cRPG > cRPG Technical problems

Forum Bug and cRPG Bug


When I was typing a lot, it kept shifting the display to the top of what I was typing (I could still type at the bottom, but it was only giving me a glimpse of like 1 millisecond of what I was typing.).

In cRPG, sometimes (usually the first time) I join the server, some parts of it are invisible. Does everyone have that?


--- Quote from: Miley on January 04, 2011, 01:11:04 am ---When I was typing a lot, it kept shifting the display to the top of what I was typing (I could still type at the bottom, but it was only giving me a glimpse of like 1 millisecond of what I was typing.).
--- End quote ---

Standard SMF bug. I don't think it can be helped, rarely happened with Firefox for me, happens all the time with IE.

--- Quote ---In cRPG, sometimes (usually the first time) I join the server, some parts of it are invisible. Does everyone have that?
--- End quote ---

There was a bug somewhat similar to that with ATI video cards waaay back. It should've been solved quite a while ago, if that's what you're experiencing.


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