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Messages - HUtH

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
Well, just checkin' was there any drama here...

... and lol, why the hell Zlisch gave that loom to clan is just so funny to me, it wasn't clan's armour, I never took any money, items etc. from clan, I hope he at least got some money...
heh whatever, I gave him it and it's just some loom

Oh yes, Harpag, your idea is really good, especially for clans like yours, sir "shitty mental illness" specialist. Cheers and good luck in grinding more gold, ticks, troops or whatever is so important in strategus :)

he got mad cuz didnt get answer for this question and left crpg :D
Well, it'd be like a 1% :P

But it is true that there's many hiden and unclear informations that should be shown, and the only thing I could think of why it's like that is the devs' bad will. So hard to update the main site lol?

I'll just restore it.


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Couldn't you just contact with someone from your clan ?  :rolleyes:

Have fun in your way.
No, I'm sorry for all of hardcore strategus players, I wish you all get free of this madness

You both better look at time of making this thread and the other...

what's wrong with you?

You'll be back
you don't say that, I'm deleting everything :P

that 250k still free anyway jokin

ok, things done

Yeah, you're ok Zlisch, make a trade

I haven't played for months, better give it to someone that actually does.
Watch out for the greedy!

Thanks though
Really? Ok, then.

Lordly Black Armour still free

Well HardRice never meet you, cause you US, but make a trade for 250k on marketplace

You Christo are cool, so make a trade for Lordly Black Armour

That's what I realised tonight, yet one time more, but I was always coming back after a while, but this time it's the end, playing same game over and over is just bad for your brain.

first who replies and i like him in-game(EU) gets Lordly Black Armour and 250k gold

As in thread's title. Isn't that possible to place stats at And if not maybe devs could make a thread with these stats?
It'd be very helpful.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Half-Sword
« on: November 30, 2013, 06:58:06 pm »
Dunno, I don't know what's the thrust dmg. Last patch buffed swing dmg in polearm mode, so maybe these swords are finally effective?
Danish might be best for halfswording because of it's range, decent speed and thrust dmg(I suppose it has better dmg than Highland Claymore and Flambard)
I don't want to make a STF tests, waste of money and time :P

do the duel with rondels

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Half-Sword
« on: November 30, 2013, 03:05:02 pm »
halfswording--> thrust based play

It is like a weaker, shorter awlpike with 4 attack directions.
Weaker? 37 cut slash with Danish?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Half-Sword
« on: November 30, 2013, 01:56:48 am »
Bastards are too short with polearm animations

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