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Messages - Kung Fu Jesus

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General Discussion / Re: [upkeep] 12 rounds in a row
« on: January 09, 2011, 03:18:57 am »
Why do people keep saying to win more games? That was taken out with the hotfix. And we all know teamwork is not the answer because it won't happen. Those winning teams aren't using teamwork. They have a stacked team. I bet everyone who joins a server, first checks the scores and who's on the teams. Then tries to get on that team. Its ALL about stacking now and the luck of the autobalancer. On top of that, now it seems like every other round is a draw. There goes the ONLY reason to win a round, the multiplier. Because there are no other incentives to win. There's no k/d benefit. No assist benefits. Nothing.

So I use shitty equipment, hoping my team wins, hoping the autobalancer doesn't fuck me, hoping I don't have to repair everything at once. There's a lot of hoping and luck there. And that is my problem.

PS: I do like the patch overall. I do not like the roll of the dice determining my income.

General Discussion / Re: Bug List
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:26:10 am »
Some people spawn with reduced health. Or they appear so in the health bar. It seems that the in-game stat page mistakenly puts iron flesh points on people who don't actually have it. So that difference gets represented in their health bar.

Heirloomed items don't show up in your item list in-game unless you add it manually through the webpage as one of your default loadout items.

Server Info / Re: The Fallen Ones - Official Server Thread
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:20:40 am »
Have you removed map voting in-game? Otherwise, you might as well leave on Arena 24/7.

Scene Editing / Re: Maps in Development
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:14:39 am »
Ok, that cave map...

Sorry to say, I find it too difficult to play. There are a lot of spots where players can get stuck inside the walls. Also, it just becomes a mess of players stuck in narrow hallways. It was a good try but I think this one needs to go away.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG_The_Fallen_Ones Server
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:31:34 pm »
Any chance of making this a 200 man server?

General Discussion / Re: cRPG_The_Fallen_Ones Server
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:17:42 pm »
Why does everyone hate the west coast? Why?! My 100 pings to Chicago suck.

Also, you might want to mention that friendly fire is reflective. Unless that changed today.

I carry 2 weapons and wear a dress, which is a downgrade from my transitional armor and full loadout. Thats fine. I'd carry only one weapon but I need a pike for obvious reasons. Since the patch, I have been on the losing team probably 75% of the time. I regularly go 0-4 on a map because of this. I have no control over this. I am barely able to maintain the gold I have, forget about getting more. Plus the more a team loses, the worse it gets because they start spawning naked and looting weapons off the field, thus losing again. You can tell people to play as a team and all that shit but let's not be naive here. This is team deathmatch and no one in the history of team deathmatch can ever get everyone to play together in some military precision for any period of time. A round here and there maybe but thats it. And the teams winning now are not playing as a team either. THey are just lucky enough to have the top players and/or players with horses and know how to use them. It's still the same 4-5 top guys carrying the whole team. If you're lucky and get on their team, welcome to the gravy train of 5x xp and gold, even if you can't hit the side of a barn with your sword.

If I kill one person per round, but my team loses, do I still get item decay? Because that is the only thing I have some control over. But if I can go 20-0(I don't cuz I suck) and my team still loses four times, something is messed up.

General Discussion / Re: NA Server Crisis
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:16:29 pm »
How bout we need new NA servers because they have been down since the patch. Put all your eggs in one basket and all that shit.

General Discussion / Re: Punished for leaving?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:19:16 am »
Are you leaving mid-round or at the start of the next round?

General Discussion / Re: server cost?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:13:43 am »
I think its a couple hundred.

General Discussion / Re: Broken Items
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:07:15 am »
I have stuff that is costing money to repair. But how do I know they are repaired? They still say rusty, bent, chipped, etc. But I also get a message saying they were fixed. So am I wasting money for repairs?

Scene Editing / Re: Scene Editing: How To
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:28:12 am »
I think there needs to be a tutorial for complete retards like myself. Imagine you are telling a 5 year old how to do this. Then I might be able to understand everything.

I spam with my agility. Its the best way to kill low-mid range players.

Plus I'm not good enough yet to feint and block well. I admit that but I'm trying. Besides, why bother blocking/feinting when 80% of your opponents can't block either or just turtle up with their 2-3 shields. Why would I use fancy kung fu moves when a punch to the face works just as well? I see the spamming as part of the road to learning. First you get owned by  everyone, everywhere. Then you get a whack in once in awhile. Then you see what weapons work for you and you spam. You still get owned by top players though. Then hopefully, you get better at blocking, etc., still spam the lowbies and do all your fancy crap against top players.

General Discussion / Re: NA Server Crisis
« on: January 05, 2011, 12:41:05 am »
Nice goon propaganda though.  Goons cheat, they lie, they steal, they grief, they troll, they hack, they lolz at it all while doing it.  :)  I was allied with them after all and was privy to more than a fair share of their vent conversations and trolololo'ing about their shenanigens.  As people, they're funny and some are pretty cool to hang out with.  But trust them? With anything?  Especially a server?  FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK NO.

You realize there are thousands of goons across many games, right? There are always a few retards. We don't discriminate against the mentally challenged when joining one of our clans. You make such a blanket statement, shows a bit of ignorance. You have your server, no need to go on any others that may be created, whether its goons, fallen, or some other group. I just want a server on the west coast, for gods sake. At least one thing I know about a goon server, you can say what you want without fear of admins getting their panties in a wad.

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