Author Topic: NA_Battle_Community (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)  (Read 8935 times)

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NA_Battle_Community (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« on: March 12, 2011, 11:46:04 pm »
UPDATE: Provided by Nasturnium, a public vote poll:

Use this thread to nominate maps that need to be updated or removed.

Bugs or even disliking a map are reasons to nominate one.
DO NOT DISCUSS MAPS HERE, THIS IS A NOMINATION ONLY THREAD. I'm creating a separate thread to deal with discussion. Any posts without nominations will be deleted.

If the map creator wants to update a picture just send me a PM.
Maps are not in any particular order.

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« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 08:44:05 pm by Punisher »
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 12:15:17 am »
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2011, 12:16:21 am »
Reserved just in case :p
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Is the new world rising, from the shambles of the old
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2011, 06:58:04 am »
Ok, here goes.

I vote the following out:

Sakura Islands - two small islands with one tree for cover. No thanks.
Bariyye - one team always starts with the high ground, too unbalanced.
Sky Castle - just weird and unbalanced. One team can get to the top tower first and shoot other team as they exit the only door available
Caverns/Moria - Too buggy and few path options. I don't think this type of map can be made successfully with the limited tools provided.
Forest Bridge - One bridge. Worked with the old xp system but now its just no fun. I admit it is a personal preference that I do not like forced pathways(bridges, tunnels) with few options.

Edited my post with new stuff. These are minor problems solved in five minutes but I think need fixing:

Ice Age - I'm fine with the map but please change the blue snow.
Snowy Wastes - People get lost constantly. All I ask is for some rough paths to guide us.
Border Forts - There's a section along one side by the secondary fort no one uses where the ground and hill is jacked up. The mapper didn't bother to smooth or flatten that area. So we have jagged peaks and a hole you cannot get out of.
Entrenched Encampment - The spawn within the tents has one spot where you cannot get out.
Cathedral - Block the entire roof area. People have discovered you can ladder up there but no one can get to you.

Note for my map Misty Mountain Hop. I actually submitted a redesign the other day. So hopefully that will replace the current map, which I do not care for myself.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 11:07:09 pm by Kung Fu Jesus »
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2011, 07:10:58 am »
I would place a vote to oust:

Sakura Islands: Same reason as above.
Sky Castle: This map tends to kill the server population, drops 20+ every time it gets to it.
Misty Mountain Hop:  Too much hill, everybody but camping archers hates hills.

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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2011, 02:43:52 pm »
First of all, I should probably state that I realize this list is rather long. Second, I think it's worth stating that I strongly believe quality is more important than quantity, especially when the rotation for the 100 man takes nearly 24 hours to complete. Finally, this took me a considerably long amount of time to write up and I gave every map a good deal of thought before posting. That being said, I hope no one holds any grudges against me for my comments on their maps and just because I didn't post something nice about a map I criticized, doesn't necessarily mean I hate or dislike it in it's entirety.

Remove Requests:
River Village(Just kidding :x)
Cathedral: Don't like the concept, poorly optimized for what it is.
Darkness Caverns aka Moria: Buggy even after several failed attempts to fix things, terrible concept(except for the cages where I propose a map should be made of nothing but hanging cages).
Burning of the Ships: Serious balance issues and the keep at one of the team's spawn points was a horrible idea.
City Siege: Poor optimization, everyone I know gets frame dips on the bridge, can't say I care for the concept(Maybe if the sides had more cover, flanking tends to be quite a dangerous idea), duplicate of the better Forest Bridge map.
Tulbuk's Pass: I hate how this map plays. One team has a marginally more strategic position on their hill than the other. This always nets me a loss when I'm on said team as my teammates only want to camp.
Bariyye: Don't have a shield? Get Fucked. Too catered to ranged, horses are completely unusable, 2hers/poles become target dummies any time they pull out their weapons. Unbalanced, one team can reach the highest area before the other.
Sky Castle: Get this shit out of here, please, it's fucking terrible. Completely unbalanced, useless areas which are a waste of time, camping rooms which get used far too often because of the balance problems, etc...
Bay Keep: Don't like the fact that Horses can't be used here, every class should be usable on any given map. 2h/pole athletics builds are at a huge disadvantage, the only places that provide cover impede their movement speed for some reason(the keep).
Misty Mountain Hop: Horses are unusable, far too many hills, all infantry get boned.
Hillside:I hate how this map plays, concept is kinda cool on paper but it just doesn't work out when you play it.
Screaming Trees: Wost optimized map I have ever experienced, I'm lucky just getting above 70 fps. The length of the map is unnecessary and can be shortened to increase fps, much of the foliage can be removed to the same effect as there are enough trees to provide cover and foliage doesn't help quite so much.(Leaving this here rather than in the Update Request section as there are quite a lot of things that need removed)

