Author Topic: all cRPG CLAN FALLEN TOURNAMENT (number 06)  (Read 22490 times)

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Offline Punisher

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« on: April 12, 2011, 08:52:19 pm »
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Following already finished all cRPG FALLEN CLAN TOURNAMENTS the other one follows. Invited to come is everybody - not only those that get invitation into their clan threads. But only clan members that will be able to form specified teams are allowed to participate in the event.

There will be multiple fights on one special map among multiple clans. No need to negotiate with other clans where or when or on what map to meet. Everything will happen in three sessions (qualifiers group A, qualifiers group B, finals) - if you don't qualify to finals, you will fight on 1 session only, if you go to finals, you will fight 2 times. Rankings of this tournament will be recorded and updated into the CLAN FALLEN LADDER. The finals will be on Sunday 18:00 GMT

1 - Absolutely no fighting outside the ranked tournament fights, no jumping down the tribune, no suiciding or killing teammates to regain health (if you want to regain health, rejoin via spectator). No punching or kicking of other players!!!!
2 - Maximum ammount of members of 1 clan logged at one time on the server is 15.
3 - The highest body armor you can take for the tournament is Heavy Strange Armor
4 - No spawning on horse, only Tournament masters can spawn on one. Always listen to the tournament master, never hit him back.
5 - Use the chat as little as possible, preferably only when the tournament masters ask you something. Spamming the chat will get you muted/kicked/banned and your team penalized.
6 - Server will be in CTF mode - if your team is called into the tournament fight you have to join the same faction as your clanmates. The first team called into the battle joins upper faction, the 2nd team called into the battle joins lower faction!
7 - If you're recording the event and you're not clan member, please appy here too so you won't be kicked.
8 - Server will be passworded, the password will appear here: bushido
9 - No siege equipment (siege shields, ladders, construction sites) allowed.
10 - No looting of any weapons from the ground during the fights (like retaking throwing weapons from the ground, shields etc...)
11 - Common sense
12 - Rules can be discussed and can change further on

1 - For minor offenses there will be a warning first. This warning can be a written warning or a slash from the tournament master. If the tournament master slashes you it doesnt mean he wants to fight you, it means you are doing something wrong and you have to stop doing it. Keep doing it and you will get kicked. Come back and do it again and you will be banned and your team will be penalized.
2 - For major offenses like entering the arena when a battle is going on or killing the tournament master there will be no warning. Straight ban and your team will get penalized.
3 - If a team uses more ranged weapons than allowed, the fight outcome won't matter, their opponent will receive a 8:0 win.

1 - This tournament will be based on a new qualifying system of 5x3 vs 5x3 fights.
2 - There will be 2 groups for the qualifiers A and B with 6 teams each. There will be 10 matches within each group, everyone will get to fight 10 times. After the qualifiers are over, the first 3 teams from each group go to the Finals.
3-  For every killed enemy your team gets 1 point. So the winner will always get 8 points, the loser can get max 7 points.
4 - If during the qualifiers there are 2 teams with equal number of points, their places will be set by a 1vs1 DUEL between 2 of their members. If the duel is required in the finals for the first place, it will be best of 3.
5 - There will be another 6 team group for the Finals. The system used here will be the same as the previous tournament, 8vs8 fights but every match will be fought twice. There will be a 15 match session where everybody fights 5 times, a short break while I will do the math and announce the partial results, than the first 15 match session is repeated.
6 - If under any circumstances your clan fights with lower amount of people, your missing teammates are considered as killed (other team will get points just like for killing them).
7 - All participants will be awarded ladder points and new entries will be included in the Fallen Ladder. For now I will keep picking the groups myself to have them as balanced as possible, after we will have at least 7-8 tournaments completed groups will be made according to your position on the Ladder.

1 - Clan team size is 5 people, 1 clan can form only 1 clan team
2 - Qualifiers are melee only, no ranged allowed.
3 - The qualifiers will be held in a 5x3 vs 5x3 system. This means all clans from one group will fight every match in different combinations. Yes, you will be fighting alongside 2 other clans against an enemy team of 3 clans.
4 - Points will be awarded based on the already established k:d system - clans from the winning team each get 15 points, clans from the losing team each get max 14 points, depending on how many enemies they killed.
5 - As this is a new system and it can't be seen how it works without testing it I reserve the right to offer an additional +3-5 point bonus to the winners if the results will be too close (to be clear, by too close I mean 3-4 clans with same number of points).
6 - When called, first 3 clans will join upper faction, the other 3 will join lower faction.
7 - Below is the picture of the arena the fights will take place in. First team will form a line along the left wall, second team another line along the right wall.
(click to show/hide)
8 - Considering the fights are 15 vs 15, after a fight is over, the survivors will need to line up as shown in the picture below to be counted before leaving the arena. Leaving the arena earlier means you are considered killed and your enemies get more points.
(click to show/hide)
9 - With the new system being a little more complicated, before the ranked fights there will be a test fight so everyone understand what they need to do.

