Author Topic: decreasing inflation  (Read 4859 times)

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #15 on: April 17, 2012, 05:11:32 pm »
Remind me why inflation is such a bad thing again?  Seems to me it helps low gen players who need money for equipment/repairs.  As long as the market is stable in one direction it helps people invest in looms and turn a gold profit later.

The only people it doesn't help directly are the people with low gold who don't plan on retiring.  Yet...they get the benefit of high levels, so again, why is inflation such a bad thing?

It is a bad thing because it changes the metagame. Everything you can buy from the game with gold (aka, fixed price) becomes worthless. At the moment it's only items and upkeep, the latter being quite a central game mechanic (even though I would personally prefer seeing it gone).
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 05:13:11 pm by Kafein »

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #16 on: April 17, 2012, 05:11:41 pm »
Remind me why inflation is such a bad thing again?  Seems to me it helps low gen players who need money for equipment/repairs.  As long as the market is stable in one direction it helps people invest in looms and turn a gold profit later.

The only people it doesn't help directly are the people with low gold who don't plan on retiring.  Yet...they get the benefit of high levels, so again, why is inflation such a bad thing?

you mean profit in terms of having money to pay upkeep?  because a profit to buy other heirlooms is practically non existent,  as the HL prices rise.  so every second you are not invested in a good heirloom,  makes you loose money
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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2012, 05:15:19 pm »
Remind me why inflation is such a bad thing again?  Seems to me it helps low gen players who need money for equipment/repairs. 

Eventually the "no upkeep" workaround (not fix) will not be able to keep up with the prices, and will have to be extended.

In-game currency is losing its value at a pretty high rate. Even the no-upkeep until level 25 thing is going to start affecting the peasants, since they have no way of building a large enough gold stockpile (even with heirloom sales) fast enough to keep up with the market.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 05:16:57 pm by Dexxtaa »
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Offline Kafein

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2012, 05:16:21 pm »
This money comes out of nowhere. At least in the old gold system, it would simulate us actually looting gold from the bodies we killed. Now we can literally hide in a barrel and somehow pull gold from butt fuck nowhere.

Well it doesn't feel the same but the old system with a marketplace would also see inflation. The money comes from nowhere because when you get that money, nobody else loses it. A game without inflation would work like that, with winners taking money from losers, people being paid when you spend on upkeep... That kind of things.

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2012, 05:18:02 pm »
Well it doesn't feel the same but the old system with a marketplace would also see inflation. The money comes from nowhere because when you get that money, nobody else loses it. A game without inflation would work like that, with winners taking money from losers, people being paid when you spend on upkeep... That kind of things.

But then again, we got gold at a REALLY slow rate. So it was worth more. But yes, you're right that the money still came out of nowhere.
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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2012, 05:20:46 pm »
People already have gold coming out of their ears, I know that I haven't worried about gold or upkeep in like.. 15 generations.  The metagame side regarding gear upkeep is already borked and has been for ages.  Future inflation isn't going to make that problem any worse than it already is.

you mean profit in terms of having money to pay upkeep?  because a profit to buy other heirlooms is practically non existent,  as the HL prices rise.  so every second you are not invested in a good heirloom,  makes you loose money
But whenever HL prices rise other looms rise with it.  Almost anything you buy now will likely gain value in the future, IE you will gain gold.  Of course the value of gold in the market will diminish, but all you need to do is sell one loom point and you're back in the "game".

In-game currency is losing its value at a pretty high rate. Even the no-upkeep until level 25 thing is going to start affecting the peasants, since they have no way of building a large enough gold stockpile (even with heirloom sales) fast enough to keep up with the market.

But all a gen 1 player needs to do is retire, and bam whatever the current going rate for heirloom points are, that's how much gold they can make if they sell it.  Regardless of the going rate, they should be able to buy a different +1 on the market for cheaper AND still have gold left-over to cover repair costs.  The higher heirloom prices go, the greater this margin will likely be and the more excess gold these new players will likely have.