Update Requests:
Forest Bridge: Fix the invisible trees.
Town Battle: Figure out a way to add cover from ranged or remove the map. 2h/poles are vulnerable from greater than 180degrees once they push past the first building on their side.
Yalen: Balance the map, if you're going to make a symmetrical map, actually make it symmetrical. Just make the map 3 bottlenecks instead of 2.
Two Forts: Terribly optimized, even though I stay above 70 fps 100% of the time, I get input lag any time I dip below 120.
Frontier:One team can reach the fort much earlier than the other, thus causing balance issues.
Blue Bells and Beech Trees: Balance issues.
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2011, 10:42:09 pm »
I Nominate to REMOVE

Snowy Wastes - This map is way to large in general.  Also unbalanced as one team can get into that tower faster than the other can and it's the only real non tree cover on the map.  Generally speaking in this map the large size is not the problem by itself but any time you get a good fog rolling I have literally seen rounds draw on for 3-4 more mins because whole groups of people get lost.  It is a very real problem on this map due to the snow being white and the size of the map.

Cathedral - What I like to call the Satanic church of lava.  First of all seems like the hospitallers might worship the devil, having built a church on a volcano, and that offends me as I do like Satan worshipers.  Also again I feel this map is too large and it feels even larger when because it's not open.  You add a low server pop to it and watch people scatter and it's hard to find them.  I also think the upstairs archer point is silly.

Caverns/Moria - I think this bug has too many bugs to salvage.  It's easy to get stuck in places or ported outside of the map which will usually earn you a kick.  It's kinda sad b/c in a way I really like if it could get a serious and i mean serious overhaul maybe it could stay around but for now I think it should go.
Sky Castle - Either Remove it or delete the lower 1/2 of the map.  This map is unbalanced, weird, and I just don't like it.  Also and I know they are supposed to be illegal but to many people use construction sites in too many places to abuse this map.

Misty Mountain Hop - Map is way to hilly and caters to range.  Totally unbalanced as one side has two towers to hold and the other side has 1 tower which is just as close to the side spawn which has the two towers. 

Field 2 - This map can't be saved and must be removed.  First off this map breeds trolls.  People that aren't trolls play this map and become them because apparently the urge to use the small walkway by one spawn is just too irresistible to not abuse their team with.  I know admins are supposed to kick these abusers but they never do for whatever reasons.  Some guys do it so much they really need a ban ootl comes to mind a few of them.   Also people just fall of it b/c they get in hurray or miss step that is not fair.  I have seen up to 8 people fall from that and most die right at the start of the map. 

Also what I see happening more and more especially with a lower pop like 30 or under anyone with a horse stays out of most fights if they think their team will lose and just wait for the flag to pop.  Then they run to the flag and always win.  I know this a viable way to win a map but when I have 7 athletics and I'm only 1/2 from the bridge spawn to the other side and the flag pops I just make it up that hill by the time the horse guy has capped it.  The flag could be move I guess but that whole back area needs to be removed from it.  Also the super hill which is often camped makes the map very not fun for the bridge spawn team again as the other team always takes it first it is much nearer to them. 

« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 06:57:23 am by Felagunda »

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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2011, 10:48:11 pm »
I vote the following out:

Sakura Islands - two small islands with one tree for cover. No thanks.
Bariyye - one team always starts with the high ground, too unbalanced.
Sky Castle - just weird and unbalanced. One team can get to the top tower first and shoot other team as they exit the only door available
Caverns/Moria - Too buggy and few path options. I don't think this type of map can be made successfully with the limited tools provided.

+1 to remove those 4 maps for mostly the same reasons.

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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2011, 12:37:44 am »
Personally, I'd like to see a much smaller map rotation. Currently, the same maps play around the same time each day, and since I play at the same times, it seems like I'm always playing a bunch of maps I don't particularly like.

I think it'd be nice if we could trim this map list down from 64 maps to 40 maps, and split those 40 between the 80 and 100 man for a faster map rotation. I'd much prefer to have a significantly smaller list of maps that were GREAT maps, rather than a whole bunch of maps that are "meh, it's ok."

I'd also like to see a new system of implementing new maps. Under this "new" system, the map would be placed on the server, and at the same time, a post would be made here, with a screenshot of said map, and a poll to see how the community likes it. If more than 50% of the community dislikes the map, scrap it. If under 50% dislikes the map, but still more than 25-49% dislikes it, take note of comments in the post, and look into fixing what problems the map has.

Below are my nominations. I am of the opinion that ALL CLASSES should be able to be used on all maps. This doesn't mean it has to be easy for them, or that the map should be weighted in any particular classes favor. I feel that the best maps have something for everyone. Sporadic cover for melee classes to duck behind, open ranges for cav to maneuver, and perches/cover for ranged classes.

