're paying 5k per merc and 50k to the top K/D.!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=2089

Mercenary Recruitment / Help Black Company
« on: July 07, 2014, 10:47:42 pm »!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1744!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1746

The Squids moved 2600 heavily armed into our territory.  They took Vayejeg by attacking it on 4th of July.  Our Reinforcement army was unresponsive until that night..... as most people are eating hotdogs and shooting fireworks.  Therefore Vayejeg had no gear.  They took it free of charge because our guys were either drunk or with family. 

We blockaded the village for a day or so but had plans to withdraw.  AoW Webb (The first Battle) tried to slip out at 1 AM EST.  He was moving SE presumably to attack another village.  So we hit him.  All armies had standing orders that if they marched out.... we would hit them both.  The second battle time is shit.  But it's a result of AoW.  Our guy made a judgement call.  He got up early.  He knew that Warshed could reinforce Webb causing us to lose both armies.  So he hit them first. 

If anyone wants to cry about battle times.... they shouldn't try to march past our armies at shit times. 

Other / Accidental Trade
« on: June 16, 2014, 02:46:49 am »
I'm not sure where to put this.  I placed a trade for a +3 Arabain Guard Sword and 30k for a +3 Grosse Messer.  The problem is I made it a +1 on accident.  I messaged the trade partner and have yet to hear back.  I don't mind if he keeps the 30k for his trouble.  But I would hate to lose 2 looms.  It was clearly my mistake.  But if there is any way you can help it would be much appreciated. 

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I'm looking to improve our banner.  I want to stay with the same theme and colors.  Feel free to be creative.  You can dress the original one up or start from scratch.  Our clan voted on on like 15 banners when we left Fallen.  So even minor changes may win it.  Whichever banner I like best gets 150k CRPG gold.   

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Sell/Trade / Unholy's +1's!!!!!!
« on: June 04, 2014, 10:09:27 pm »

General Discussion / Blast from the Past
« on: May 28, 2014, 05:29:08 pm »
Glaurung posted this in our forums the other day.  I thought it was too funny.  I wasn't with Fallen at this time but I've heard about it.  Evidently Loki delayed an army fixing to attack a village over and over again.  So the Devs reigned down fire lol.

And here is from the Dev's view

Strategus General Discussion / XP Battle League (Wardens of the North)
« on: April 08, 2014, 06:27:33 pm »
Despite the fact that the Wardens have been at war since the beginning of strat lol....  we're actually quite peaceful.  We want to trade and grow.  Our goal is peace.  In the event we reach that goal we will still do our part to keep strat interesting.  We will be setting up XP battles with willing clans.  It won't be like the XP battles last strat.  They will be real fights.  We can gamble CRPG gold or looms to make it interesting.  The goal will be winning.  But they will be individual battles instead of wars.  This keeps strat fresh for participants.  It allows clans an opportunity to train new commanders.  And most of all it provides XP to the community.  EU clans are welcome to participate. 

This post is a bit premature.  It will be some time before we are capable of sacrificing much needed troops and gear.  But other clans are welcome to use this forum to set up their own XP battles.  Post links to those battles here and we will gladly merc for you.  There will be no restrictions on troops or gear.  The only rule is it must be a field battle. 

So many clans fall apart due to stagnation.  Strat in general tends to fall apart for the same reason.  True XP battles with a wager on the line can keep things fresh.  If anyone is interested post here and we'll be in touch.  It might be a month or so before we can arrange the first battles (assuming nobody else attacks us lol.) 

Spam / 100k To the Best Essay on Why I'm a total my old friend
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:41:09 am »
Yes... that's right.  Whoever posts the best essay on why he/she thinks I'm a total my old friend gets 100k.  Keep it as short or long as you like (wink wink.)  Winner will be announced sometime next week. 

BTW I'm not gay.  I'm married with kids.  But what the hell.  It should be fun. 

Diplomacy / Black Company is Looking for Free Trade Partners
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:26:26 am »
We're interested in setting up free trade partnerships with other clans.  This applies to Black Company owned fiefs.  They are Vayejeg, Ambean, Jelbegi, and eventually Jelbegi castle.  Access to the WoM or HoC fiefs must be negotiated with them.  If you are interested simply bump up your tax rates and you will make plenty of money.  We're not overly interested in complicated goods transfers etc.  We try to let our traders operate independently.  We're also not interested if you exclude some fiefs.  We don't want to complicate things and risk pissing someone off.  We want our guys to be able to shoot for a color... and trade. 

