Make that k/d ratio influence % of upkeep in positive(like less % with good k/d) or adding a fix bonus in gold to remove from upkeep request. we wanna that the mod is more skill based right?
If a player take the risk to use 150k worth of equip? if he fail he probably gonna pay it salty with 5k or more gold in upkeep, but if he succeed and do dunno 2:1 3:1 ? 4:1 ? he must have a compensation, an incentive like less to pay in upkeep maybe with a fix formula :
1:1 k/d you do your job for team no malus no bonus
2:1 k/d you are doing fine, -100g in upkeep when one of your item require upkeep, if item is worth less than 100g in repair, is automatically repaired. (you cant earn gold from this system)
3: 1 k/d very well - 250g
4: 1 k/d awesome - 400 g
etc etc, chose a formula.
that will incentive player to risk better equip basing on theyr ability, it will make upkeep not depending on random % only, but by the skill of the players. and who is really good can afford to make the difference and go around with expensive stuff at his own risk, not becouse a system chosed that mathematically for him.
living all in the hands of the ability of players, so who wear a plate in game, really deserve it
you can even consider to place negative bonus for who do negative k/d like more chance to upkeep item or more gold to pay , so pp, will be much lessed inclined to LEECH, or go afk, everybody will try to do theyr best for win.
another thing is the autobalance, work only first time it simply move on other side all first 5-10 player who made better kill ratio, than all other round are unbalanced.
if we place more autobalance like at round 1 3 and 5, teams will be more even, majority of games end 4:1 5:0
of course if is technically possible
this system will remove many things
1) random upkeep not based on ability of player
2) if integrated also in negative k/d will remove leechers, naked ppl et
3) better autobalance
4) will force ppl to collaborate more and be more tactician, than only zerg like now.
ps: will be better have exp area as previously, fix bonus in xp and gold only promote leechers, and less willing to play in group with ths
ps: other small balance, 1h+shield user upkeep cost more than 2handers/pole users. also throwing users deserve to have theyr cost on throwing weapon lowered, for example a 1h+shield user + thowing risk to pay twice if not more in upkeep than a 2h/pole user (who usually hold 1 weapon only)
or for quote a guy who answered me on another 3d
A damage counter would be.
this system can work also, more dmg i do more discount or less % to upkeep i will receive. whatever encourage personal ability imho is good
but dmg counter will not have any drawback in case of ppl not doing dmg/killing and going negative, thats why i proposed based on k/d