Strategus > Strategus General Discussion
Strategus 4 FAQ
10) How does the Towncenter work?
- when you go to sell an item you will get the option to change the price from the default. If you do this and increase the price the item will go on the marketplace instead.
-> Do you get money when it is put on the market or only when someone buys it for that price?
- Upkeep of garrisoned troops in fiefs has not changed from strat 3
-> Can you post that formula too, please?
--- Quote from: [ptx] on September 19, 2012, 01:31:55 pm ---Then it is bugged. I have 1 strat tick left for over 24h now, have neither made any gold nor recruited any troops.
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I'm not 100% but I believe it is 2 strat ticks used per hour on troops or gold.
--- Quote from: dodnet on September 19, 2012, 01:36:51 pm ---10) How does the Towncenter work?
- when you go to sell an item you will get the option to change the price from the default. If you do this and increase the price the item will go on the marketplace instead.
-> Do you get money when it is put on the market or only when someone buys it for that price?
- Upkeep of garrisoned troops in fiefs has not changed from strat 3
-> Can you post that formula too, please?
--- End quote ---
Only when someone buys the item for that price
I'll try and dig it out
looks like :P
--- Quote from: Tomas on September 19, 2012, 01:42:52 pm ---I'm not 100% but I believe it is 2 strat ticks used per hour on troops or gold.
--- End quote ---
2 ticks for gold(5g per tick) per hour. Don't know about troops recruiting.
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