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Topics - Native_ATS

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i got like 90wpf right now in throwing, and it always says am to low
i throw lances and i cant pick them back up... if i hit the floor its gone forever?
if i throw an axe i can pick it up np... thus i belive it is a huge bug!

Game Balance Discussion / throwing lances nerffed to much
« on: April 30, 2011, 02:20:37 pm »
so now you can carry 2 lances into battle, but that takes 4 slots and u end up with just 2 lances...
if you miss your shot with a lance you cant pick it back up.... if you miss your shot with anyother throwing weapon u can pick it back up np...
so i can carry 2 lances into battle but if i miss it is gone forever!
they nerffed damg for lances and the number of lances u can bring to battle as well.
i ask that they kindly let me pick up lances of the floor

Game Balance Discussion / Top tier bow = 2nd teir xbow?
« on: April 20, 2011, 06:22:34 am »
i have been playing a lot of range classes in CRPG, i have done throwing... i have done xbows, and i have done bows.
i learned that high tier bows are 100% crap in every way.
I master worked a light xbow and bolts to deal out 60p per shot. That’s 60p damg with only 7str needed and 0wpf
i have almost master worked a long bow and arrows, it deals  40cut. That 40cut with 8PD and 146wpf
 I have learned and tested that it takes about 3-4 shot with my master work light x-bow to kill most players,
 I have shot the same people with my FineLongBow and i was sadden when it took 3-4 shot..... 
So i thought about it and started to go over the pro and cons...
Bow can be shot at a ok speed... yet i can match almost any bowmen with the speed on my master work light X-bow. They shot and miss i reload and fire back, about 1-1.5 shot per shot if there using strongbow
 --Maybe the aim is better for bows? WRONG! my master work light X-bow has better aim then my FineLongBow... i have 0 in xbow and 146 in bow....
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 --Maybe bows are better to use if i want to wear heavy armor? Well i tested this and learned that if am wearing surcoat over mail i shot my slow bow even slower!... yet my Master work xbow is just fine no matter what i wear...
 --Bows can’t even hold their shot for a good time... xbows can hold their shot all day,
 --One up side is you can reload as you move, but your movement is slowed as you do it

Is it fair that i can deal the same damg with a light xbow with 0 skill points used and 0 wpf as a bowmen with 8pd and 146wpf?  The real answer is no...
I am really sad to say that bows are over nerfed, please buff the higher tier bows...
any ideas on this or thoughts about balance?

Scene Editing / Rage about maps (siege)
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:33:37 am »
I have grown tried of shitty maps. I like that we have new maps but after playing on them it makes me rage. I don’t rage much; i curse now and then but always laugh after. I play on this BRD Map and i rage. I didn’t even laugh after; i just raged and hated it. i have never played on a worse map then that. Who ever made the map should have their face punched every dam day in the morning..... for life and i hope they live to be 100. Idk how anyone can say they tested or believe it looked ok. i wonder if we are that in need of maps that we let that art project form hell in? It is like a RSP kid grabbed a hand full of glitter and glue and just fap off till his little arms were tried. Thus the BRD map was born. I even hate calling it BRD map cuz BRD is a real clan with real players and that map is just sooo shitty that when i say brd map i don’t want to believe it came form a real source... No way someone in BRD was like "hey this is a cool map" Idk who made this map and i hope to god it wasn’t the same person who made the anit-cav map before in the 80 man sever but it too is anit-cav.
I would like that when a map is added we are given posts on it, and people have to test it...
I say the map maker post that he has made a new map, and shows his work, and who has tested it. Then if there was a theme in it or not. This will help map makers stay on track with their work, and we would have better maps.
Check to see if it is crap, dose it look like a kid fap off till his arms are tried? if so dose it even work or is it just cluter?
Dose it take a few min to walk form point A to B? if so its crap, shouldn’t take 2 min to walk form one spot to the other, we are here to play not to walk!
Can every class be played? Not fair that u can be ranged but I can use my pony D: (FYI am not cav)
This started as rage, but i hope it helps out some how

Game Balance Discussion / Donkey riding and water mellon throwing?
« on: April 03, 2011, 04:38:06 pm »
i say we should add a donkey at teir 1 for riding, that way you dont have to walk, it can be named the golden chaz
as for the water mellon, i feel at some pt you should be able to carry 1 water mellon into battle for some blunt damg throwing lol

I hear a lot of people saying throwing is going to be nerfed, I don’t want to believe that it is but it does seem like a lot of people are throwing low tier items (darts, rocks, jav, axes) I want to see if the Dev can shed some light on this or if anyone can post a link to where this was said?

I thought to myself why people would nerf it, and if it truly dose need a nerf.
I been a thrower for 12gens now, nothing but throwing. I done pony thrower, shield thrower, 1hand/shield thrower, speed thrower, and pure thrower. I have heirloomed axes, snowflakes, javs, and lances. Throwing has been nerfed once before, the speed and range was nerfed for high tier throwing.
yet low tier wasn’t really nerfed, it was buffed. Now I hear they will nerf throwing again.

All that needs to be done to throwing is to raise the PT (powerThrow) of all low tier throwing. I would say raise it by 2, and raise top tier throwing by 1.  This fixs the spam of people just getting throwing because its sooo easy to fit into their build. If you take away the super free entry to throwing less people will spam javs and darts. I mean 3 pt for jav is way to low.

Why throwing dosnt need a nerf
people cry(2handers/pole-arm user most of the time) that it isn’t fair that u can 1 shot people with throwing lances.
Frist off that isn’t true, you can’t 1 shot most people until you have 9-10 pt which means you need 27 str. The fact that you need that much means you’re going to be a str build and in truth with 9-10 ps you can 1 shot people anyways with a bec or longaxe.

People say you can spam throwing?
Yes you can, but not in high tier throwing, only low tier throwing can you spam(darts,stars,rocks)
mid tier cant spam (javs,throwing axes)
high tier spam? no way!(throwing spears-lances)

So if it’s the spam the dev want to fix they should find a way to fix low tier throwing without nerfing high tier throwing.

General Discussion / Horse Archery
« on: February 15, 2011, 10:17:28 pm »
so dose Horse Archery help if your using an Xbow on ponyback?

General Discussion / items mixed up
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:13:15 am »
so all the items got mixed up, more of a random mode now, hope they fix it lol i had a hammer with 42b, 86 speed crushthough and nockdown xD

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