Okay. Improving what you have here so far is the best option starting with the maps. It would be nice if the maps were balanced more in siege and battle. Spawns,balanced terrain,etc,and kept fresh with QMD feature.
Okay new thought.
chadz prepare to be amazed.
My new idea is a game mode of extraordinary magnitude. It could breach the limits of mount and blade and improve not only the player population,but the game makers themselves.
Here's how it works OBJECTIVES the mapper puts together a series of capture points starting with your spawn. Each map is intricately designed for an assault on both ends.(Battlefield series like ex.) If the capture point is taken you are awarded a lump of EXP. How the spawning would work is similar to siege except it is in one general area then you would have to run back to defend or join the assault to the new objective. The deeper you are the more EXP. awarded from the capture. The game would also be more persistent,a 40 minute round timer or the capture of the enemy stronghold. That is the basic idea..
Logistics People who play CRPG have evolved to the point where one can call there build a class. FRANK THE TANK likes to walk around in siege and drop construction sites.(Engineer) In this game mode all is on the board. You can form a small squad to control a catapult. Build a siege tower to make your area more defensible. Forward spawns to flank the enemy,and make spawning at your captured points easier. Medical tents for healing the injured and survivability. These things which we see once in a blue ass moon will be what wins or looses a battle.
The experience points In this game mode should go back to the roots and use a new system as well. A strait 50 exp per kill and 25 gold. And the capture points on the map will add as a all team,5-10k ish up to 50k for a capture of the enemy spawn. That is all iffy since I am not talking about a 1v1 battle I am talking about a 60v60.(Have a feeling if this game mode existed their would be no problems with the population being low) The EXP. can be adjustable depending on the population on the server.
Repairs I haven't thought how that would fit into this. Only thing I can think of is 10 ticks in 40 minutes and live repairs while still playing and not at the end of the rounds like the other modes. Or repairs on death,less hits,less use=less repairs.
The MAP This map has to be a large set map in the editor. The MAP has to be pretty balanced can't have one side get to a point faster then the other with equal athletics. It needs to be one map that can satisfy anyone and can be played over and over without boring everyone to death. Most important thing would be a flag guard. Pretty much you can't ninja a capture point with out taking the one before it. That would add to people working together more then less. Pretty much the editor would have to sit down take his/her time,test it make it perfect in every way.
Equipment Well wear what you want. KILTSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! chadz add them. Continuing...
Extro I am not sure any of that can be accomplished. Love Macleod
OTHER SHIT New equipment,completely new maps and people who maintain them weekly,BETTER duel SERVER MAPS as in AN ARCHERY RANGE AND JOUSTING AREA,XP/GOLD in Defend the virgin is MORE to balance repairs and time,NO FOG EVER,more new animations,MAKE kick OP again no freezing while kicking
Why should I pay upkeep on my arbalest 1 minute into the round without firing a shot because the round ends? Horses,ARMORED KNIGHTS. WHY GIMP THEM,WHY MAKE THEM NOT WANT TO PLAY because the upkeep is 90k? I say 20 fully plated guys on one team in a battle. I say the Riders on Rohan strike fear into the hearts of men with massive CAV. I say help the economy and these shit loom prices by allowing repairs to be less. WHAT SAY YOU?! is Tydeus the ALLMIGHTY going to bitch about 30 cav on one team. What ever happened to the challenge? IF YOU LOOSE YOU GET BACK UP TRY AGAIN. Everyone needs more of a challenge the game has gotten too easy. FIX IT. *Bows*
OH one last thing make a scrimmage server for clans. That way you can set up scrims like battle in strat.
My new list of shit for the GM's to ignore.
Prolog..I read most of these posts and it simplifies too stamina and game modes,and random crap that isn't even a possible idea. Prolog complete.
1. Only one guy made a very good post for stamina. The use of a sprint. Making it give you a temp boost to athletics. My opinion on that is...that it is a great idea. For one. The athletic boost on it can be a few points nothing major. two. You can nerf the hell out of the recharge speed so it can only be used at a clutch time. AND. It is a sprint I would love to sprint it could be game breaking and very cool. One major downfall to it. People will bitch about it and cry because "IF" you can swing while sprinting it will effect DAMAGE. So make it to where you cannot swing while sprinting. And chadz who the fuck cares if they bitch,I mean really, your fucking chadz,just tell them to suck a corn dog. Oh,and do not use stamina for swinging weapons it will just break combat.
2. Experience points and money. Okay I read several posts on this and I do agree you GM's should change it up for the good of the community and the realm. Try something you had in mind for a while whatever that is. I read chadz,you are going to change it soon I am looking forward to it. My opinion don't wait forever if it fucks up you can always change it back to the way it is now until you fix it.
3.Game Modes. Well you can read my first post on the first page for what I think of that. I guess to make a long story short Conquest would be a great next step to crpg. pretty much all I have to say on this.TBH. A game mode like this with the way crpg is could help bring in more people to the community.
4. Sound.....I was thinking of a Sound.ini complete with sounds and voices for female characters. That men and women can download separately to change it all to female if they wish.
5. Commanding in Battle and siege mode VIP. There has to be a way to get people more organized other then joining a clan and talking on Teamspeak. I am talking a possible in-game Commander with voice (only for the voted commander) or some way to set way points for melee,archers and cavalry. People rarely use the flags and when they do the pubs do not take it seriously at all. The commander can set a way point for all too see with colors for specific classes. Just a thought.
6. People want,I think people should get. Not sure if this is possible,but the people want assists counted on their k/d records to make it K/d/a. AND. They want credit for owning peoples horses. I think.
Finally I just think the GM's need to keep it fresh with all their ideas,and hope to double or triple the community of Crpg by taking chances. Just look at MMusket and what happened to GM's for that game they are sitting on a fat 3.99 check per sale.(guessing). In order to get what that game acquired,chadz will have to pic a new avatar. Something more,something saying hey I am going to rock your socks off,and taleworlds will bow to me in fear or something like that.
Okay this is it for now.