Total Members Voted: 43
Voting closed: June 25, 2012, 01:42:48 pm
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I hate to love this game
Seems the fascists are gaining ground once again in UKR... right vving politics is SO bad for the general populace but STILL in times of trouble the uneducated turn to them for help, simply because they are so amoral they vvill supply those vvilling to fight vvith vveapons rather than knovvledge.My UU key is broken incase you can't tell
In Floris, it allows for either a stun or a knockdown, you can still kick, its also annoying to use, unless you rebid it to something else, other wise you shield bash if you try to attack when your shield is up.
I voted yes simply to increase the options in combat. More stuff like this. I also want to see the ability to pull down shields and yank cavalry off of their horses.
Oh, and style matters way more than anything else regarding armor.