We do not guarantee the safety of traders in our area.  If you have a free trade agreement with us we will not attack you.  But if you get attacked by an outside clan we don't guarantee support nor do we expect it in return.  If things get complicated just pop into our TS and we'll work it out. 

If you are interested just post here and we'll make a deal. 

General Discussion / UnholyRolyPoly Original Music.... Acoustic Improv
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:38:29 am »

Keep in mind it's completely improv.  Some of the lyrics make no sense etc.  It was also recorded on a cell phone.  But ...  I don't care.  It's a great song.  I don't typically put my stuff out there.  I'm kind of a private musician.  I never used it to get chicks or money etc.  Got to much love to exploit it.  But I also happen to be very drunk and got a wild hair up my ass.  So here you go.  Enjoy.

The second track is a mix of three different improv sessions.  The first is nice and sweet.  The older I get the more I enjoy playing gentle music.  The second session starts around 13 minutes and leads into some acoustic metal.  Unfortunately.... the third session is me and two friends extremely drunk.  It's really not worth listening to.  But if you do.... my brother says a racial slur at one point.  It's not indicative of him or me.  He was fucking with a close friend of mine.  So if that kind thing offends you just don't listen to the last segment. 

General Discussion / The Chronicles of UnholyRolyPoly
« on: March 02, 2014, 11:24:44 pm »
Sit down with me young man.... I have a story to tell you....

It began as a lad many years ago
I was one of the lost.... the sad unknown....
But soon a secret would be handed to me....
For I was to be master of the Roly.. Polyeee....

I grew up a slave...
Shackled in time...
Nothing my own but the mastery of mind...

Plow, axe, and scythe were my tools...
While I labored the land for absolute fools..
How could life be so wrong I would say...
That I break the skin of my hands each day...

They beat, scarred, and call me a whelp...
But I cried not once... not once for help...
Instead every blow drove an anger in me....
And eventually led... to Roly Poly...

I laid awake and awake and awake on the floor....
No restful sleep among many who snore...
In my own mind adventures I'd seek...
While lying burdened in hot summer's heat...
Finally many many years had gone bye...
I fell away from the masters keen eye....
And that's when I heard them calling my name...
UnholyRolyPoly.... is what they would say...

In the dead of night on a warm misty shore....
I first found the home of my minions and more....
This was the place not to be named....
From Moss ridden rocks red spirits were famed....
And here they would seek many many full moons...
When the ancients summoned the west gods to bloom...
On this warm misty night I could almost see...
Their spirits dance with murderous glee..

It was the first time they came calling to me....
And it was the first time.... I truly felt free...

Many nights passed and I dared not go out...
For what if the master was out and about...
Moving and mauling through endlessly long days...
I worked the land to a vigorous haze...

Finally it came... the moment at last...
I awoke from a dream on a full moons pass
There in the darkness my will to be free
Led me to echoes of ancient blood rooted down by the sea...

I walked diligently and anxious to the place I knew last...
Where the silence of the night turned into moans of the past...
I crept down by the rock moss covered and sewn...
Into the fabric of time an evil had grown...

There in the dark... in the night... by the sea....
Came the first vision of what was to be...
And hand in the dirt and blood lust in me...
Came to my fingers... the Roly... Poly...

Tiny and small he was all things I thought....
That might just end this misery and rot...
For I am large but a slave in this world...
Now armed with the darkness and in darkness he curled...

Calmly and Kindly he came to my ear...
What secrets of the night might this thing adhere...
And there in the meadow... by the moon and the stars...
He told me of vengeance... and it would be ours...

I gathered as many as could hold in my hand....
My minions... my devils... who dwelt in the sand...
Walking slowly and peacefully back toward the land...
That my old master had beat me to tend....

The first of them were to be those like me...
They lay spread in a triangle as asleep as can be....
I knelt down by the ear of each of three...
And delivered.... the Roly... Polyeeee....

Bloodshot their eyes open and wept....
Tears of this world I would not accept...
For these were the friendly and kindest to me...
But all must sacrifice to pay to be free...

Emboldened and hardened by murder I'd known...
I stepped into the alley between our shack and their home...
I crept alongside the garden I'd built...
Moments away from vengeance I felt

The door drifted open and a fire blazed bright...
But the Master slept soundly on this fine night...
I crept through the shadows of pale yellow light...
The floor telling the tale of glory in sight...

There he laid... there he slept... and there he would wake... to a vengeance I'd dreamt...

