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Messages - _Tak_

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Request forum name change.
« on: September 06, 2014, 08:37:38 pm »
It will probably take a dev to change to a name with 3 characters. I'm not sure how they got my name like that.

Will five characters do San? "_Tak_" ?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Request forum name change.
« on: September 06, 2014, 07:15:00 pm »
Hello, would like to request name change from: "AlexTheDragon" to just ''Tak'' please? Would like to use my real name instead.

boots - from ACOK (w/ tweaked textures by me).

Taking the Narf gloves is fine but taking models from other mods without permission is just bad. The boot you took from ACOK is actually originally from Full Invasion in case if you didn't know. The brf is even named Full, Full means Full Invasion and the item is made by our team. we've given permission to Cozur to use the model for ACOK but that doesn't mean every mod can use it

Alex and the rest, do you think you can re texture some of the Rus/Nordic/Byzantine  armours please?

I`d love to see a red Palace guard armour and a blue archons armour  :mrgreen:

Very much any armors can be retextured. A bit busy right now focusing on new items though. As for having more than 1 item manager i agreed with that. Also it seems Zimke's stuff cannot be modified in any way by anyone without his permission so i wouldnt touch those.

wrong post  :oops:

np i have high hopes for your items to be added onto cRPG, what cRPG need is a item manager right now.

As for topic update.
Quote from: AlexTheDragon link=topic=63065.msg1063882#msg1063882 date=
Updated 9/6/2014: New Types of Plates for cRPG unless permission given otherwise:
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Scene Editing / Can't spawn after a round in conquest bugged map
« on: September 05, 2014, 12:14:11 pm »
Me and around 6 others can't spawn. first round us attacker won the round, now we can't spawn as defender.

i have x5 :(  (I have updated to latest version, this also happens to my other team mates so im not the only one)

tried rejoin in spec and rejoin server but flags still all on fire.

Map name that is bugged; AI Qobab

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EU (Official) / Re: Leechers in conquest
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:39:59 pm »
hello mates!

well I wroted that I was going to make lunch it takes longer then I thought about 10 minutes so im very sry I understand when you thought I was a leecher I wont take it personal if you will ban me. I should go to spec but I didn't remember that. well just can say sry I cant undone this

be safe and have a good day!


Just hope you won't do it again, my team really could have won if you were playing with us. have a nice day to you too  :wink:

ill lock this thread

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:27:52 pm »
I don't think you realize how OP horse archers are when they are high level. Niluck reached the level 34 today, I don't even want to see his k/d, because I perfectly know he was completely over powered at level 33, delaying EVERY round he was alive to farm valour. This valour farming is too wrong to stay imo.

If you are going to talk about OP then i would say Lancer Cav and 1H Cav is definitely more OP than HA. HA have to shoot 4-7 times to kill someone in 55+ armor, 2 shot to people with low armor. Not to mention there are chances where HA can miss while Lance/1H Cav can kill someone in 1-3 hits and hit pretty hard.

Lance/1H Cav can carry the game pretty easily while HA not. Everyone knows how good Niluk is as a HA but can you name any other good HA beside him and zero_sat? There aren't that many HA who can top score nowadays. Every class and every weapon in cRPG can be OP in the right hands.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: September 04, 2014, 04:02:02 pm »
Charging HA with a courser will result in running away from HA without courser.

Which is why i said Lancer with courser can take down HA by surprise, i've played as Cav for over 20 gens (with 10 riding) and i have no problem dealing with HA at all. (Not a Cav anymore now). Direct engage with HA as Cav is just silly unless you can outspeed them or hit them by surprise. let them ranged deal with them.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:38:51 pm »

They can counter each other easily.  While ranged is the only counter for HA. For me the problem is Yumi on horseback.

Ranged and fast riding cav can counter HA. Lancer with courser can take down HA by surprise and ranged can shoot down their horses, once the horse is down HA basically dead

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:30:40 pm »
Nothing changed.
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You are an archer correct? Nerfing HA will nerf Archers as well. Unless they only nerf Horse archery.

In my opinion HA required skills and is hard, it was very tough when playing as a HA. Posting a screenshot of someone topping score as HA isn't really helping. How about those 2h / polearm/ Cav heroes? They always top the score board, do those required nerf too?

not Cav/ranged here but i believe HA is fine as it is. Before the archery buff HA was near to useless.

EU (Official) / Leechers in conquest
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:03:33 pm »
The amount of leechers in conquest is rising since QML does not work at all, i don't enjoy doing this but seeing them in my team really hurt the team's morale. they provide almost nothing to the team with them leeching and afk. i see more and more of them everyday and its getting a bit tiring and annoying. I honestly do not want to post ban request for these people, i tried to give them a chance by telling them are you there? could you stop going afk? as well as waiting some minutes before looking at them again to see if they are playing.

1. Name of your character involved Sword_Art_Online
2. Name of offending character(s) Odensrider, Quincy_WasabixX0o7
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible Around the time i posted this
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.   Odensrider been leeching for 30 minutes in last map, then leech on the next map. Quincy been leeching for almost whole round in second map.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* I don't know why they leech, they decide to hide in areas where it is hard to see by people and go afk in there. Which is pretty obvious for people who go spec to see them. If they have to do something in real life they should just go spec, hiding in a corner going afk is just wrong in my opinion.

6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** Kulin Ban, and manys know the amout of afks in enemy team/ our team. but none bother to post a request so here it is.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: buff wakizashi
« on: September 04, 2014, 10:50:22 am »
Nodachi needs a buff as well compared to Highland Claymore. The weaboo hate shouldn't be the main reason why eastern items have worse stats than European items.

Suggestions Corner / Auto kick for players afk over for 3 min
« on: September 02, 2014, 08:49:50 pm »
Even Battle of Europe have this, have you guys ever thought about this? as of now QML is completely broken in cRPG, theres very much no way to deal with a leecher unless you post a ban request for them. With conquest being introduced the amount of people afk/ leeching nowadays is getting bigger, with this system implemented there will be less people getting banned and people will be able to play with fair team instead of having several people going afk and contribute nothing.


- Best way to get rid of leechers since QML does not work anymore and is broken

- No delaying for battle mode

- No more AFKs in your team in siege mode

- People who want to leech cannot leech anymore

- Help people who go AFK unintentionally to get kicked instead of getting banned by an Admin for leeching/afk

cRPG Technical problems / Re: New patch
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:06:09 am »
Tydeus - Minor fix for a display error with multipliers on siege.
Fips - Conquest maps updated, added Fallen_Abbey, Al Qobob ; Rageball - Beachside, fixed Tournament Arena

Yes love you fips ;)

Announcements / Re:
« on: August 30, 2014, 08:20:30 pm »
conquest sucks balls,
siege was already sucking with banner stack and perma x1-3 max. but conquest is just ridiculous since non-proficlan fucks dont do anything usefull and you dont have any chance to win anyway... but well i can leech whole night x2 while doing nothing thanks to that :|

Conquest is basically a improved version of siege, how can you say it sucks?

- Perma x2

- You can choose where you want to spawn in different areas

- Upkeep comes at end of round (some maps have like 30 min)

- New siege interface (You can check where you allies are and where the enemies is, it also tells you where to defend and attack)

- Required more strategy and team work, a team without teamwork will definitely failed in this mode.

- there are conquest maps that don't have a limit of 30 min round time

above all conquest is definitely better than normal siege.

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