1 - Clan team size is 8 people, 1 clan can form only 1 clan team
2 - Maximum 2 ranged weapons / team (1 ranged weapon = 1 bow OR 1 xbow OR 1 stack of throwing weapons)
3 - Finals will consist in  8vs8 fights like at the previous tournament but every match will be fought twice. There will be a 15 match session where everybody fights 5 times, a short break while I will do the math and announce the partial results, than the first 15 match session is repeated.
4 - When your names are called you will join the appropiate faction - first team joins upper faction, second team joins lower faction and enter the arena. You will not start fighting untill the tournament master gives you the start.
5 - After calling the current fight I will announce the next fight as well. People who fight next must join the appropiate faction and gather at the arena gate so they are ready to enter the arena when called. This way everything will go a lot quicker and everybody will wait less between fights.

1 - There are 12 slots + 2 substitutes available.
2 - Register your clan by applying in this thread - do not PM me, if you have a question, ask here so others can see the answer and don't have to ask the same thing again. Registrations are opened until Thursday, than the Groups will be decided.
3 - For registering: include clan name and visual style (visual style goes only to body armors while Heavy Strange Armor is the highest you can take, other armor is free of choice. You can't register with the same visual style as the other clans, except for heraldic armors)
4 - When you register, include also the time you want to fight the qualifiers or include that you can fight on both times. There are 2 qualifiers both of them at the same day: Saturday 9/04 . The 1st qualify round is at 16:00 GMT the 2nd qualify round is at 18:00 GMT.
5 - It is still possible to apply to the tournament and still not be allowed to participate. This can happen if you apply late when many clans will be already registered before you and/or if you apply for the same time like majority of the other clans - thus it won't be possible to find a spot for you in the qualifying group. To prevent this: either apply quickly or make sure you can fight on both times. If you will be able to fight on both times it is highly probable that you will make it into the tournament (same goes for early applications as these have priority over those that apply late).

1 - Qualifiers are 5x3 vs 5x3. This way we will have more interesting 15 vs 15 fights, and everyone will face the challenge of fighting for victory together with 2 other clans that might be weaker or stronger then themselves. Also, it means NO DOWNTIME for anyone. There will be 10 fights, everybody will fight in every one of them.
2 - Finals will be pretty much the same as the #5th tournament. The big difference is there will be 2 sessions one after the other. This way every single fight will be fought twice, thus greatly reducing the random/luck factor.
3 - Many clans complained about the qualifiers being held Saturday evening, therefore team size was reduced to 5 players during the qualifiers, fielding 5 players shouldn't be a problem to anyone. Finals stay in the classic 8v8 format.
4 - The tournament will take place on Shogunate_Dojo server, so there will be no more ping problems for danish players.
5 - There was some confusion about the correct time last tournament. The current GMT time can be checked here, the GMT time never changes, your timezones got +1 hour because of the summertime.
6 - Considering the more complicated qualifying system, discipline will be essential. I really liked the behaviour shown at the last tournament, especially during the finals and I hope it will stay this way.

1 - Fallen Brigade (visual style: Sarranid Guard Armor) registered by Punisher (time: both possible)
2 - The Strangers (visual style: Cuir Bouilli over Mail) registered by Sir_Bertran (time: both possible, 16GMT prefered)
3 - Ninjas (visual style: Black Lamellar Armor) registered by Torp (time: both possible)
4 - Risen (visual style: Druzhina Lamellar Armor) registered by Thovex (time: 18GMT)
5 - Druzhina (visual style: Lamellar Armor) registered by Segd (time: both possible)
6 - Caravan Guards (visual style: Heraldic Mail) registered by Lansamur (time:both possible)
7 - Mercenaries (visual style: Heraldic Mail) registered by Olwen (time: both possible)
8 - HRE (visual style: Heraldic Mail) registered by NuberT (time: 18GMT)
9 - my old friends (visual style: Heraldic Mail with Tabard) registered by Gnjus (time: both possible, 16GMT prefered)
10 - Turks (visual style: Mamluke Mail) registered by Reyiz (time: both possible)
11 - Grey Order (visual style: Black Lamellar Vest/Lamellar Vest) registered by Harpag (time: 16 GMT)
12 - SoA-Aegis Sovereignty (visual style: Heraldic Mail with Tabard) registered by Armitage_Shanks (time: both possible, 18GMT prefered)

