There you go, a decent approximation to a mid-to-late period Roman footman.
The helmet's a bit anachronistic, I'll admit, but the chichak is too ornate though lobster-pot helms are closer to the period. The skutatos' bands detract a little from the hamata look, but still maintains the basic feeling of the Roman chain shirt. While the board shield is not ovular (as were later period scuta), it still offers around the same degree of coverage.
The point of the nordic sword is unlike the gladius, but migration-period swords are the closest you'll get to a Roman gladius.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that you will find nothing really equivalent to pila, the throwing lance is the closest I can think of. You might want to modify which shield you use (maintaining a board shield, but using a lighter one) so you can carry two of them with you.
Personally, I think it would be cool to see a small group of people doing the entire Roman soldier thing in a soldier.