« on: October 22, 2014, 10:34:59 pm »
I was playing this evening for a good two hours solid and collectively seen more bullshit than I have in the years I have played. I don't care about a weapons effectiveness, I pick my weapons based entirely on looks and animation. When the new weapons come out I used all my LPs to to get a Heavy great sword, 2h Warhammer and Bearded axe +3. Today I hit a peasant 3 times with my warhammer. A real peasant, no gauntlets or boots. Shirt and woolen cap. I hit a guy 5 times who was wearing a kuyak. I have 6PS and 181 prof. For two hours this has been the story. I am being 2 hit by little girls with sticks and I'm giving beatings to peasants that would make the hulk wince and I can't kill anything. I rode past an archer with a dagger on a heraldic horse, she did 75% damage to it with a glancing blow. I couched a guy in a leather vest and he didn't die. Something is very wrong.
Anyone else having these issues?