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Messages - Endorphine

Pages: [1]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dedicated Crossbowmen - where have they gone?
« on: February 09, 2011, 05:18:02 pm »
Well, don't you know that ranged combat is "a my old friendgy and cowardly style of fighting" and has no place in Mount & Crybabbies?


Throwing spam is quite alright though since it's just takes one slot and is available to 2h agi/str builds which is the least "my old friendgy and cowardly style of fighting".

Most noble art of playing is dual spammage of jarids and long maul!

General Discussion / Re: Builds?
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:28:03 pm »
ah, ok i thought you were searching for it in this board in which you posted as well.

I did, but I was probably searching in some obscure sub-forum... :)

Thx for pointing me in the right direction!

General Discussion / Re: Builds?
« on: February 01, 2011, 10:47:38 pm »
don't wanna be smartass but if you put the exact same letters of this threads title into the search box it appears on position 5.  :wink:

I might be a fool but I did try to search for it and have done it again still can't find any threads on the new forum. I have the one on the Tale World forum bookmarked but as Blackstone mentioned there wasn't any new builds laste time I checked.

Edit: Well finally found it. Turns out that if u are in a subforum the search function will only search in that sub froum and "below". For people who don't like to look like morons like me here's the link to the "new" thread:

General Discussion / Builds?
« on: January 31, 2011, 11:51:57 pm »
Just curious, where did that thread with build go? It was excellent inspiration when you where making a char!
Ofc, it will have to be new builds I guess since so much have changed.

Also good for new players to get som idea about how to start their builds wo beeing forced to retire at lvl 15.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« on: January 20, 2011, 11:18:27 pm »
When will people understand that as a 2-handed user, you sacrifice the ability to use a shield........

Shields maked you almost immune to ranged, and let you block as many people as you want at one time.  So why should you have this advantage AND be able to swing faster then someone unencumbered by the shield and completely vulnerable to ranged fire.

Just one problem with this:
Ranged have been nerfed in several ways lately, hence suriveability for 2h have increased a lot since there are fewer ranged and the ones still around is less accurate. My guess is that someone neglected/underestimated the secondary effects of nerfing ranged classes.
My observation is: Less archers and a shitload of 2h with mauls and poleaxes that hardly where used before... 

Before 2h had a hard time with ranged, these days they don't. In my opinion 2h should have a hard time with ranged just as archers have a hard time with infantry in general and infantry have a hard time with cavalry and so on...

I don't like ranged with laser sights but I feel that they were hit a bit too hard this time around and tell you what I don't play as an archer.

General Discussion / Re: nerfed archer again
« on: January 19, 2011, 11:20:51 pm »
Just curious, would it be possible to add some penalty for spamming? E.g. a penalty on accuracy for each arrow fired without resting in between?
Maybe 5 arrown then u get increased penalty for each following arrow and then 15s rest before you get accuracy back? Might be kind of semi-realistic...

Just an idea...

(playing as both shielder and archer)

Btw wo shield you should have a hard time against a group of archers, no doubt about it.

General Discussion / Re: Fix List v210
« on: January 11, 2011, 09:10:25 pm »
I feel there's a porblem with 2h weapons,  more and more people have started using them since there are fewer ranged who will take out unshielded troops. My main concern is when people use the swing and turn technique which makes it possible to make swing arc that are around 270 degrees and then just make another one as if nothing had  happened. Even if it's clearly VERY  unrealistic I'm not going to bring this into a realistic/not realistic discussion because this is a computer game and not reallity.

Beeing able to do that without any sort of recovery penalty is quite OP and in my eyes looks "ugly" as well. And the problem have been made more obvious now since more people go 2h since there is less danger of beeing taken out by ranged and it might be cheaper repair wise as well. Haven't really explored the latter thing though.