If anything new players are helped the most with the inflation.
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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2012, 05:33:29 pm »
MrShine is right in a lot of ways there is basically nothing wrong with inflation as long as it's stable. It actually helps new players at the moment, you sell your gen 1 loompoint and bam 600k, they won't have to worry about gold anymore, go buy a +1 on market for 400k and still have enough leftover to try out any weapon or armour they fancy.

The ONLY bad thing about inflation is that it erodes the strength of maintanence as a balance mechanic. It becomes trivial to finance being an expensive cavalry or plate crutcher which is why you are seeing so many more of them now. The solution to this is for the devs to raise all current item prices, I would say by 50% to start, so things return to where they were  a few months ago.

Interestingly, it seems prices have fallen the past month or so. Loom prices were 625-700k and now have fallen to 550-625k. More people selling instead of self looming perhaps? Drop off in demand now after there was a spike due to new armours being release?

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2012, 05:42:49 pm »
Doing it like that will have no effect until we reach the fixed heirloom price, then it will kill heirloom point sellers and nerf retirement even further than it is now.

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2012, 06:23:12 pm »
The only way to influence worth of money is changing repair cost AND the usefulness of wearing armor.

In the long run Loompoints will lose value and cost less gold, but on the other hand it depends how much gold is SAVED through player.
Some may spend more then they get and some spend less.

Allowing player to buy Loompoints would change nothing.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 06:24:20 pm by Khalim »

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2012, 07:36:18 pm »
The only way to solve this issue would be to add goldsinks.

Add an option to respec for 500k instead of using xp, increasingly more expensive the higher level and/or more you use it.  Add status items that cost ridiculous amounts of gold but look amazing.

These are stupid ideas that wont work for a number of reasons, but they do show my point.

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #25 on: April 17, 2012, 07:38:45 pm »
yes!! add this superstyler helmet in the shop for 2 million!!!

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Offline Angantyr

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #26 on: April 17, 2012, 07:42:01 pm »
Loom prices seem to have dropped again slightly the last few weeks to about 600k for a loom, where last month they topped with 800k and most were sold in the 650-700k range.

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #27 on: April 17, 2012, 07:47:10 pm »
The solution is actually quite simple everyone, I don't know why no one's brought this up.

Just have chadz take a few thousand gold from every one of us, and give it to the admins, so they can fix the economy.

Duhhh  :rolleyes:

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #28 on: April 17, 2012, 07:57:01 pm »
The only way to solve this issue would be to add goldsinks.

Add an option to respec for 500k instead of using xp, increasingly more expensive the higher level and/or more you use it.  Add status items that cost ridiculous amounts of gold but look amazing.

These are stupid ideas that wont work for a number of reasons, but they do show my point.

As an economist, this guy has it right.

OP: fixed price will only decrease the price of the looms while leaving the rest of the items, like weapons, armor etc still inflating to crazy levels. it will fix nothing.

This suggestion is right. We need optional money dumps or new money dumps NOT connected to already existing futures. A good suggestion I saw from another thread is adding a level 4 loom for 5m gold or so. It won't hurt any already existing market and hugely hit inflation as thousands of players try to get 5m gold to upgrade their favorite weapon just to dump it out of the circulation. It could fix inflation within a week, maybe less.

A bigger suggestion that I have, which could work without creating huge turmoil in the market: make prices variable according to demand. if a lot of people are buying a weapon, the weapon's price should go up, if nobody is buying it for a lot of time, make it go down etc. This will give incentive to buy weapons at lower prices to sell when the prices go higher. It will, essentially, create a stock market where people will want to give their gold for weapons even when they don't have a direct need for them.

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Re: decreasing inflation
« Reply #29 on: April 17, 2012, 08:07:59 pm »
yeah imo more goldsinks are the answer, pay a million gold to name an item, full namechange for 50k, also re:loompoint prices, if there was a system to sell them on the ingame market i'm pretty sure the price would drop