Other Games > ... and all the other things floating around out there
Wrench & Car Mechanic Simulator 2018
Has anyone any experience of these two games? I'm gonna start restoring an old saab with my brother but I know jack squat when it comes to cars. Are these types of games useful at all for learning? Obviously you can't replicate the 'feel', but you should be able to learn pretty quickly about all sorts of parts right?
These games make cars look simple and parts easy to get to, and like you can do everything with a wrench and screwdriver. Reality is, cars are a big mess under the hood, everything is covered in dirt, and there are lots of unconventional ways in which the parts are connected and how to get to them. You'd have to take apart like a hundred different cars to be able to tackle one without a manual. Haynes Manuals are your bible, or you can look up exactly what you need to do on youtube. Mechanic simulators don't teach you shit, except maybe that it's easy to forget something and then you have to repeat the whole job.
--- Quote from: Gurgumul on June 30, 2020, 12:59:18 pm ---Haynes Manuals are your bible
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the tip. Obviously I don't expect much in the way of learning how to actually do stuff, that's what my brother is there for, but like I said, was thinking more in the sense of parts and all that. I know where the oil filter is on my car, that's about it.
Just jump in amd start taking everything apart. Also lose all the nuts and bolts.
taking apart something with more than 5 screws without preparation and taking notes usually turns into a complete disaster
now imagine the complex machine with 1000s of parts
take pictures, take notes, draw and write everything you do never rely on your memory
people who can do it on their own did it 10000 times and it turned into a basic routine for them.
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