13 - Teutonic Order (visual style: Heraldic Mail with Tabard) registered by Ulrich_88 (time: 16GMT)

Note: Registrations are now closed but there are still 2 spots available for substitutes, last 3 tournaments the substitutes ended up participating so I suggest you take advantage and register.


Group A - 16 GMT
1.Grey Order
3.Strangers old friends

Group B - 18 GMT

4.Fallen Brigade
6.Caravan Guards


Group A
1. Turks 134-15=119*
2. Strangers 118
3. my old friends 118

4. Mercs 116
5. Grey Order 124-10=114*
6. Ninja 92

*Turks were penalized 15 points for constant kicking and punching eachother, even after Beauchamp's warnings and kicks.
*Grey Order started with a 10 points penalty from last tournament.

Group B

1. Risen 147
2. HRE 117
3. SoA 100

4. Guards 99
5. DRZ 92
6. Fallen 87

(click to show/hide)

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1. Risen
2. HRE
3. my old friends
4. Strangers
5. SoA
6. Mercenaries
7. Grey Order
8. Guards
9. Druzhina, Ninja
« Last Edit: April 17, 2011, 11:38:56 pm by Punisher »

Offline Everkistus

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« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2011, 08:54:48 pm »
I would like to mention something to all participants:

Read the rules and make sure you understand them.

Offline Polobow

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« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2011, 09:07:15 pm »
3 clans versus 3 clans, 5 players in each clan? Nice style! Looking forward to this.

I think this will prevent the 'teaming', in fallen tournament 4 where it was 4 v 4 v 4, and 2 clans teaming on 1 clan.

If they do this here, it will be with a risk.
Since we have 3 clans, i don't assume they will all 3 be on the same talking channel. Is it possible to use the team chat for tactics?

Offline Sir_Bertran

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« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2011, 09:09:36 pm »
The Strangers as always, in deal, in usual armour.

Better 16 GMT Saturday and 18 Sunday.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 11:14:27 pm by Sir_Bertran »
We'll pillage your village!

Offline Punisher

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« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2011, 09:10:29 pm »
3 clans versus 3 clans, 5 players in each clan? Nice style! Looking forward to this.

I think this will prevent the 'teaming', in fallen tournament 4 where it was 4 v 4 v 4, and 2 clans teaming on 1 clan.

If they do this here, it will be with a risk.
Since we have 3 clans, i don't assume they will all 3 be on the same talking channel. Is it possible to use the team chat for tactics?

Yes, of course but without spamming it. There will be no "teaming" as each 3 clans are in one faction and fighting against the other 3.

Offline Torp

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« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 09:10:56 pm »
Ninjas are up

Black Lamellar Vest
Black Hood with Mask
Khergit Leather Boots

Offline Thovex

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« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2011, 09:11:36 pm »
Sure we'll partipicate with Druzhina Lamellar Armor.
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Offline Segd

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« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2011, 09:14:08 pm »
DRZ (Druzhina Lamellar Armor) Shit, Thovex you was faster :(

Offline Thovex

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« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2011, 09:15:12 pm »
DRZ (Druzhina Lamellar Armor) Shit, Thovex you was faster :(

Wahahhaa  :)
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« Reply #9 on: April 12, 2011, 09:52:56 pm »
I'll sign us up for now. May be recalled though.

Visual: Heraldic.
[22:17] <@chadz> congratz cmpxchg8b, you managed to put 995 errors into the item sheet!
[22:17] <@cmpxchg8b> epic winning
[22:17] <@cmpxchg8b> beat that Fasader

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« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2011, 09:54:29 pm »
We will take lamellar armor for now. Hope Risen will change their minds  :cry:

Offline Olwen

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as last time ^^

Offline NuberT

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HRE is ready to fight! visual style: Heraldic

18 gmt
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 10:44:29 pm by NuberT »

Offline Gnjus

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Heraldic mail with Tabard will be the armor of the my old friends.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Reyiz

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Turks will join with Mamluke Mail