Kindly I placed my palm by his ear...
Gently I laid my minion of fear...
In moments the night turned to savage delight...
As all light from the fire danced it was quite.... wonderful.......

The sounds of the dead echoed and swelled...
The ancients whose blood fed the grounds of hell...
A terrible roar escaped the old man....
As he awoke to this beautiful end.....

He cried out in pain and grabbed at his head...
He shook in the dark like one who is mad...
Screaming and frothing he bellowed so long....
The price of redemption for a Tyranny Song...It lasted too long

Finally I found the moment to strike..
As he shook and whined I laughed to a wonderful height...
I glanced in his eyes one last time... Once a Master... now Mine...
I lunged with all might.... ... my vengeance now from shadow to light...

I watched all alone now in terrible glee....
As he writhed in pain and pure agony....
Once it was done... all was set right....
My Minions had done well this night....

I stepped from the home of which was my hell...
To a cool breeze and a sweet sweet smell...
The moon was blood red and the stars in the sky...
They twinkled and smiled at me and my crime...

All was silent but for the sound of the sea....
All but the echo heard only by me...
Dreams were my guide to the die that was cast....
Upon the alter of the dead...
I became...
UnholyRolyPoly at last......

Chapter 2 (Edited Once rough Draft)

Days, Weeks, Months they all passed
I traveled the land an outcast
Sleeping in hollows and dining in muck
I shivered constantly from the rain and bad luck

I'd hear them sometimes,
They call for me,
But I was cautioned and silent as could be,

.....If they caught me....

My friends from the Earth had long since been silent
I wondered now if in madness I had become too violent
For restraint had been castrated in great joy and thrill
I traded my sanity for the burden of free will

Many moons passed and I would run like the day
For the eyes of the dead haunted me
By night.... maddened with grief... I slept not a wink
But come dawns dew I found myself running again to

It wasn't the boots on the path that caused fear
It was the sound of the dogs barking so near
How they did not find me?
I guess I will never know
But the fact that I'm still breathing is the proof and it's quite clear

Night after night the howling went on...
By day I took rest and hauled ass through the dawn
But they never came so much nearer to me
And now they relented.... Could it be... that I was finally free....

I was cold, I was hungry, and I was dying a slow death
Only motivated by the very next breath
When I stumbled into a hatch by the stream
There I lay my head... and there I would dream...

So silent so long?
I asked in the dark....
My Minion why have you abandoned me?

And holding the RolyPoly close to me he said
Have I abandoned thee? Why in this very place I have brought to you free
Take notice and listen carefully
I've paid for your freedom... and now you owe me...

In dawn's light the first of them will come
This blood price is owed and it will be done
Wait until the next full moons pass
And release us your minions into her ass

Then... I heard nothing but darkness and slept...

I dreamt of soft hands and and an ocean breeze
The wonderful smell of a calm blue sea
and as I awoke I saw staring at me
The most beautiful blue eyes one could conceive

I sat upright startled and panicked
And she lay a soft finger to her lips to quiet the racket
I could hear soldiers outside marching their beat
Though I ran for months... I knew it was for me they would seek

Should I trust her... Stay Silent? And hope that all went well?
Or should I bash her head in, steal what I could sell, and run like hell
I went back and fourth for moments it seemed...
Until I remembered the minions message to me

So I stay silent...
The beat of the marching grew distant
My chest eased down with a sigh of relief

She held out her hand with the brightest blue eyes
Like they were a gift from the ocean
I stared without motion and thought
Poseidon must have carved pearls from his heart
To create this disguise, For she was a goddess
A gift from the Sea,
Incredible and Sanctified,
And there she was.... staring at me

I remembered my manhood and gathered my thoughts
I came to my feet
Looked at her
And said I am Unholy... Master of the Roly Poly

A curious gaze crossed her face and I smiled...

And I knew then.....

From those blue eyes was my blood prize and......

She said...

I am Emily... in my tongue it means a gift from the sea.........

I smiled and thought, "No Emily.... you are a gift for me and my Roly Polyeeee."

Chapter 3 "Not so much anymore Rough Draft"

During the next few weeks I said almost nothing to her
I worked the land, caught rabbit and pheasant and brought her the fur
She was quite pleasant unlike the many I'd known
For the masters wife was a dirty old crone with big hair and a fat belly far overgrown

The ocean woman seemed somewhat cautious to me
I would catch her from the corner of my eye staring with curiosity
I gave her my share of the pheasant, what else could she want
I had not stashed any for myself,
I was going to kill her but a thief I was not

I became more and more comfortable with the trail we had found
I lay my head to the ground often listening but heard no sound
It was just myself and this lady traveling through the dawn to the dusk
Only stopping to rest moments... then moving along

By night we made camp under the moon and the stars
We let a fire burn bright
It tickled the leaves and washed us clean of cold scars

I watched her sleep in anticipation
Each night frothing wild contemplation
It was easy to kill my masters and three
But this one had done nothing to me
She was beautiful you see.....

