However my ban is "only" 24 hours, I would at least like to explain myself. Here is a chronological list of events that unraveled yesterday that lead to myself wailing on EarthdForce's head while he was on my team.
-Myself and most of MB is attacking on NA 2, the Siege server, EarthdForce is on our team
-I'm nonchalantly walking up to the side door with ~3 people working on breaking it down
-EarthdForce and another MB were two of the three people working on the door
-I'm waiting behind them all because on a small door there isn't room for 4 people
-EarthdForce Teamkilled the person next to him, which was the MB member, it appeared intentional
-After teamkilling the MB member next to him on the door he moved over as to get a better position on the door (Which I suppose is why he did it, however I don't really know for sure)
-I proceeded to wail on the back of his head with my sword
However intentional Teamkilling / Teamwounding is obviously against the rules I would request that admins look back at the logs, I didn't screenshot him teamkilling the MB member because it wasn't all that big of a deal, I shrugged it off and I figured it was a fair trade; one of my clanmate's lives for some of EarthdForce's.. apparently I was wrong. I don't condone what I did, nor should anyone else. All I ask is that an admin will at least take my story into account, and will hopefully consider unbanning me. Thank you for taking the time to read this.