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Foxhole (pre-alpha)
Anyone else tried this game? Played it with Georges and Belmont and had a lot of fun. Basically multiple servers with persistent maps of war going on. And quite a lot of fun options of buildings, vehicles and weapons to work with. A bit grindy if you are doing supply runs, but some may enjoy such duties like we did. Lots of fun voice comms going on, like getting into a town with a bunch of guns and people cheering us with redneck accents. Gun damage is very high, about 2 shots from a rifle puts you down completely and then youve got like 15 seconds untill completely dead, otherwise 1 bullet bleeds you out without bandages etc. Seems like you can put up some pretty cool defences so long as you got a group to work with, and people were very eager to do supply runs when we played. The general combat is fun, you cant see far unless youve got binoculars, and night time sometimes covers even more vision so you gotta either listen for voices in game or for gunfire to find your way forward.
Pre-alpha supposedly, but it has a lot of potential content in it to enjoy, depending on how you vary your playstyle. Will keep an eye on this at least, even though i dont enjoy unfinished games it didnt feel crippled at all. Very slow game though, youll die quickly when caught out, and it can be a long run unless you catch a ride with some transports.
Game is tons of fun, we were doing some simple harassing on the enemies only fuel supply. Eventually we formed a small group with a truck and a bunch of supplies and set up foxholes, watchtowers and some cover at the spot. Then an even bigger group joined us and we put up a full camp with walls, gates and barracks/outpost to spawn and stockpile supplies in. We pretty much cut off the enemies 2 remaining bases making them completely unable to produce a lot of shit and in about 2 hours the war was completely won. Tons of fun when everyone is using in game voices, and doing over exaggurated dramatic roleplaying.
Yeah i played a bit of this for a while, it was pretty fun building up a halftrack and harassing enemies. Never took part in any of the fully organised fights as I'm normally busy on Sundays but they looked kinda fun.
Playing this a lot now. Even supply duty is a nice relaxing time while doing something else on the 2nd monitor. And peoples genuine joy of getting resupplied at bases running dry is a reward in itself. Supplied hundreds of HE grenades to a base on that was at a stalemate for the longest time, but today managed to push and take over a main base. People going mad with grenades was some good shit, finally blowing up all the defences that kept us out.
Also spent some time as a spotter with binoculars (binos are fucking sick, complete game changer during day time) with Georges as a machinegunner. Pretty sweet combo just constant fire at all the enemies trying to swarm out.
Still more than 28 hours left on a 40% sale on this game. Foxhole recently updated to 0.10 which added in the World Conquest mode for everyone level 5+.
"World Conquest mode is one of the new ways to play Foxhole. It enables a large scale war that takes place on an interconnected world. Instead of wars taking place on a single region at a time, it will be happening on 9 simultaneously and involves hundreds of concurrent players! From logistics officers operating in behind friendly lines to soldiers fighting on the front, the feeling of being just one soldier in a massive war is more realized now than ever. Be part of Foxhole history and join the first official World Conquest now."
I've only put about 3 hours into the game so far but it feels somewhat similar to a top down Heroes and Generals
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