Strategus > Faction Halls

[Malta] The Order of the Knights of Malta (Recruiting NA & EU)

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--- Quote from: LookItsMountNBladeMan on September 05, 2012, 02:16:36 am ---   I'm sorry I must have misinterpreted your sentence. I just took the two words, 'bud', and 'pal' as a malicious belittlement tactic.  Been a little bit paranoid with all the harassment I've been getting.

--- End quote ---


Sweet banner Kirby! Best of luck!
Cool to see another historic clan about to kick it in battle!

Neat. Glad that there are some more new clans with potential, especially ones with a unified visual solidarity (if only because they look cool when they group up).

Hope to see that banner and the folks under it on dem servers soon enough!

Blessed be the Maltan Knights a shelter for a Templar lost souls (in the real)


"Knights of Malta" redirects here

Knights of Malta is generally synonymous with the medieval Order of Knights of Malta also known as Knights Hospitaller.

There's already a faction called the Knights Hospitaller.  With the same banner.


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