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Topics - SmaSol

Pages: [1]
cRPG Technical problems / MOD - Can be deleted/moved to archive
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:42:40 pm »
Hi there.
All the weapons I equip via the website don't appear in game (Eg warbow, bodkin-arrows).
Of all the weapons I own I could only equip a long dagger or wooden stick.

I played some rounds with Leiknir, Okin and other admins this afternoon on Eu6 in a new game mode (kind of survival against a lot of bots) - not that this was the reason.
Because other people seem to have problems after playing CTF and other new game modes.

Charname is Fallen_SmaSol.

EDIT: Disregard that post -seemed to be a server problem (EU2) - worked fine on EU1 and EU3

Suggestions Corner / [SUGG] One handed weapon - Punishment rod
« on: April 06, 2011, 09:24:27 am »
The Fallen Brigade suggests to invent a new one handed weapon, the Punishment rod.
Target audience/weapon users are Fallen Trainers, Serveradmins and tournament Masters - the weapon shouldn't be available for regular players.

Weapon stats:
weight 2.0
requirement 3
spd rtng 125
weapon length 95
swing damage 5, blunt
thrust damage 5, blunt
Cannot be blocked/chamber blocked
Special weapon effect - 1 minute stun (including chat mute)


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