Author Topic: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)  (Read 3800 times)

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state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« on: March 19, 2011, 05:38:57 am »
Help me (the player), and help you (whoever pays for the server).

In the current cRPG build we have a teamwork-oriented game; wonderfully balanced (relative to the old version),
with vastly reduced susceptibility to the old methods of game-ruining and griefing,
primarily due to the mutual benefit everyone gains as a team from working together and winning.
Bravo and kudos to all who contributed to make this change; it's wonderful!

Unfortunately it is not always enough, there are always people who like to 'mess around' in the wrong ways.
current situation on the server:

--rules say: dont hit your team intentionally, and don't leach; every round this happens anyways to some degree

--rules are officially enforced for about 30 minutes a day, on average, when an admin happens to be on,
or by after-the-fact story+screenshot forum threads.

--Players become frustrated by leachers and griefers (intentional team hitters) because it is costing them EXP/gold (TIME),
so either leave (and don't donate), or retaliate vigilante style.

All of this is nothing new, and would be no reason for me to start a thread, except it has come to my attention that now admins are occasionally telling people
"retaliating in any way is just as bad (bannable) as the original offender"
All fine and good, except 90% of the time there is no admin around to keep the server from descending into chaos,
and posting after-reports of offending players is something of a joke; even if the person is banned, how will they learn from their mistake?
So when players try to regulate 'in the moment' (in-game vigilantesque), and are then later called out for it by admin(s), you can see how this might seem a bit hypocritical.
And nobody likes a hypocrite; certainly not the people of means to donate to the server; they'll just go play something that doesn't induce more rage into their lives [than they asked for].

I applaud recent admin presence on NA siege; Nindur, TS_ admins and whoever else... but it is just not quite enough sometimes.

Thanks for reading my rant and I'll axe you in game.  :mrgreen:

Can we get an updated sticky with info. about where to donate to NA servers?
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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2011, 06:19:32 am »
Help me (the player), and help you (whoever pays for the server).

In the current cRPG build we have a teamwork-oriented game; wonderfully balanced (relative to the old version),
with vastly reduced susceptibility to the old methods of game-ruining and griefing,
primarily due to the mutual benefit everyone gains as a team from working together and winning.
Bravo and kudos to all who contributed to make this change; it's wonderful!

Unfortunately it is not always enough, there are always people who like to 'mess around' in the wrong ways.
current situation on the server:

--rules say: dont hit your team intentionally, and don't leach; every round this happens anyways to some degree

--rules are officially enforced for about 30 minutes a day, on average, when an admin happens to be on,
or by after-the-fact story+screenshot forum threads.

--Players become frustrated by leachers and griefers (intentional team hitters) because it is costing them EXP/gold (TIME),
so either leave (and don't donate), or retaliate vigilante style.

All of this is nothing new, and would be no reason for me to start a thread, except it has come to my attention that now admins are occasionally telling people
"retaliating in any way is just as bad (bannable) as the original offender"
All fine and good, except 90% of the time there is no admin around to keep the server from descending into chaos,
and posting after-reports of offending players is something of a joke; even if the person is banned, how will they learn from their mistake?
So when players try to regulate 'in the moment' (in-game vigilantesque), and are then later called out for it by admin(s), you can see how this might seem a bit hypocritical.
And nobody likes a hypocrite; certainly not the people of means to donate to the server; they'll just go play something that doesn't induce more rage into their lives [than they asked for].

I applaud recent admin presence on NA siege; Nindur, TS_ admins and whoever else... but it is just not quite enough sometimes.

Thanks for reading my rant and I'll axe you in game.  :mrgreen:

Can we get an updated sticky with info. about where to donate to NA servers?

You're right about alot, but admins are human and can only to react to what they see. SO if they see red text on the bottom left of their screen, then they issue a warning to the offender  if it wasn't obviously a battle casualty. If someone types "hey this guy is team killing me", or "hey this guy is leeching" that helps your case alot more than going vigilante and facing concequences yourself. Admins like to play the game to have fun, not babysit the players! NA admins are not paid and are there when they can be. What an average player can do is

1. Try and locate an admin (either in the server or playing in a similar NA server)
2. Screenshot and post

I would say teamkilling in self defense is a last resort.

If you can't locate an admin immediately and do have steam, try and send me a message at doc_barber (that's the account name anyways, Duster is the name that I show up as), I'm on at odd hours of the day. It is the right of every player to play without having to worry about his experienced being spoiled by a determined griefer.

P.S. I'm not sure where a thread is (Nindur get on it man) but all donations sent to [email protected] go directly to keeping the 80 man, siege and strategus servers alive. We need 100 dollars a month, so any and all donations are appreciated.(I just recently donated my first 20$, feels good man!!)

