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Messages - Butan

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General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 27, 2018, 10:18:49 pm »
^Incomprehensible retard who can barely write a coherent sentence

Funny coz my posts are mostly all made up of your own words, didnt even notice?

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:01:57 pm »
Also, stop spamming like the retarded brainchild of white first world soyboys dumb cunts you pretend to fight against. And swearing.
Wait, I feel like I'm asking too much.
Just keep being your awful internet persona that you probably cant assume in the "reality" you try to teach to random people on the net.

But please, pretty please, do not kill too many people in the mass murdering spree you plan to do in the next 5 years.

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Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: 2/29/20
« on: March 24, 2018, 01:58:30 pm »
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Errrrrrr... There is arrow to shield stagger animations in Warband, albeit always the same. Why do they make it look like the "old system" had none at all? Does their "old system" is a prototype Bannerlord system from which they had removed a Warband feature?..

Overall fishy announcement on a very marginal improvement to impact animations.

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 22, 2018, 04:24:54 pm »
I guess I don't have the right skill set for this. Spreading hate ain't as easy as I thought.

There is no possible understanding with some people Paul  :(

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 17, 2018, 11:50:47 pm »
part of the multi cultural push is to attempt to kill our current culture and replace it.

I'm not going to ask you to develop what you think is the multi cultural push... May I simply suggest that the "current culture" you speak of is the result of the culture of 20 years ago being "replaced" by what we have now?  And so on and so on?

If we simplify cultures to the extreme like it is done in this thread so much, and use only the immigration rate as the sole cultural divergence/convergence factor, I doubt you ignore the fact that there all Europe had extreme demographic changes in the second half of the 20th century. Basically, a guy living in 1980 would say that the culture you try to defend today is already a farce.

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 17, 2018, 09:04:18 pm »
Wildly innacurate perspective apart: even in the most multicultural cities in the world, I can guarantee you that you dont have to run far to meet different people and learn new things. You probably didnt try much though, too keen on googling things that exceed your apparently extreme intellect.

Other countries dont exist just for the sake of you broadening your horizon kiddo, history is created by people interlocking together, weaving new stories.
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You dont like the current human history? It doesnt change one thing, your revulsion became part of it the moment you felt it.
The only thing you can change is how you act in this story, and for the moment you are just a mildly deranged internet warrior, as far as I can see. I hope this is not all there is to it, for your own sake!

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 17, 2018, 10:47:34 am »
Australia is a beautiful country full of beautiful, hardy people, and I've always held that Australia has all the potential to grow into a real global power within the next few centuries if it retains its founding stock of European settlers, stays predominantly white, gives incentives for women to get more children and invests heavily in industry.

Behold the master of racio-economics.

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 15, 2018, 06:40:56 pm »
It's the constant propaganda that is horrible

It would be a bit less constant if you stopped googling for it alldayeveryday.

General Off Topic / Re: Most Work Is Pointless In 2017
« on: March 04, 2018, 03:53:25 pm »
I doubt such an method of 0 middlemen on financial transactions would stay legal for long. The governments always want their cut and will enforce laws to get it, not to mention currently existing middlemen, who hold serious sway in pretty much every countries politics and media. If it wont comply, the lobbying against it will increase substantially. It already has. Like crypto likes terrorists or is taking everyones jobs...

I believe that too. All good concepts end up getting permeated by the reality of today. But it probably will change things in a couple direction that could be beneficial to some people (its way less encouraging than Leshma speech but probably closer to the truth lmao).

General Off Topic / Re: Most Work Is Pointless In 2017
« on: March 04, 2018, 02:13:41 pm »
But how would donating through crypto be different from donating with convetional money?

0 middleman.

I'm unsure of the capacity of crypto but it has very big potential; Leshma might not be completely wrong and/or delusional (incredible!). Besides extremely heavy regulations or total prohibition, it might change a lot of things economy-wise for the common man in the next years. Atm its very niche, completely opaque, fraudulent and extremely risky. Just like any big old innovations might I add.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in USA
« on: March 03, 2018, 09:59:17 pm »
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And alot of Blade Runner.

The old one or the recent one? I watched the old one and was so underwhelmed at the constant symbolism and slow pace. I really dont remember why I liked it when I watched it hundreds of years before.
The story telling and atmosphere is great though, and paved the way for more dark sci-fi. Best sci-fi.

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General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:40:09 pm »
What I don't understand why dark skinned Oberyn is pretending to be member of the master race.

Hitler complex.

General Off Topic / Re: Am I racist? 2.0
« on: March 03, 2018, 10:25:33 am »
By the way about Jews, from my experience only losers hate Jews. Those without capacity or means to make their lives better. I don't like them but I do admire them. I don't like Germans but I also admire then for the same reason.

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Agree with the first half, jews are historically the scapegoat of the losers.

But then you go on to make opinions about the whole category of people as if they were a monolithic block.
Just like wholeheartedly hating on jews (or any ethnic/religious group, like the germans), admiring jews is also nonsensical, albeit positive.

When I think Cyberpunk 2077, I hope it is The Expanse (TV) meets Ghost in the Shell, maybe with a grain of L.A. Noire.

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