Regards, Endorphine

General Discussion / Re: anyone else hates archery?
« on: January 09, 2011, 09:28:31 pm »
Another thing that I've noticed is the emence amount of 2h people now. Not only do they pay less repair costs since they are using one weapon instead of shield+sword for instance. They've also got alot  increased survive ability because of less and less accurate archers. These are kind of secondary effects that you might not think of first but nerfing archers didn't just hit archers badly but it boosted other proffesions as well. A 2h guy can now quite comfortly cross and open area(worese and much less archers) to get to the enemy and start spamming with their high agi builds. At close range Archers are pretty much useless bacuse of their heavy investment and now even heavier investment in ranged skills. This would have been ok, cause archers shall suck in close combat but when it became easier to reached them it ended with a double nerf at least considering their surviveability.

I think few elite and experieced players will acknowledge this but it's just pure logic. They love that archers are so much less powerfull and can't really get them as they move in to finish them of. Many sees killing people with sword as a more "pure" form of killing than ranged. Still hitting a moving target from a distance still require some skill, especially if the target is equiped with a shield. I won't go into discussions about realism and such because it's just not interesting. The interesting thing is to keep the game as balanced as possible and yes, Archers, tincans and cav need some changes to make it more balanced.

I personally mainly play as a shielder atm and i must say that I don't really fear archers at all anymore.  I'm mainly killed by 2h gangbangs marily swinging away. I usually end up in the top third of the score board and keep an even K/D ration which I'm quite ok with considering the time I spend playing.

Btw, horses die more easily now mainly because of people using less heavily armored horses.

A Final note: Pls don't ever pull the "- You're just not skilled" shit on anyone cause is just bloody stupid. People who fall back to that misses the fact that the servers would be quite empty if only the "really skilled" players acctually play. You need us that are more casual player of avarage skill to enjoy the game, period. If you want to measure skill go to the duel servers and measure your ***** there please.
Most of us will never be as skilled as you guys are because of different reasons ranging from bad computer equipment, bad connection, casual player to bad mouse day etc. I do really admire you skill and dedication though, it's really enjoyable to see a highly skilled player play at the top of his/her game! (Btw that's one good thing with dying mid round!)

Regards to you all and see you on the battlefield!

Announcements / Re: Version 0.200 Released
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:06:09 pm »
what happens now is what happens always when there is a request for more information: ppl do not understand the question and simplify it as "whine".
1) is it meant to drop? (there is no drop mentioned in the list on the first page, but i don' t know)
2) at what rate would it drop (assuming 1 is true)?
3) are the rates different, so that a 31=>22 vs 30=>25 is possible?
the older i get the less i understand it: why are ppl spending loads of manhours (i would not want to guess the amount) working on a mod (or code or whatever) and after that refuse to share infos, which would take about 30 mins and quit 80% of the trouble?
best regards

Couldn't have said it better myself!
Some sort of documentation is a VERY good way to avoid tons questions and loads of whinging!

Still, Keep up the good work, it's a really good mod. Some PR work wouldn't hurt though ;).

Regards, Endorphine

General Discussion / Re: Changes?
« on: January 05, 2011, 09:08:50 pm »
I always love people beeing smart asses... especially admins.

I simple "No", "It will come in due time...", "We have to compile a list..."

Seriously, it can't be too much to ask?


General Discussion / Re: Changes?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:57:47 pm »
Yes, I've seen that as well. But from what I understood that's what have been fixed in the release that was made today.
What I was looking for was the changes that were  made in the "BIG" patch that came the other day: Repair, Arhcery, in-game character sheet etc.
To avoid 1000 questions about how you level up and so on. Some documentation for the patch acctually.

General Discussion / Changes?
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:18:32 pm »
Is there any official pacth log or similar where you can see what acctually have been done?
If not, I suggest that one is posted asap. No need for extended details, but a summary about what's been changed.

Simillary I suggest that you out up some info about character changes and so on BEFORE next big patch rather than just throw it out there and see what happens.
It most likely will save us a lot of griefing and whiners, not to mention the same questions over and over again.

Just my 5 cents on how I'd promote new features!


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