There has recently been a change in Defend the village mode that players can only receive half gold and xp, I am a 2hander, mainly defend the main door with overhead attacks, so I need to wear heavy armour and have good weapons to stay alive or enemies will just rush in. I have fought 3 games each till the engineers we lost, having 400+kills and 3 deaths. i had 2k gold before i came, it shows that i have 13k gold in game at last, but on website i have only 200 gold by the time i left, The money im reciving cant even cover my repairing cost! I can accept the half xp but the money cut is total bs.. either we should have a 50% discount on repairing bills or change it back! DTV is not that easy, we cant even defeat searaiders if we dont have a good team. Now the change actually making the leechers have their advantage, they dont need to pay much for their peasant gear! what should do is work hard on preventing leechers or increasing difficulties but not cutting down our hard-earned money like that!