Nominations for removal:

The Docks - Don't like it. It's old, and with the new XP system, just doesn't flow well imo.
Darkness Caverns aka Moria - Too many problems to list. Cav impossible to use.
City Siege - Not enough cover on side routes. Only 2 side routes available. Entire map is 1 HUGE chokepoint.
Two Forts - Map concept encourages both teams to camp their own fort. Concepts with a fort in middle are best, imo.
Street Revolt - Not enough room to maneuver a horse on any portion of the map, only 1 alt route - should have at least 2.
Bariyye - Don't like the concept/Makes cav impossible to use.
Sky Castle - Too many problems to go into - was covered in a previous post.
Bay Keep - Can't play cav at all effectively, lots of clipping issues with people able to hide inside the ground.
Border Forts - Same as Two forts - promotes camping by both teams.
Snowy Wastes - Too large, fog is a problem.
Sandcastle - One side can use cav, the other cannot get a horse out of spawn area.
Horseshoe - I'm just not a fan of the map - No offense to the creator. Too cluttered, imo.
Hillside - Again, no screaming issues with the map, just not a fan.
Screaming Trees - Too many invisible obstacles, FPS issues.
Yalen - Too cluttered/tight, very little open ground.

These removals would get our map list down from 64 to 49, which is pretty good, I think.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 01:33:33 am by Heroin »
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2011, 05:40:22 am »
Two Forts - Map concept encourages both teams to camp, just a bad idea, long dragged out matchs
Darkness Caverns aka Moria - Too many problems to list. Cav impossible to use
Hillside - i dont like runing up hill 90% of the time, it just a bad idea to only fight on a hill
Border Forts - Same as Two forts - promotes camping by both teams
City Siege - to closed in, choke point fight
SnowyWastes - takes to long to fide the other guys, 1 min walk WTF
The Docks - Don't like it. to many boats, side path is crap. just seems to old and dosnt flow right

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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2011, 05:57:01 am »
sakura islands and all the meat grinder maps [the one with one giant bridge leading across a river and the small underpass beneath it]

snowy wastes - hey lets take this giant pointless map from native and put a tower on it so we can claim its our map

the general theme of maps should be divided on between servers. More open maps on the 80 and tight urban maps on 100 so archers/cav and inf can have separate derp fests
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 06:00:27 am by MrShovelFace »
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2011, 07:01:31 am »
Guys discussion is great but it makes it hard for me to count up the nominations. I'd like to keep this thread more for listing what you nominate as opposed to chatter.

So far Sky Castle and Darkness Caverns have reached 5 (or above) votes. They'll be taken down and sent back to their owners. There are quite a few maps at 4 votes as well.
edit: overflow votes will count towards the next time a map is updated, to ensure that the update actually means something.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 07:03:43 am by Airith »
And our time is flyin' see the candle burnin' low
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #12 on: March 14, 2011, 11:26:33 am »
I registered just to post in this thread thanks a lot felagunda you dick

Cathedral - ridiculously out of proportion architecture, boring corridor combat, and a centerpiece that shits on framerate.
Blood Arena - fuck this map. Fuck water, fuck tower camping, fuck wide open, get cav or range spammed combat
Forest Bridge - antiquated and boring range fest with invisible trees? Yeah, get rid of it
Bay keep - spawns in direct line of site and within horse jump of each other, spend most of the time in cramped rooms/on cramped walkways as well as traveling up or down or on magic slowdown textures. Not fun.
Misty mountain hop - Again, senseless elevation changes and layout, not only does the map make no sense but its not fun to walk at min speed while the ranged sit more or less in their spawn plinking at each other.
Sandcastle - the main combat areas are completely uninteresting open spaces AND the map shits all over framerates in spite of being tiny.

2fort - too much shit on the periphery for its own good, too many trees down river and too much useless space upriver
field2 - the team at the bottom of the hill is at an immense disadvantage, they get shit for cover and as such are at the mercy of the enemy cav and ranged the entire game
blue balls beach trees - the ewok bullshit is too easily camped and makes a fairly interesting map a lame corridor grind
screaming trees - love the concept, but the framerate dips and a lot of the trees have retarded invisible clipping meshes.
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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2011, 06:42:37 am »
Sakura Islands - There is no cover other than 1 tree and one team has a larger island.

The Docks - Its just a really slow paced map and there's always 1-2 ranged players holding the round up.

Snowy Wastes - If this is the map i'm thinking it is, it takes 2 minutes just to get from the spawn to the middle.

Field 2 - Move the spawn or add a bigger bridge. Theres always 4-5 people every round falling off or being pushed off. Team with the high ground wins most of the time.

River valley - Another unbalanced map. One team has cover by the river and the other doesn't. Good map other wise and would be easy to fix.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 06:47:41 am by BcBKC »

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Re: NA/North America (100/80) Map Listing (With Screenshots)
« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2011, 04:05:12 pm »
Only 5 votes to remove a map? meh, careful we do not end up with only 5 maps...
I would like to thank map makers even authors of the maps I am going to nominate for removal.

City Seige - bridge fight, too big.

Forest Bridge - sensing a theme - and now with bugs.

Sakura Islands

Tulbuk's Pass - YOU walk that FN mountainous terrain.


Ice age

Bay Keep

Border Forts

Misty Mountain Hop

« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 04:06:35 pm by Zisa »
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