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Messages - Bensbane

Pages: [1]
Suggestions Corner / Re: Working around autoteambalance
« on: January 29, 2011, 10:50:30 pm »
Well man, let me say.

This after noon I played liked,.. 2 hours in the loosing team,... not one only victory for two hours long and allways x1 multipliers,... is this supposed to be fun ? Hum ?

After what I change to attackers and got 3 lvls in 30 minutes with my nearly constant x5 and finally had some fun. Is this bannable ? If it is, I simply quit, no need to be boored by the game.

General Discussion / Re: [POLL] CRPG is balanced
« on: January 29, 2011, 08:28:36 pm »
Said no. 2h always in the top of the board with very high Kill/death ratios. They O-S almost everybody, have heavy armors and run faster than a chettah.

Give the heavy armors a speed malus could be a good solution.

Also, throwers make a lot of damage but they are quite easy to avoid.

Archery could get a little tweak in arrows speed, they are clearly to slow, this results in a lot of TKs.

Horses are nearly useless,.. but that's my point of view.

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 23, 2011, 04:44:38 pm »
Some gaming days after my last post, my comments :

I'm now lvl 24, 138 WPF and 5PD with my strong bow. And I can easily reach some 7-8 Kills per round on siege maps, with like 4-6 death.

When I focus on a player at middle range I generally can kill him in 2-4 arrows (with 8-12 failing ones, depending how..).
In the other hand, when a melee player focus me, if he is not injured, I die in 9 out of 10 of the times. But that's okey, they generally are to much busy with other melee players.

Overall, Archer it's pretty fun to play and not that hard. The bad points are the few TKs I do everyday, mostly from teammate running in the trajectory of my arrows after I release them. Or melee guys running in front of an archer spot when we're aiming.

I can do O-S H-S on most of the people (except the HIGH plate and IF guys), double-shot peasants and 3-4 shot middle-level guys. I don't engage flute plate people if they'are not already in melee with several team mates, it's a waste of arrows otherwise.

On the other hand, middle leveled 2Handers O-S all the times they can reach me, shield guy do it to (unless they're really noobs...), x-bows are pretty annoying cause they can recharge hidded and aim for two hours long.... others archers, it depend generally on our respective health. Throwers are a PLAGUE ! At middle range they shot a lot faster and can, for some of thems even O-S me with pretty acurate shots... I hate them and focus them everytime I can.

Horse guys are useless,... a simply do a side jump when they came close, I don't shoot their horse cause if they are on foot, it's mean I am dead (Yes, their horse are their weak point....).

In the score board, I usually stand in the 6-8 postitions with 6-4 // 8-6 scores, the top positions are for 24-4 Guys (which I don't know the class ! Oo)

So, for the Archer as it is right now : It's not realistic, but it's balanced with most of the other classes, with weak points and strong points.

Historical Discussion / Re: Agincourt
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:43:28 pm »
Read the site more carefully:

Delete that post! No degree.

EDIT: Seriously, it is illegal :)

That's pretty stupid,.. they publish the paper but I can't share it ? Well okey, it's they're right.... You know were to search if you want to read some more...

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 19, 2011, 07:33:35 pm »
Correct me wrong, but medieval mail  and plates were better than current replicas.

Ancient warbows had problem with transferring power if i i remember right. Also i know you underestimate protective value of aketon.

What crossbows, with crane or not ?

You messed up things.

- In fact, you're wrong about current replicas being worst. Modern middle grade steel is far better than ancient high grade steel. In terms of homogenity, percentages, mass distribution, hardness, elasticity, etc... I'll try to find an article I read a few months ago about demistifying the Japanese's Katanas (and in which they make a test to both steals) and post it in the Historian subforum, if you want to.

- Ancient warbows were all but homogen in terms of power, elasticity, etc... you only know how powerful your bow is AFTER finishing it. So you had some were low quality bows, and some very high quality ones. From what I read about ancient bows, and specialy about english Long Bows were that they had from 140 to 180Lbs of draw tension. I have (and it's impossible to have due to wood decomposition) any information about they're elasticity and recovery speed. But you can figure out, with the reported 300 yards range that they should have have a satisfying recovery speed.
That associated with their high draw tension is enought to say that far most efficient than what we do now (but only because we pruprosedly do low powered bows,.. but that's another discussion). So I would just answer that they were good enought to do they're job.

- The Hacqueton was in fact very effective, but you seem to believe that every comoner had one under his battle-stealed rusty mail coat ?

- About the Crossbow, in fact, they were a lot, I am speaking about the more powerfull ones, not one construction type in particular. Say 200Lbs to speak about a middle powered one.

- I do ? Well, I love to learn, I would be pleased if you tell me were I did and what's the correct points.

Sorry for flooding this topic, were out of context, that was just to awnser ! I'll be in Historical Subforum.

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:46:36 pm »
Bensbane, correct me if im wrong, but did you just base some of your post on some douche-bags playing the 'science guy' on youtube?  :lol:

*edit after reading etc*

Nope, you're absolutly right,.. but still, did those arrows pierced Mail coat ? They did, right ? That's enought for what I was trying to expose.

I am sorry you didn't understand it.

My English seams to be worth than I though :-X

If I bought a sword and then posted a youtube video of me chopping some wood with it, maybe cutting up my neighbour's cat, could I then get a buff for 2handers?

