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Messages - Skurcey

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Other / Re: Unban request HRE
« on: October 30, 2012, 12:32:18 pm »
Thanks a lot !

Other / Unban request HRE
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:50:38 pm »
Got banned on HRE today for punching (bare hands) a guy that wasnt  helping much, stayed late at spawn and armed only with a hammer and a low armor

Forum Français / Re: BoB team
« on: October 28, 2012, 07:47:47 pm »
Toujours vivant, si y a des interressés le soir pour faire du DTV ... :mrgreen:

Forum Français / Re: union fransaise pour strategus?
« on: October 16, 2012, 09:36:42 pm »
ouch, ta réponse sert à rien

Strategus c'est pas pour moi mais bon courage à toi Bele :)

ouuiii... la tienne beaucoup plus

Forum Français / Re: union fransaise pour strategus?
« on: September 18, 2012, 08:58:07 pm »
ouch, tu sais pas écrire "français"

DayZ / Re: Day Z mod for ARMA II
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:31:56 am »
yah. And Chernarus is a DayZ-Map, not an ArmA2-Map... stupid hype-morons...
Wow, ignorance at its finest

Buy / Re: How much is loompoint worth
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:23:05 pm »
afraid not, this is his bro talking, when i just sold my loompoint for 490k 200k is not  fair price
Dont feed the failed troll please

But i dodge your slow bardiche, and with my hatchet i cut your handle

limited to rank 1, that's why

WW2 online is far more immersive, if you pass the "omg new bloom gen 2" from the new games... Graphics arent so bad, you can see to 6 km, vehicles are histoicaly modelize.
Damage system is far behind ArmA or Battlefield. There s planes, boats, tanks. You can bomb the shit out of the enemy with bombers. You can enter all buildings.
When you know where to spawn and have a couple of friends to back you, this game is 100% fun, and the campaign last month where you need to capture the entire Belgium.

The draw back of the free accounts, is that you can t select high tier stuff, so, planes are a no go, if you re a effective pilot. And you can only play rifle or SMG as infantery.

If you need a building or prop done, pm or call over on IRC ! But i pretty much dont like the editor, so i'll just do the model, and the conversion

Suggestions Corner / Re: [game mode] cRPG Medieval Life
« on: August 13, 2012, 04:10:03 pm »
the warrior of the internet has spoken !

Suggestions Corner / Re: [game mode] cRPG Medieval Life
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:55:41 pm »
What do you think this is, a rpg? :O

Would be fun, you making it for us?

heeeu, c - R  - P - G

Suggestions Corner / [game mode] cRPG Medieval Life
« on: August 13, 2012, 01:12:02 pm »
What about a gameplay where you re not forced to play, but instead , do crafting and building?
There could also have a market, duels, horse races, recruiting centers for clan, special RP events...

Perhaps it could have some crafting to get a discount for clan members on the price of repairing. A place where peasant would have their real place, in the farms. They could grow and cook some food, food that would be needed for soldiers to stay healthy in battle. Metalsmith that could sharpen, repair and reforge armor and weapons. A religious leader that could forgive for all our sins, and fanatize the templar ;)

Some random events would add a bit of pepper in that, raids from barbarian, per example and a message would be send on all other servers, to gather help. Hide and seek with a thief. Escort a gold caravan, ....

Faction Halls / Re: [Guard] The Caravan Guild (Recruiting Worldwide!)
« on: August 13, 2012, 12:51:12 pm »
Glory to the GUARDSSSSS !!!

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