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Messages - Butan

Pages: 1 ... 329 330 [331]
Spam / Re: Make your own sentence
« on: February 17, 2011, 11:29:35 pm »
I hate a cookie jar because I stink.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Archery buff
« on: February 17, 2011, 06:17:08 pm »
+1. Slow as shit. You can easily watch an archer shoot at you and dodge his arrows

Wanted ftw

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: GOOD FPS/ping, BAD weapon animation
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:44:42 pm »
I know no tweak that can give me a "consistent" FPS/ping, there is always up&down. Already tried to close every app and antivir before playing and it doesnt always help... Sometimes it clearly seems random.

I play with "28% perf", setting everything to maximum, and FPS don't even change by one when compared to minimum settings.

Having from time to time a bad ping yourself will likely cause those issues by itself, for you and others.

Im pretty close to your report about the ratio perf/FPS, but I really did see a difference after unchecking "load texture on demand".

And your post about ping/packet loss and such was a theory I was thinking out myself but I though under 100ping everything should be good. Might try to look at it with my ISP.

Apart ping and FPS problems, is there a link between the game itself and bad playing performance? Is there players with, say, 50 consistent ping and 100+FPS that experience this kind of weapon animation problem very often?

I'm pleased with how this thread turned out, thank you guys.

Same here :lol:

cRPG Technical problems / GOOD FPS/ping, BAD weapon animation
« on: February 17, 2011, 02:17:14 pm »
I know I'm not the first to complain about this, and I'm not posting it to blame someone/something, but its getting pretty ridiculous for me to try to play at 100% efficiency.

Being a no-shield poledude doesnt help, because I need to react pretty fast to attacks if I dont want to die like a newbie; and I dont want to spam like a maniac all day long (I know, I'm hard to content :lol:).

Thus, I tried to look for ways to buff my FPS: I found some useful tips (like unchecking "load texture on demand", turning off "HDR" and "depth effect", keeping "instancing" and "auto-exposure" effect to still see shit IG; go if you want some advice) and my FPS is now always around 40/80, with an "estimated performance" of 54% (was around 30% with my default configuration :mrgreen:).

My ping is always good (around 50/90, cable) and never had to buff it, so I think I'm lucky when I see players like Balton playing with 200+ (and he still find ways to go on a rampage).

Now I am at a loss when I see myself getting slaughtered by unseen weapon animation (or very late animation), cant block anything beside noob chambering (and sometimes it gets through :rolleyes:), and having my own weapon animation warp uncontrollably.

My request to you, ancient and experienced players, is the following : are there ways to counter such things from happening to me all the time, or is it a curse I will have to endure, like so many brothers in arms, for the rest of my playing time?

My thirst for kills is such that I have great difficulty to enjoy this situation.

Thanks in advance,

Suggestions Corner / Re: Heirlooming light armor
« on: February 16, 2011, 06:09:46 pm »
I feel like a kind of % bonus of default armor value would be fair, something like 1/2% on each gen.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:50:01 am »
I consider throwing like xbow. You can pick up xbow as secondary weapon with just some WPF and no other req ( beside str ); for throwing its the other way around : no WPF, but PT; which is a dedicated effort to throwing.

Only thing is, the spammability and power of throwing is so great in alot of melee encounter, that it's clearly wiser (and easier) to now stop camp roofs as archers and go score kills in melee like a true badass.

Archers (and xbow) needs more love in my opinion, by buffing them or nerfing damage output of throwing weapons.

Announcements / Re: more chadzhate incoming - heirloom theft
« on: February 14, 2011, 03:46:05 pm »
Perhaps cut the current XP given per tick in half, and replace that half with a hybrid of what we had before. You get the normal "per tick" xp, but you also get xp for being near kills that occur, or for scoring kills yourself.

Having a hybrid XP system would eliminate some of the lameness/leechers by making depending ONLY on "per tick" XP extremely inefficient. Thoughts anyone?

The down side is, with a hybrid system with per tick+near killz and/or score, the PRO frontal melee will have 100% xp, and the archer/noob/flanker will have 50%; it could lead to too much frontal attacks and lame xp progression for certain people.

With the actual XP earning system, the only down side I find is leeching (and perhaps not enough reward for killing): but leeching is easily spottable and righty bannable, and one could say the best reward for scoring kills is helping your team to have more XP via the multiplier.

Thus I think the actual xp system is the best I heard of for the moment, and should only be tweaked via increasing or reducing the "per tick" time or the amount of xp by tick.

Although, the gold system could be separated from the xp system by adding other factor to the "I grant thou gold", but idk if its worth to consider even a subtle change in the actual xp/gold system.

Idea from reinhardt : assisting system sounds good, an opposing system could penalize TK by withdrawing some xp and/or gold.

Would like to apply too.

I'm french but I speak english quite regularly (wont say fluently, yet).

I personaly like to display red color on my character and I quite appreciate the feeling of being in a royal english army ( cool name  8-) ).
I'm lvl 30 gen 1 (near retiring), was playing a hybrid xbow/pole(as both footman and cav), but I'm switching to full pole on foot.
The name ingame is Butan, and steam is Butanatub.

I saw you first recruiting on the EU_1, 2/3 days ago, but didnt have the time to tell you my feeling on this before you quit.

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