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Messages - Razzer

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 48
General Discussion / Re: Low server populations (poll)
« on: February 28, 2018, 11:47:05 am »
IG BG is like 30 players server, isn't it? That's for those who prefer EU4 gameplay. Compared to that, free for all no silly clan stacking noob infested siege often has/had 220 player population, like Pecores server used to have before multiplier patch.

Most players prefer to play like me, no strings attached. But this mod forced 90% of them to create clans at first, then to integrate into super clans. You've sacrified casuals who are the meat of every online games population in order to feed interests of the few and now just like before are crying over loss of population. It is funny that exact same people who always talk in favor of esports aspect, competitive gaming are the ones who were the most active when server population was more casual and not dominated by try hards. I do remember Vibe always being in favor of competitive so called pro level of competition yet I also do remember him being the most active in earlier phases of cRPG development, when it wasn't about x5, clan stacks and rest of that.

cRPG is fun in same way injecting heroin is fun. But it wasn't always heroin, used to be like weed at first. Certain people helped to shape it into heoin, interestingly same are abusers of hard substances irl.

Weren't you permabanned for cheating?
What does that have to do with anything? I was temporarily banned, when I was 16.
Glad you show once more, what an edgy dickhead you are.

General Discussion / Re: Low server populations (poll)
« on: February 26, 2018, 09:34:09 pm »
Fully agree about Strat. Dead Strategus means dead mod most of the time. However I disagree about clans on public free for all game modes. Could be that clans on battle provided longetivity but believe that rare mix of good and fun gameplay  mechanics (Warband base) and the worst kind of psychological entrapment chadz devised to keep us playing (cRPG item and leveling system) are the reason for strong response from gaming community towards cRPG and reason why it is still alive seven years after first release.

Clans never grew naturally with community, in fact clans cannibalized community. At first clans cannibalized freelancers, lone wolves, players who didn't belong to an organized team aka clan. Clans fed on them, mostly discarding those unwilling to go through the hoops (some people take pride in difficulty of an online gaming, from this perspective I find that laughable) and integrating those who passed the trial by fire. That way influence of clan grew while random players lost any influence over battle outcome. In second phase when new players stopped coming in waves, big clans cannibalized smaller clans to the point where only huge inflated clan were left, completely losing identity in the process because they integrated half a server. After a while huge clans became bored because there was no competition cuz they started avoiding each other, because if they played each other it was shorter end of the stick for one of the huge clans.

Mercs and to certain extent you guys were super weak clans devoid of any higher purpose because you bullied randomers on free for all servers while mostly ignoring truly competitive interclan tournament aka Strategus. Its like being adult and fighting preschoolers while other adults fight each other in competitions meant for professional adult fighters.

True winners of cRPG, despite all the underhanded tactics and cheating are eastern Europeans, because they dominated year after year only meaningful competition this mod has to offer, Strategus. Eastern Europeans being Druzhina and Grey Order, of course.

Mercs will be remembered as a clan pretending to be only for elite fighters, but in the end they turned into worst mix of random elements and weakest huge clan during second phase of community cannibalization process. Which shouldn't be of surprise when you take a good look at founders of Mercs, only Gnjus out of them can pass 'not being completely retarded' test. Other prominent members including the likes of Siiem, Xant, Blackbow and Bjord.
God Leshma has spoken. Let this be a lesson to all of you Mercs out there.

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 21, 2018, 09:22:47 am »
Funny how u said this in using sarcasm and now you posted one and now you're trying so hard to convince everyone it was legit.. come on laa you're better than this
alright laa
It's not my fault, that people dunno how the chatlog works after playing the mod for ages :^)

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 17, 2018, 10:02:18 am »
I turned the setting on to only show my casualties-> the kills I get and when i get killed.
Nice brain, thought you'd be one of the smarter Krems.

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 17, 2018, 01:04:03 am »
so if he was gone from server for 5 minutes why was all that chat still there from when he died wouldn't it have disappeared? I must be missing something.
It's saved in the Logs if you leave the server but keep the game open.

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:46:20 am »
Well it looks suspect because there are no kills not much conversation or command chat from anyone between time you died and time you murdered.  Sry.
No casualties on, no voicechat on and I just joined the server, when the new round started.
Trust me I neither need to doublespawn nor to photoshop stuff.

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:37:00 am »
so wait you were able to rejoin match 5 minutes into round after you died and before it ended and kill 7 people wow.
Wtf are you talking about
I left the server and rejoined after 5 mins. New round started and I started playing

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 17, 2018, 12:34:34 am »
It shows you dying to Denbitre erhardt skov then 10 lines down shows you killing 7 peeps in a row before showing any pink stating round ended so and so got valour, this gear was repaired etc. unless you photoshopped it you double spawned.
As I said I rejoined after being killed by that denbitre bloke like 5 mins after.
Photoshop lol, as if I gave enough of a damn to fake a pic, where I get kills as an archer  :lol:
I rejeioned, pressed QMD and then the round started, no idea what you guys are on about

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 16, 2018, 11:40:18 pm »
nice double spawn? ban tbh
Doublespawn? It only shows my casualties mate
Rejoined the server after like 5 mins  :idea:

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 15, 2018, 10:24:04 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Hey Dupre, let me help you.
« on: February 14, 2018, 12:37:50 am »
Why are you even giving them away, if half the players get them straight away and the other have to wait 2 weeks lol. Is it that complicated?
I'm not questioning the amount of work you guys do but, why is it taking so long?

General Discussion / Re: back2back
« on: February 14, 2018, 12:33:56 am »
Ye nerf class, saxon got a few headshots in a row within 4 days.

General Discussion / Re: Brainstorming anti-ranged builds
« on: February 13, 2018, 10:08:10 am »
Best anti-archer tactic is to press P then F1 right in front of them, it takes some getting used to, but eventually you can completley block there view, especially if they are 1st person pew pews, which i think they all are, of course this does not work vs 2 archers at once, so good luck, godspeed.
:lol: :lol:

General Discussion / Re: one secret class to rule them all
« on: February 12, 2018, 08:48:12 pm »
you have been replaced by a newer more powerful version sorry
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General Discussion / Re: one secret class to rule them all
« on: February 12, 2018, 06:43:40 pm »
Who the fuq is Templar_Razer?

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