Personally, I'd like to see a much smaller map rotation. Currently, the same maps play around the same time each day, and since I play at the same times, it seems like I'm always playing a bunch of maps I don't particularly like.
I think it'd be nice if we could trim this map list down from 64 maps to 40 maps, and split those 40 between the 80 and 100 man for a faster map rotation. I'd much prefer to have a significantly smaller list of maps that were GREAT maps, rather than a whole bunch of maps that are "meh, it's ok."
I'd also like to see a new system of implementing new maps. Under this "new" system, the map would be placed on the server, and at the same time, a post would be made here, with a screenshot of said map, and a poll to see how the community likes it. If more than 50% of the community dislikes the map, scrap it. If under 50% dislikes the map, but still more than 25-49% dislikes it, take note of comments in the post, and look into fixing what problems the map has.
Below are my nominations. I am of the opinion that ALL CLASSES should be able to be used on all maps. This doesn't mean it has to be easy for them, or that the map should be weighted in any particular classes favor. I feel that the best maps have something for everyone. Sporadic cover for melee classes to duck behind, open ranges for cav to maneuver, and perches/cover for ranged classes.
Nominations for removal:
The Docks - Don't like it. It's old, and with the new XP system, just doesn't flow well imo.
Darkness Caverns aka Moria - Too many problems to list. Cav impossible to use.
City Siege - Not enough cover on side routes. Only 2 side routes available. Entire map is 1 HUGE chokepoint.
Two Forts - Map concept encourages both teams to camp their own fort. Concepts with a fort in middle are best, imo.
Street Revolt - Not enough room to maneuver a horse on any portion of the map, only 1 alt route - should have at least 2.
Bariyye - Don't like the concept/Makes cav impossible to use.
Sky Castle - Too many problems to go into - was covered in a previous post.
Bay Keep - Can't play cav at all effectively, lots of clipping issues with people able to hide inside the ground.
Border Forts - Same as Two forts - promotes camping by both teams.
Snowy Wastes - Too large, fog is a problem.
Sandcastle - One side can use cav, the other cannot get a horse out of spawn area.
Horseshoe - I'm just not a fan of the map - No offense to the creator. Too cluttered, imo.
Hillside - Again, no screaming issues with the map, just not a fan.
Screaming Trees - Too many invisible obstacles, FPS issues.
Yalen - Too cluttered/tight, very little open ground.
These removals would get our map list down from 64 to 49, which is pretty good, I think.