Author Topic: You still think that cavalry is OP??  (Read 6990 times)

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Offline Lord_Panos

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You still think that cavalry is OP??
« on: July 03, 2012, 02:28:58 pm »
Over the last couple of days  I`ve been reading a lot of whine/bitch threads regarding cavalry and how OP it is.These threads are made by  2h "heroes" which the only thing they can do is spam and rape S button and gay ass archers that bore you to death with their kiting.

I played 1 generation as cavalry and I dare to say that the only things that need to be fixed are :

- Bump slash
- Bump couch/lance
- a small nerf to manoeuver of the arabian

Other than that, everything else is fine,it`s not cavalries fault that you can`t hear or you can`t fight back lancers, and instead of trying to improve yourselves on how to fight back lancers you keep bitching to the developers until they give in and totally nerf cavalry class making it unplayable.

Majority believes that cavalry class is easy mode because they see Gk`s do spawn rape and afk kills,although I` don`t like that at all and infinite times I insulted GK`s for doing that I would be an idiot not to say that most of them are good at what they do and that it actually requires skill to be a lancer.

It is hard because

- Every ranged is aiming at your horse
- When you get de-horsed there is a 90% chance that you`ll get killed  by an angry mob
- Horses are very weak and die very fast (especially if the hit is on the legs)
- Many times I found myself being out ranged by a greatsword`s thrust with the heavy lance while mounted

Also most of the lancers carry a polearm as a secondary weapon,but guess what,pole stagger removed because 2h heavy kuyak heroes kept whining about it resulting in a major nerf to polearms in generals,while on the other hand the 2h class kept

- The retarded animations
- The hug spam no bounce
- Ghost reach of swings
- Stab retarded and abuzive animations

Some time ago cmp nerfed turning speed a bit and most of the 2h heroes rage-respeced because as they said "BATTLE NOW IS TOO SLOW " " I CANT TOP THE SCOREBOARD NOW BECAUSE I CANT DO A 180 LOLSTAB" "OMG OMG I WILL LEAVE THIS GAME I AM THE MIGHTY GTX"

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Cry us a river.

Now its to prove to the dev`s what classes really do need nerf/balance

1.Pikes/Lspears and their retarded animations.

- Hug hits
- Spamming
- Jump thrusts

You don`t believe me??
Take a look..

Notice how the long spear passes inside from his enemy but he can make a thrust and land a successful hit..That is just retarded

What?? You want more evidence that pikes/lspears are retarded??
Ok,be my guest

All the action starts from 2:17,his first victim tries to sneak on him,and while he`s like 5 cm`s away from him,booom dieler with an insta 180 turn he penetrates his enemy and then he proceeds to his other victim which he hugs-spam his 245cm and 2.5kg lspear...And after the 2 victims of his watch how sensually he keeps the spamming and 180 turn thrusts...MMMMMM TOTALLY TRUE,but fuck you, if lancers where banned from the game, players  wouldn`t need lspears to play and protect themselves
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Now let`s proceed to my favorite class (DRAMATIC MUSIC) 2H HEROES!!!

My first example is my friend cicero...

take a look at this scene 1:17 when he fight 2 other 2hand heroes

YOU CAN SEE IT ALL,LOLSTAB FROM 1CM,HUG SPAM,but i guess that`s normal right??

but it gets even better,carefully take a look at the clutch that begins in 6:24,first 2 kills are with the retarded lolstab reach,the third kill is a crazy backpedal lolstab totally doable and after that we see some random kills with spam/jump/lolstab/backpedal/jump/spamlolstab/backpedalspamrightswing,ALL OF THEM WITH 30+  kgr gear


ok,take a look here then

This is Diagonal,a well known 2h hero,first scene is at 1:40 how quick he evades the horseman behind him and with an insta 180 turn he almost kills him (YEAH CAV IS EASYMODE).

Second scene begins in 4:56 where he fights Ujuki,another 2h hero,now keep in mind that they are both are STR build and yet look with what grace they can hugspam/lolstab each other,isn`t it beautiful ??

Now to sum it up.

This thread was clearly made to prove to people that there are more retarded and abuzive classes than lancers.

- lolstabs
- 180 spam swings
- kiting and jumpshots
- unbreakble shields
- left 1h spam
- ghost reach
- pike/lspear hugspam and jump turn 180 thrust (YES STILL EXISTS)


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In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 02:36:47 pm »
Can we hyave a tl;dr version? I got distracted by the pretty pictures

Offline Lord_Panos

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2012, 02:39:44 pm »
My My, a longspear herp,a glaive noob and an ex-2hero - my post,what a relief.  :twisted:
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

Offline Vibe

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2012, 02:39:57 pm »
Not really OP, but definitely one of the more effective classes considering how easy it is to lance unaware people or people that are engaged in a fight. Or just annoy them with bumps (or bumplancing if you're better).

Offline SirCymro_Crusader

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2012, 02:40:43 pm »
Not really OP, but definitely one of the more effective classes considering how easy it is to lance unaware people or people that are engaged in a fight. Or just annoy them with bumps (or bumplancing if you're better).

Pretty much summed up cav

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2012, 02:41:20 pm »
Not really OP, but definitely one of the more effective classes considering how easy it is to lance unaware people or people that are engaged in a fight. Or just annoy them with bumps (or bumplancing if you're better).

battles were won by a simple horse charge in medieval fights.By nerfing to hell cavalry you just miss the point of "realistic" game
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

Offline Vibe

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2012, 02:42:26 pm »
Also, why are you using outdated info?

