Strategus > Strategus General Discussion
Strategus 4 FAQ
so i attacked a guy who had a 2k good on him which he apparantly bought from the fief im now sitting in. I cant see a sell button so you cant sell to the fief the goods came from or?
ahh so there is :D wasnt worth much gold but i learned something new and it was for free :D
Can someone explain to me the calculations made to determine travel speed on strategus?
From my past experiences i have had:
unarmored 800troops with 2000 horses, 0 crates traveling around 24-28 meters per minute.
armored 800troops with 2000 horses, 0 crates traveling around 30-34 meters per minute.
Most recently:
I have Armored 2300 troops 16000horses 18000crates traveling about 19-21 meters per minute.
Then i dropped off the crates and now i have 2300 troops 16000horses 700crates traveling about 19 meters per minute. It seems to continue to decrease speed.
I dont get it. Can someone explain to me all the factors in determining the movement speed on strategus? Never during any of this time am i quick marching.
--- Quote from: Harald on September 18, 2013, 06:01:41 pm ---There are a few issues with the speed calculation, i'm not sure though if you would actually go faster with them fixed or not (it assumes you have more horses, but it also mixes up crates and number of goods in bonus and penalty calculations).
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--- Quote from: Harald on November 17, 2013, 11:02:40 pm ---Slow horses give you a 30% speed bonus, fast horses 80%. If all troops and crates can be carried on fast horses only any slow ones you might have won't slow you down.
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--- Quote from: Harald on August 26, 2013, 12:50:37 am ---In order to get the speed bonus you need more horses than troops or crates (1 horse can carry 1 soldier and 1 crate). The current speed calculation has a few bugs though and you might end up with strange results when testing it, will be fixed in the next update.
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The terrain effects the speed too.
Sup guys. I'd like to ask about night time. If someone attacked another player and game moved battle into his night time zone, what then?
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