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2011, 03:52:00 pm »
Been gone for a week but i patrol the siege server often and enforce the rules their very often. be back soon.
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Braeden - Clanless maybe? or Free Peasant not sure - Rarely plays, plus might be retarded
Tydeus - Nord EU Scum - Hates adminning

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2011, 04:02:04 pm »
You can add me on steam: Steam ID evanhowse

I spend several hours per day sitting in spec on the siege server, so you might not think there is an admin there but I'm creepin.....

And some of those numbers your putting up are just wrong.....30 minutes per day with an admin on......90% of the time theres no admin...

I'm literally on the server for 3 or more hours per day, and I make myself available to everyone through steam at anytime of the day.

So again, add me on steam @ evanhowse

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2011, 06:13:36 am »
Nindur I don't think his estimation is off by much tbh.  Maybe the difference is admins on siege that log in as admin?  Or an admin that actually does some admin'n? I don't know but when I first came back to crpg I can tell you there was never an admin around when you needed one the most.  People knew it too and went nuts alot of times.  I did have this one ss i took 3 nights back of one guy with 4 tks.  He was just attacking away no admin on.  I deleted it once I learned that most admins attitude was I didn't see it so IDC.  Or well i'll give him a warning.  LOL I'd give him much more.  So i figured why bother delete.

This is one of the reason I don't seige alot tbh.  That and I feel it lowers my iq.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2011, 02:49:35 pm »
If I'm on IRC, I'm normally available to jump in siege if needed.

Though I wouldn't normally play there, because I kind of hate it.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 07:23:28 pm »
Are you admins for the NA battle servers also? Because I will add you to steam and expect me to call. I play Battle during the afternoon on the west coast and I never see admins.
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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2011, 07:25:19 pm »
You can add my steam as well, or just jump into the PxC channel and let me know that something is going on in a server that needs taking care of.
Steam:  Vap0rWare (that's a zero)
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 04:42:35 am »
Necromancy, because this is a problem still/again.

Things are generally out of hand and griefers abound. (especially on weekends, yes I am rageposting on a Saturday night luls)
Grief causes stress, stress is physically harmful to people.
The game itself causes enough stress as it is.

Hailp me NA server Gods; you're my only hope!

There are just not enough admins who actually regularly play on the NA siege server.
More admins would help.
Voting being on more often would help.
As it is, an admin will join and (rarely) enable voting, but more often they disable it then don't turn it back on after they quit.
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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 04:59:53 am »
There are plenty of admins that regular the siege server for multiple hours a day. In regards to team-killing anyone who plays siege(especially admins) know how hard it is to discern intentional team damage from just plain old siege craziness. You claim admins are only on the siege server for 30 minutes a day. That is clearly not true. If you want to report an issue, and have it dealt with use the "I" chat to report it to an admin. It also helps to state which team YOU and the OFFENDER are on. Otherwise admins end up having to hold tab to figure out if the complaint is just general whining or legitimate. I'm not saying siege isn't chaotic, because it is. However it's not due to lack of admins or admins not doing their job. The best way to keep the server in order is to not provoke things in chat, and to report things to admins in a clear way. Then be patient as the admin works out the problem.

TL;DR: Admins work plenty hard enough to try to keep order on the siege so everyone can have a fun time, but part of  that order relies on the players being cooperative.

EDIT: And as for voting. I leave it on when I leave, but it's abused so much that I end up having to come in and turn it off. Community needs to be more mature about using the polling system or at least discuss in chat whether or not a person deserves a poll before the poll...polls for polls. Interesting idea in my opinion.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:03:19 am by Geon »

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 05:12:55 am »
I play, often on siege, either on Malaclypse or one of my many alts, typically between the hours of 12am-5am CST, and there are rarely if ever admins on during that duration, it feels like.
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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2011, 05:18:28 am »
I typically tend to be on until at least 1am PST. These are NA servers having admins on that late is kind of unrealistic. People have lives, and usually there is only a small number of people on past the time I leave.

Offline chaosegg

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2011, 05:26:33 am »
NA Siege almost never goes below 20-30 players at any time, on any day of the week.

I'm not asking the current admins to be on more- I'm asking (begging really) for a realistic solution to the problem,
which is that the server pretty much needs an admin on all the time.
Edit: or kick/tempban voting needs to be enabled.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 05:29:36 am by chaosegg »
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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2011, 05:44:47 am »
I don't believe you read my post. Polls are almost always on. They almost cause more problems than they are worth though. I agree the siege server pretty much needs an admin on, but that's only due to the lack of maturity. Dealing with people can be quite frustrating at sometimes. Since you end up saying "Please do not intentionally team-wound/kill - or leech" about 15 times a day. That's what comes with the job though. If admins were just to kick someone every time they got a complaint about the person the siege server wouldn't be that fun. It's up to the server admins to decide whether or not we actually need more admins to control people or not. From my perspective I think we do a fine job at keeping the peace though.

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Re: state of the NA siege server (more admins needed)
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2011, 06:31:22 am »
I totally agree with the OP.

Then when someone goes vigilante style to calm those griefer that "griefer" take the opportunity to turn shit to his advantage and its the legit player that end up suffering from his bullshit.