Author Topic: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?  (Read 4816 times)

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2011, 05:46:18 pm »
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The fact that melee cavalry players (mainly lancers) gets so many kills doesn't make them OP. That is a stupid argument that is getting quite tiresome.
Also, a good HA will make the best of cav players to look bad.

The victims are made up of:

1. Unaware players of all kinds of classes (very rarely good players but quite often players who considers themselves to be good).
Solution: If you can't get better at it you will just have to rely on teamwork. Going with others instead of going alone is a good start.

2. Noobs and unskilled players lacking the knowledge or skill to defend themselves or counter (down block, jump a side, thrust the horse, jump slash the rider, jump stab the rider...).

3. Peasants (rarely good players). A good player knows how to downblock and jump a side and will make a stalemate in a 1vs1 situation with any type of melee cav.
It's quite funny when I meet a good peasant on his own who knows how to avoid getting bumped or hit by my lance making me look like a fool. I usually just ride away and fight somewhere else for a while when that happens. Not because I can't kill him but because it would take too long. Staying could result in a team loss because I stayed away from fights where my help would have been needed.

See where I am going?

It's only because of the unawareness and lack of teamplay and tactics by the enemy that makes it possible for me and other melee cavalry players to get a lot of kills fast.
It's not a problem with the ingame balance. It's perfectly balanced. In general a melee cavalry player barely has the upper hand in 1vs1 situation vs any type of infantry (ranged or not).
An archer will kill the horse and a pikeman can't be killed. Then there are HA's that plays with melee cavalry like a cat plays with a mouse. The mouse can only run away and that is what I do.
I like how well balanced the game is right now.

Reminder: All classes are not supposed to be perfectly balanced in any 1vs1 situation vs any type of enemy.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 05:56:22 pm by Riddaren »

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2011, 05:54:24 pm »
Attention : It is not because your attack is blocked that the horse is not hit.
In mount and blade you can't hit two person with one attack , at the only exception of cav and horseman. With hone hit you can kill/wound both. So if you attack is blocked it doesn't mean that you didn't hit the horse , it only mean that you hit the horse but not the horseman. If you hit very high (near top the horseman) he may block your attack and the horse will be safe,  but if you hit the horse low , blocking will only save the man but never the horse

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2011, 06:01:39 pm »
but its harder to aim lower points of horse becouse you need spin thrust if you want avoid boincing..

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2011, 07:16:17 pm »
I'm adding another funny one, didn't even know it existed :
I'm using a long spear, so a cav coming to me, i thrust, he jump, i follow him and... BONK. He managed to protect his horse's belly with his shield, while in air. Awesome ! High five for the horse !  :shock:
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2011, 08:31:24 pm »
-horsemen can protect their horses from some melee hits by blocking the right direction.

Yes, that's retarded. Especially lancers with shields enjoy that stupid thing right thar.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Why horseman's blocks protect horse ?
« Reply #50 on: July 08, 2011, 09:01:01 pm »
Attention : It is not because your attack is blocked that the horse is not hit.
In mount and blade you can't hit two person with one attack , at the only exception of cav and horseman. With hone hit you can kill/wound both. So if you attack is blocked it doesn't mean that you didn't hit the horse , it only mean that you hit the horse but not the horseman. If you hit very high (near top the horseman) he may block your attack and the horse will be safe,  but if you hit the horse low , blocking will only save the man but never the horse

Actually yes. It's possible to block an attack and still have it damage the horse. Question is if he didn't block would the attack have hit him and still passed through the horse without damage.