Ok, so the reason this was nerfed was that people barely have x2 in this mode. In other modes, you will have x1 half the time, as over half the players lose every battle (because of autobalance). In this mod you get x1 for three waves, then x2 for three waves and so on. So ye, maybe it needed a nerf. On the other hand, I saw a lot of teams who couldnt even beat 2nd wave, which ment they had x1 for more time than the other modes.
Yesterday, in battle, we (the guards) grouped up and dominated a server for a couple of hours, which gave me x5 for most of the time. If we vent DTV instead, we would maybe get x5 for a wave or two. We would be a good organised group, but we would still lose A LOT on being on DTV, thats before the nerf. After the nerf, we dont even care, as this mod now punish people for playing. The income vs repair costs is way too low, and we would have to go in naked with a shield or a wep to at all have a chance to keep it balanced. I hope that this nerf is gonna be redone.