cRPG > Game Balance Discussion

Combat Mechanics

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--- Quote from: TerrorBite on March 16, 2019, 03:53:38 pm ---Thanks for the reply, I want to note you quoted my older post prior to the edit.

1.  Good stuff

2. Using two handed sword with 18 str build I had this issue but it seems you're looking into it anyway so that's good.

3. Refer to edit.
In the edit you can see I didn't mean to fix the issue by buffing kicks, but by nerfing nudges in this very specific way. The nudge fast swing isn't useless, just use a fast 1h and try nudging into a left swing while facehugging and the opponent cannot block it, even if they jump away it's inconsistent. The window where they're vulnerable is also negligible when they're so close to you with a fast weapon. I guess this isn't meta in eu, but just something I've noticed players do in au that is pretty annoying and can be fixed by reducing block stun period of a nudge.
I haven't looked into counter nudges so you might be right about a counter being available. It's probably an unpopular opinion but I'd quit before being forced to nudge to counter nudge so as not take hits in a duel.

4. I really question that.
Let's just make this more comprehensible. So let's say I use a 2h and stab someone with a 1h. They block and do a fast left attack while running into me. To be conservative let's even say I'm holding a and s while stabbing. You're saying I should be able to block right in time or do a right swing in time to not get hit? On native the footwork I mentioned is required to not get hit but doing it on crpg it's almost like I have no chance in blocking in time.
Now the situation you specifically mentioned was just when i stab and the opponent chambers. I haven't actually tested this so you might be right, about being able to chamber it back. But the reason I've never tested it is because it feels like I'd be far from being able to chamber in time, again just using the free MW 2h with 21 agi. I'm just recalling my stab being chambered with an up attack of an average speed 2h and it felt so fast paced that my character was far from finishing his stun duration to enable him to up block or up attack. But again I might be wrong, I'll test it when I play next.

--- End quote ---

2. Two handed sword is only 2.0 weight and 18 strength is really an AGI build, so yes, it's totally ok to get stunned with this item+attr build.
3. General opinion about nudges is that they're somewhere inbetween useless and situational. I don't consider them useless but wouldn't call them any close to be overpowered or "a must" for fights. It needs to get used to and i'm pretty sure it looks OP for players who are new to it.
4. It is all about footwork. You cant chamber overhead swing with thrust but you can simply evade the hit because of rotation speed. Also 2h thrust is an animation with one of the biggest reach (if not biggest), if you were caught by a 1h that can reach you with left swing of 1h (the shortest reach of all animations IIRC) then it's just a poor footwork or STR build that can't have any footwork at all.

AFAIR the character rotation speed was nerfed back in the day due to OP roflcopter pikes? (you know who you are! :))


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