Strategus > Strategus General Discussion
Strategus Battle abuse - defenders poll kicked and banned from server
--- Quote from: Thomas Dixon on January 08, 2011, 09:08:39 am ---bs you olny post what u want go cry somewhere else you and drz glitched troops and gold and attacked unprovoked anyway
--- End quote ---
Excuse me? We were the defenders here.... Damn, DRZ guys, or anyone else, have nothing to do with that.
Thomas Dixon:
Cheaters calling others cheaters if chadz want us to give your fife back np but i wont listen to u cry about karma catching up with u
My good friend, everything GO has in Strategus was won in actual battles. That is something that can not be said in your case. I resent your attitude, you are just trying to cover the fact that you have used bug in system, poll kicked and banned for personal gain. Disgusting.
Thomas Dixon:
it doesn't matter the system is broken the point is you threatened us so we kicked you im going back to the game cry all you want we were both in the wrong chadz can decide
We did not threaten you, we have asked you to leave the server, and return to the matter when bug is fixed. We were ready to sacrifice some tickets to have a proper battle later. We were ready to make the deal with you. Jesus, that is incredible... reading your posts is kinda like listening to communist propaganda in my childhood...
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