Author Topic: Banned from NA servers for playing the game fairly with fun builds.  (Read 3467 times)

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Re: Banned from NA servers for playing the game fairly with fun builds.
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2012, 04:48:04 am »
But it's against the rules to just run into the enemy team and die... do the rules really need to make this game harder to play for peasants than it already is?

Die at the beginning, banned for rushing in.  Be alive at the end, banned for wasting everyone's time because you're not going to accomplish anything.

Yeah that's just great.  Cav players rush to the spawn for kills, sometimes they get killed, no ban for them.  Tom Cruise the last samurai is the last alive against 20 players, not having anything the entire round up to that point, no ban for him...

He's a thrower, so he throws shit, once he's out of ammo he goes to fetch a weapon and team up with other team mates if possible, but for fuck sake don't go running around until all your ammo are either into someone or a shield, its ridiculous.
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