Strategus > Faction Halls


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Uther Pendragon:
Yes, I wanted to make it sound more happy than it sadly had to end.

I would've considered maybe giving him a 1-2 month ban, but few weeks ago, some player reported 2 botting accounts on NA1 - one of them was Kaskar on an alt, the other one, I assume, was his 2nd account.

Remember kids, cheating on your taxes is how Al Capone got caught - don't try to cheat a bank and hope to get away with it!


--- Quote from: BlackxBird on December 28, 2017, 04:07:15 am ---LOL. He actually made everyone rank 10 who deserved to be rank 10! :D For one fucking sake everything worked just as it had to be :D Don't really get why he deranked No_Rules to rank 8.. Well I do know why he deranked me to rank 8 :D overall I hope I helped and got basicly the most important clan in crpg back on its foot again

(my first holydays for over one year and Im absolutely shitdrunk so excuse my grammar and pronoucning fails :) )

--- End quote ---

He did not derank us, iirc that happens automatically when someone claims leadership. If it passes because non of the leader was active in the meantime, all get deranked to 8.

Still a scumbag.

the real god emperor:
No, they all get deranked to 9 after someone claims. He manually deranked everyone to 8 so they can't mess with the bank money or the armory.


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