We made our way into the high hills
The dark became colder and the fire had less will
And then came a day that changed every night
When I heard her scream from camp in terrible fright

I ran back heart beating and feet fleeting
Like a madman with his brain bleeding I gripped tight to my axe
Staggering over the last hill she caught my eye
And it said run.... and the same time

Suddenly a terrible roar bellowed and shook the ground
Terror gripped my heart and out of my chest it pounded out
I felt the whole world slow down
And there before me.... was a creature ten times the size of a hound

I stumbled back and tripped over my feet
The predator drew near to me his new found meat
He lifted a smile for me
Terrifying fangs glaring and scaring the shit out of me

And in a moment everything went clear
I could see the clouds above me and without an ounce of fear
I gripped tight to my axe and gathered myself upright
The beast howled at me to shout down any fight
But I wouldn't have it
No.... This time I would meet might with might
I roared back at the beast with all that I had
Looked him in the eye and I knew....
I put fear in him to

In a blaze of fury I swung my peasant axe.....
The beast knocked me to the ground with a powerful blast
I scrambled for every second of life I had left
And he thundered and roared and lunged to attack

Suddenly the creature growled in pain
And from the side I could barely make out her frame
The lady had broken a branch from the tree and stabbed this creature for me

I knew I had only a moment to act
This terror tracked my lady like a jackal to rat
I grabbed up my axe and with every ounce of my might
I drove it deep into the beasts head like splitting dawn to sunlight

The creature was down.....

I turned round to face the whole world....
And I howled...

For a moment I stared out...
The sky in front of me was a porcelain dusk
And behind me the stars crept in...
But making it's fateful path toward my eyes
I saw on the distant horizon....
A full moon arise...... carrying with it... the payment of sin

If this was to be the first night of a high tide
Then she was to me my lady
And to my debtor his blood prize

How now.... had she become my friend

To Be Cont.

Diplomacy / Free Trade Alliance (NA)
« on: February 27, 2014, 06:02:49 am »
I propose an Automatic Free Trade Alliance.  The purpose of this argeement would be to provide free and open trade between all member nations.  This will improve relations and increase wealth across the board.  I want to keep it as simple as possible without specific diplomatic leadership.  This is a not a coalition.  This is a free trading network.  Below are the central points I wish to build upon.   I am open to suggestions.  Once the contract is hammered out I will start taking member nations. 

-All Factions will remain Sovereign of the Free Trade Alliance (This is not a Strat Faction)
-All Factions will provide open borders, non aggression pact, and free trade to members
-Factions may join or leave at any time providing 5 days notice
-Factions must leave the FTA prior to declaring war on a member faction
-Nations must have at least 1 fief to apply

Suggestions Corner / Community Map Events
« on: December 30, 2013, 09:23:19 pm »
It would be really cool if the devs could filter in a "community map night" of some kind.  I use to play Farcry 2 online and they had a brilliant setup for unranked games.  They had an easy to use map maker built into the game.  You could play an endless supply of community made maps.  It kept the game fresh and interesting LONG after the population died out. 

I don't really know anything about programming etc.  But if there was a way to give the community easy to use map designers and have a night/multiple nights set on a random rotation it would totally change this game.  Not only would it revive the population but it would keep current members more active. 

There will be some complaints about maps.  Obviously being community designed there will be glitches and unfair balances.  So in order to keep everyone happy I suggest double XP for a few hours during the event. 

I think every Friday from 3 PM to 2 AM would be sufficient.

I don't know how difficult this would be to implement.  But if it could be done.... it would make the community that much more invested into this mod.  At some point you need a radical shift.  We don't have the population for a separate server.  But an event like this will fill up our own servers once a week and THAT will help attract a new player base. 

NA (Official) / Ban DaNub
« on: December 28, 2013, 06:59:33 pm »
12/28 11:50 AM Central Standard Time

This is my first ban request.  Dude just randomly started attacking teammates in the middle of a fight.  Here's the screenshots. 

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He's probably new so maybe banning him is a bit harsh.  But if you could at least give the guy some kind of warning so he doesn't do it again that might help. 

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