Or I can make one of me hiding from an archer (due to production costs there won't be an archer, it'll just be me) in the woods for about 2 hours, so then we can reduce archery accuracy to simulate everyone on the team being really sneaky.

Nope, but if you make one were we can see you slashing 20 Cats in one minute, with a 1m40 steel sword and running at the same type with a 19Kg bag to simulate your armor wheight without getting exhaust and zig zigging throw a guy with a bow trying to kill you, I think you will worth your buff ;)

PS : Sorry, I wrote :" zig zigging throw a guy " I meant zig zAgging between the arrows the guy would shoot at you :-X Zig zigging throw somebody must be a strange experience...

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 19, 2011, 06:29:25 pm »
Your so called facts are not accurate.

Longbows had better rof, dealt less damage and have problems with penetration, even against good mail.

You also underestimate recurved bows.

Give me the sources of an Hungarian type Bow with equal or more than 120Lbs of draw tension.

For your other arguments, please watche the following vids as awnsers :

Piercing test of Longbows in thick plate armor :

To note, ancient warbows were up to 180Lbs of draw pressure, not 100lbs as shown on the vid. (A maximum of 210Lbs was reported, couldn't found my sources to prove, sorry).
Also, they used high modern steel for the plate,... ancient hammered steel was not that efficient.
That's not stupid to say that in mediavel conditions, the arrows would make more than two holes....

Piercing test on Mail :

As said before, the bows are not as powerful as those used and the steel of the mail is better than was used. But even like that, the arrows penetrate the male without problem. (Have to say also that, in this test, they used riveted mail,... in the XII Century, those kind of mail was only for rich Lords..)

Longbow VS Crossbow ROF test :

Both weapons were heavier in terms of drawing strenght but you can still see my point...

Huns's horse archery effectiveness (and High ROF) example :

But this is no aimed shots, they are instinctive ones, still 12 Shots in 17Sec is fuckin' impressive.

That's for my "unaccurate" facts.

Talking about Crossbows, I read someone say that crossbows were not able to pierce Plate armor, that made me laught a lot !
With 220-240Lbs of draw tension (300 for some modern was XBow (yeah, we still use xbow in military operations...) they had no problem in piercing any kind of armor.

That's also why X-Bows were prohibitated by Vatican Laws during nearly 300years in medieval Europe,.. what's the point of war if any peasant could take a X-Bow and take down an heavy armored Knight as easy as that ??

So, Archery is too efficient ? Well, as one of the most old weapons ever created and with 15'000 of years of evolution if it's not efficient, what's the point !???

Leave archers alone and take a Shield if you don't want to get shoot.


Sorry I forget to laugh about 2H !

Actually they weren't (or very few and only in some countries) any sharpened two hand swords found. That's for one simple reason... two and swords were not made to kill but to brake awlpike lines.... yeah, that's not as epic as Aragorn Charging 10'000 orcs but that's our ancients did...

The only two hand weapons used were Axes, 1 and a half swords, Francisques, pikes, lances and Halbards (and some more but they were to many cultures to right about every one).

The closest to two hand swords used in melee fight were the Japanese Najinat or the Swiss Zweihander (used only in rotation attacks by Celtic peoples).

As always, if you give sources that says otherwish, I'm ready to ready (and certainly to laugh about,.. but still....)

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 18, 2011, 09:49:48 pm »
Hi, actually I am new and don't really have any experience about the game online... What I can propose (and you may excuse my bad English) is some historical facts about archery...

English LongBowers were used to shoot about 6 to 10 arrows in one minute with 140-180Lbs Bows. That's about one arrow every 6-10 secs, that's quite of slow,.. but try to pull 140Lbs of pressure with only one arm,... 6 times per minute, sometimes during hours.

But all this energy paid well such those arrow could even penetrate fullplate armors, only the scale mails were able to spread enough energy to avoid penetration (And we're not talking about distances)

Instead of that, and not talking about compound bows, we have now target bows from 15 to 60 Lbs and 40 to 80Lbs for hunting bows.

With those bows you can actully reach some good rate of fire, we're talking of 15 to 20 arrows per minute (not sustainable for long periods...), what gives us one arrow every 3 to 4 secs.

Of course, those arrow would never penetrate full plate armors,. and even Mail would offer good resistance.

Beside of that,... we have the Hungarian (or steppe) kind of bow. Laminated, composite and recurved. It alows to have an 100-120lbs bow with the dimentions of a short bow. Those bows were used in Cavalery Archer for there maneability and low-encumbrance.

Of course, and as their tension force shows, they were intermediate in effectiveness and shooting rate compared to the two other types.

My point in that to the game ?

Give Long and War bows high arrow speed and penetration and diminish considerably the rate of fire.


Give Hunting and Short bows low arrow speed and low (or none) penetration but high fire rates.

And, if possible,.. only allow Horse Archery with Recuverd bows, with intermediate speeds and rate fire.

So, if you're Robin Hood and thing you can make and head shot 300yards away, don't even try with low powered bows,.. take your time with a long one.

If you want to spam crowds to lower the enemies health and help allies, take low powered ones,.. but dont' even try long range shoots or to one-shot anyone,....

That's my point.

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