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Topics - Spa_geh_tea

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NA (Official) / Check Up on Player: Kayak_Catapult
« on: October 14, 2014, 04:41:37 am »
Could be wrong in my assumption but on many of his lives I have seen him take rediculous amount of hits. In one of his lives I hit him 4 times with my 9ps 38cut axe, as well as saw a elite scimitar hit him in the face, and he had 3 arrows in his torso. Thats only the damage I saw him take and there might have been more.

His armor is pretty descent level sarranid guard with gauntlets. Even if these were heir-loomed and lots of hp (which btw he moves way too fast to be a pure str build) not sure how that much damage could be taken by any player.

cRPG Technical problems / DTV NA nudge missing
« on: March 21, 2013, 07:57:53 pm »
I hit the button, nothing happens. All I get is some red text about reaching my nudge limit when I furiously slam the button 5+ times.


Game Balance Discussion / Flip daodao and miadao stats
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:43:17 pm »
Daodao appears do be a high damage weapon with machete like design. So, why is a thinner and longer bladed miadao do more damage? Doesn't make sense.

Could you flip it so daodao does the high damage and speed. This will balance because its shorter than the miadao. Of course, adjust prices accordingly.

It's a combo of realism, balance, and variety for the stabless curved 2h. Otherwise the obvious choice is miadao.

Suggestions Corner / cut vrs pierce/blunt
« on: October 05, 2012, 02:16:13 am »
Is it possible to provide a damage penalty on prierce and blunt vrs lighter armor?

Currently the use of cut vrs light armor has no advantage to the blunt pierce counterparts of equivalent damage. It would be nice to have that distinction be very obvious ingame and a good use of balance between damage types.

Game Balance Discussion / Please reconsider the balance on 2h use
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:10:41 am »
I have an excellent example player's build to share that support the claim that 2h hitboxes need to re-adjusted as well as their weapon speeds.

Earthforce has graciously agreed to be my example, he plays on seige if you want to catch the action.

So his build is 30-9. Seemingly high str slow char build right?

Nope wrong.

Earthforce is able to hiltslash and swing faster than the server can pickup and the char can block. It is quite impressive for a str build, but at the same time. This is a broken and frequently abused game mechanic by all 2h users. (They can also swing through walls if animation is started at the proper angle)

I request for the sake of balance and order to the game to reduce the effective hitbox of 2h or its effective swing arc. It currently detracts from the fun of the game when players are able to continuously swing and strike before a player can even consider making a blocking motion. Or, when players are able to swing through scene objects or around friendly players(even though visually they are cutting their teammate).

Thank you for your time.

Thank you Earthforce for providing a character example for 2h exploitation of M&B mechanics.

Closed Requests / how long am i banned?
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:06:26 am »
I had the unfortunate run in of killing a plate teamguy with punches in a strat siege after the timer was in the negatives. Even though everyone else was doing this as well, just unlucky that it killed um.

Anyway, how long is the ban?

Suggestions Corner / Body stack siege
« on: July 21, 2012, 03:22:22 pm »
Numbers on siege have been a little low. Is it possible to add a bunch of bots, just as some meat? In all fairness it would make siege more immersive, since they were usually great masses of attacking armies. Of course the bots would not be objective based and quite stupid, crashing into walls and such. But it be fun to take a whack at them while waiting for siege to populate.

Just a thought.

Don't say just go on dtv, how am I supossed to check if siege has players than? Also, if I'm waiting on siege to help populated it , be nice to have something to do.

So, got napolean wars, and put my cd key in the multiplayer screen. Napolean wars worked.

I go to play crpg, it re-asked for my cd key. So, I entered my old warband cd key. It says the toon isn't mine.

So, anything I can do on my end to fix this?

Suggestions Corner / New animations for bastards!
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:14:17 pm »
If ya hit X......the bastard swords use 1h wpf and change animations to.......a 1h left swing and stab; and a 2h overhead and right swing. It definately be a fun addition to 1handers.

Faction Halls / R3K - Romance of the Three Kingdoms
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:02:25 am »
Dynasty Warriors.....2,3,4,5, every expansion in between. Koei developed the worlds greatest feudal battle simulator......until......CRPG.

By their powers combined!

:rolleyes: img under development

Dynasty Warriors chadzochi

Recruiting: All, any, mains, and alts to partake in bringing the worlds second greatest fuedal battle simulator to the worlds greatest (ahem, CRPG). You are more then welcome to change your name as you go to match your characters current wpf. Please include "R3K_" before your name.

Outfit Requirments: Style (face, weapons, clothing) your character to be as close as possible to their Dynasty Warriors 3. It contains the most similar weapons to CRPG.

Current Objective[est: 6-11]: Turn NA seige into Dynasty Warriors (pretty much is the same game style)

Later Date Objective: If enough support and desire move into strat. Otherwise continuation of raiding from the siege server to the battle server.

Current Name Drops(If the names not on the list your welcome to it):

Members: Please update your names on the forum.

Game Balance Discussion / Done catering the agi community yet?
« on: March 03, 2012, 01:10:07 am »
....are we done yet? It is a failure to see any disadvantage to going 12-24 over its counterpart.

12-24 vs 24-12

shitload of wpf
half the ps/str

some wpf
half the athletics

Seems kinda fair right?

Not really....

12 may seem weaker due to the low ps and str. But, no one seems to factor in the speed bonus, loomed weapons, and use of blunt/peirce. Couple those together and they can hit nearly as hard and nearly twice as fast.

12 str has acces to quite a few of top end armors. Again couple this with looms and such you can almost being just as resistant to blows as a 24 str char.

The big kicker is the athletics. 8 athletics is far superior to 4 athletics. Which means the 8athletics allows the player to maneuver faster, changing distance from opponent, and moving into "glance" regions or getting behind their enemy at will. They can still outpreform the 4 agility wearing an armor set that is much much heavier.

So, what is the conclusion to this?

The disadvantage-advantage ratio between the two builds is not balanced at all.

Some ideas on how to improve the situation:
increase str requirments for all equipment.
wpf does not increase damage output.
armor and weapon weights effect player speed and not athletics.
...... im sure there many more.

Since this was a clean observation I would appreciate constructive comments to the situation.

Suggestions Corner / Would this remove hilt slashes?
« on: February 27, 2012, 06:13:05 pm »
Only the last 1/5 of any weapon does damage. The rest glances or stuns.

The reason I ask for you to review them is that pol/2h are able to produce characters(due to the lack of required shield skill) that are exceedingly fast and strong compared to a 1h/shield. Further more to dump even more unbalance to this, the str requirements for armor are so low that these roid enhanced meth pole/2h can wear very heavy armors. Even with the wpf effect a 1h/shield is required to wear armor nearly 10 kg lighter just to be able to keep up in athletics and swing speeds.

So, please review this problem if there is one.

On a further note, 1h are more capable of glancing and getting stuck on objects rather than their 2h and pol counterparts. Shouldnt this be the other way around, especially when facehugging.

^ seriously, making me angry and not making any logical sense.

Lity, unless you are going to increase the strength requirement for those higher level armors and weapons. The reason being, you can currently run around with 15str wearing:

heavy plate
plate mittens
sugarloaf helm
black greaves

All that armor, which is a shitton....and wield weapons like.....

bec de corbin
danish greatsword
any 1h you want

Seriously unbalanced gameplay. You want to have the community move to balanced builds, then adjust the str requirements so they are balanced about 18str.

Cause right now, you can easily roll a 15-24.

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