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Topics - Endorphine

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Builds?
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:51:57 pm »
Just curious, where did that thread with build go? It was excellent inspiration when you where making a char!
Ofc, it will have to be new builds I guess since so much have changed.

Also good for new players to get som idea about how to start their builds wo beeing forced to retire at lvl 15.

General Discussion / Changes?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:18:32 pm »
Is there any official pacth log or similar where you can see what acctually have been done?
If not, I suggest that one is posted asap. No need for extended details, but a summary about what's been changed.

Simillary I suggest that you out up some info about character changes and so on BEFORE next big patch rather than just throw it out there and see what happens.
It most likely will save us a lot of griefing and whiners, not to mention the same questions over and over again.

Just my 5 cents on how I'd promote new features!


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