Strategus > Faction Halls
[OotWS] - Order of the White Stallion
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As the wind blows through the plains of Calradia, the long grass swaying in the breeze,
a slight trembling of the ground is felt by all. Remnants of a time gone by?
The White Stallion is a force, nay, the life force that flows through this field.
Echoes of lances smashing on shields and arrows hitting steel...
Battles were fought here, men were made and forgotten here...
Ask for it from any member.
Active Roster
Grandmaster Dalfador of the Golden Plains
Elder Luker, of his Lord's Dhirim Rangers
Commander Sexy_Furry, of the Vaegir Wildlands
Master Artorius, who is too cool to be from somewhere
Warchief Mikhos of the Northern Shores
Guildmaster Radsvid, of Rivacheg Rock
Marksman Ddrako, somewhere in Hawaii or Canada
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Other Information
Here is some gameplay I recorded.
You can pick up the general atmosphere of the teamspeak.
We play many, many other games; and also coordinate on said games.
Strategus Affiliation
We do not participate on the strategus map officially, our members are free to merc for whoever they feel.
Forum Signatures
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Representing my ninjas.
Joseph Porta:
Good luck! :D
--- Quote from: Joseph_Porta on February 05, 2013, 12:58:38 pm ---Good luck! :D
--- End quote ---
Thanks, Joseph.
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