Spin stabbing is not possible to such extent as you say in your post. Makes your whole post lose credibility.

Offline Lord_Panos

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2012, 02:43:46 pm »
Also, why are you using outdated info?

Spin stabbing is not possible to such extent as you say in your post. Makes your whole post lose credibility.

but still exists,they did not remove the problem they just masked it a bit.
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

Offline SirCymro_Crusader

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2012, 02:44:56 pm »
battles were won by a simple horse charge in medieval fights.By nerfing to hell cavalry you just miss the point of "realistic" game

No they werent. The Batlle of Crecy or Agincourt (can't remember the exact one) depended on archers and superior tactics. The same can be said for Stirling Bridge, where William Wallace with mere peasants slaughtered a heavily armed English Army led by his most successful general. Pikes, and axes won that not cavalry.

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2012, 02:46:15 pm »
I wish I had some videos of


then you would realize how retarded these classes are

Crymoar you just brought up 2 battles out of thousands who took place..
In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2012, 02:48:00 pm »
(click to show/hide)

This is too stupid to answer... even for me. I dont rly feel like trying, since most of this is based on hate, more than facts. Like the 180 spin stab (not possible).

Edit: Gl vibe, but this is based on hate, not facts. U wont get far :P.
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Offline Vibe

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2012, 02:48:59 pm »
1.Pikes/Lspears and their retarded animations.

- Hug hits wat
- Spamming double wat, everyone can spam, only nubs fall to it
- Jump thrusts horse jump thrusts don't exist?

Notice how the long spear passes inside from his enemy but he can make a thrust and land a successful hit..That is just retarded

What?? You want more evidence that pikes/lspears are retarded??
Ok,be my guest

All the action starts from 2:17,his first victim tries to sneak on him,and while he`s like 5 cm`s away from him,booom dieler with an insta 180 turn he penetrates his enemy and then he proceeds to his other victim which he hugs-spam his 245cm and 2.5kg lspear...And after the 2 victims of his watch how sensually he keeps the spamming and 180 turn thrusts...MMMMMM TOTALLY TRUE,but fuck you, if lancers where banned from the game, players  wouldn`t need lspears to play and protect themselves this whole section is pretty stupid considering the spin stab nerf, also the video of dieler is outdated

take a look at this scene 1:17 when he fight 2 other 2hand heroes

YOU CAN SEE IT ALL,LOLSTAB FROM 1CM,HUG SPAM,but i guess that`s normal right??

ok,take a look here then

This is Diagonal,a well known 2h hero,first scene is at 1:40 how quick he evades the horseman behind him and with an insta 180 turn he almost kills him (YEAH CAV IS EASYMODE).

Second scene begins in 4:56 where he fights Ujuki,another 2h hero,now keep in mind that they are both are STR build and yet look with what grace they can hugspam/lolstab each other,isn`t it beautiful ?? there was like one stab in that duel and it can hardly be called a lolstab since it was pretty much at perfect range

This thread was clearly made to prove to people that there are more retarded and abuzive classes than lancers.

- lolstabs wut
- 180 spam swings turnspeed nerf
- kiting and jumpshots
- unbreakble shields never knew 13 shield skill people were dangerous
- left 1h spam want to take away only good 1h attack has?
- ghost reach specific weapon problem, not class
- pike/lspear hugspam and jump turn 180 thrust (YES STILL EXISTS) no it doesn't

« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 02:53:58 pm by Vibe »

Offline Lord_Panos

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2012, 02:50:40 pm »
This is too stupid to answer... even for me. I dont rly feel like trying, since most of this is based on hate, more than facts. Like the 180 spin stab (not possible).


I couldnt care less about a little prick like you,when 2h class got nerfed a bit you started crying and rq the mod.

And I`m just stating the facts and I`m actually try to defend cavalry class.

In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

Offline Lord_Panos

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2012, 02:51:37 pm »

Well you are a 2h,so I wasn`t expecting a different answer.

Edit :

Persians,Mongols,Huns,Cumans,Goths,Visigoths and Ostrogoths are some of the empires that were built because of their supremacy on Cavalry,not melee nor the mighty longbowman (which plenty question its effectivness)

In this community,if you cheat,which is the ultimate crime to do in a game,you can buy a second cd key and everything is fine,but if you troll you get a permaban and be in danger for a second one,fair isn`t it?

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Re: You still think that cavalry is OP??
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2012, 02:53:15 pm »
Where's the cavalry bugs then? Bump-couching, jumping over pikes, horse's body sucking up hits when you're attacking a dehorsed rider, teleporting rider after horse gets killed, shields/blocks taking the damage even if you hit the horse model with you weapon, getting knocked down by horses walking over you, one-hiting madness etc.

I don't mind cav (except for the shields/block sucking up damage that's not even close, and yes, the teleporting), but I like how you skip over all moronic parts of cav and focus on classes you don't like.

My My, a longspear herp,a glaive noob and an ex-2hero - my post,what a relief.  :twisted:

I guess you're talking about me. I don't use long spear, I use pike. Go on a server and attack someone relatively close to you with 'pike'. I'm awaiting a video of your fails that I can use for a 'buff pike' thread :wink:
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.